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Load Game Run Time Error


Feb 7, 2006
Jet City
Hello Fellow Die Hard Civ 5 Fans:

Mods: If this thread does not belong please move it or delete it.

I am running into a load game error on my laptop. I rebooted my laptop twice and had all the updates installed etc. When I start Steam it will open up with the option box where I choose to use DX 10/11. The program loads up and the game screen will come up with the options of single, multiplayer, load game, etc. I hit load game and choose my game which I want to continue with. Then a window pops up and says Run Time Error C++ Library DX11.exe .... perhaps not word for word verbatim but a message like this pops up. Can't continue. You hit close or the upper right x in the corner and the entire program closes. I thought rebooting would fix this but has not perhaps today when I get a chance to look at it again it will open.

Also...I have been able to start a new game. So the program works and the game plays...meaning a completely NEW game. So with this ... the new game in operations I hit the menu button and choose load game or perhaps I have to go back to main menu and then choose load game. I choose the game which I want to load...the one I can't open...and the same window error message pops up.

Other than saying this is a MSFT problem or a Win 8 OS problem have you guys on the forum come across this before while loading games.

When I closed the game down last I did a proper save.

Any thoughts would be great.


Brew God
This problem has been seen when trying to load modded games. Do your save files use mods?

Moderator Action: Moving to Civ5 - Tech Support .

Yes this particular game has mods loaded. Never knew. Dang It. Loved the map and game. Now I know.

Brew God
Try this: Start a new game and load the mods that are used by your save game. Then try to load the modded save game. Does that work?
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