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LotR24 - French Menagerie

No, I realize I'm up. Just nothing more to say. And still at work, so I can't play yet. I'm hoping to be playing in 40 minutes, but we'll see how things fare on the home front, when I arrive.

I thought about passing, but I want to build at least one panzer myself. :)

I'm exhausted. Save here now. Pictures and story tomorrow.

Short version: Killed probably 200 Justinian troops. Next player should have really easy romp over what's left.



  • LotR24 AD-1780.CivBeyondSwordSave
    641.7 KB · Views: 60
The amphibious redcoats were the first active units. Well, after destroyers bombed. Enough were healed to....

which oddly immediately caused

which I'm guessing is the "worker capture bug" I'd read a bit about but didn't really understand. Anyway, I'm thinking I need to get to Bhuirc's unofficial patch soonish to prevent this kind of weird behavior. We had the troops to take Seville and probably just lost some xp this way, but it still feels wrong.

Gil wouldn't give us OB to go find more coastal cities to raze that way. So the troops started heading back home. They found a jungled hill en route, though, so they dropped off to draw off some forces and harass Justinian. I also dropped forces off in a forest near Angora (closest point to our continent) AND another forest halfway in-between. I figured at least one group would survive.

Not a heavy interturn attack shown above. I eventually moved out of cover and got attacked more. Generally 15-20 units attacked one stack each turn. I lost a few units while being attacked but not many. I killed a LOT of trebuchets, cho-ko-nus, and hwachas, though. And even without losing units, the collateral damage was painful and required mucho healing, so I couldn't attack cities like I wanted to.

You can also see I'd triggered our Golden Age. It cut one turn off Industrialism. It also gave me a lot of cash (free revolt to Universal Suffrage) to rush panzers in a number of cities. I burnt through quite a bit of cash and still don't have enough French panzers.

I moved the landed forces up next to a couple cities and started picking away at defenders. At Angora, I had my largest force. I killed 26 units one turn...and the city was still showing forces with numbers in parantheses because they overflowed the screen. Justinian had hordes of obsolete units.

I say "had" because I was finally able to wade through all the bodies.

I also picked off a small stack of 15 or so which were trying to reinforce the city. That's the last offensive stack I can see, so I think Justinian is finally about gassed.

This also helps in that goal...

It wasn't nearly as deeply defended as Angora. Our razing stack will need to heal before moving on, however. Only a medic I in that stack. Might take a bit. Reinforcements have landed and can probably move on while the members of that stack heal.

We have a third stack (the left-overs of the amphibious crew) that have been working on another city. This stack got hit hardest by Justinian's stacks'o'crap and has had the least reinforcements, so it might not get the city razed before the stacks coming west overland get there.

I've also been bombarding Izzy's 3 cities west of Justinian's holdings. We have a small stack landed there and more troops on the way (potentially on go-to. I tried to stop many of them, but I wasn't always successful). Only a few troops/transports are working on this area, though.

I have a *large* number of troops on go-to to our staging area.

We're in complete mop-up so I don't feel too bad about leaving the gotos going. They just need to get to Nagara Jayasri and then load up on the waiting transports to go bonk some heads. Spies, infantry, mostly panzers, and an occasional SEAL are what I've been building and sending.

We have a settler, with defenders and missionaries, across the pond. They are currently on Angora's ruins, where they can't settle, because it's still officially Justinian's culture/land. They can move in to potentially get more squares towards domination. Or settle in place to allow easier offloading of troops. We have enough transports in the area, too, they could load up and move somewhere else, too, if that's desired. It doesn't matter too much.

You can see my meager efforts on working down Justinian's power. I don't think the most recent turn is included, which was another 30ish troops, probably, because I'd finally healed up.

It's basically over. As soon as somebody will capitulate, I'd take it. Justinian is close to rifles. But if we can get even 50% for his land, we'll be extremely close. Or we can just go hogwild ruining our economy building cities across the ocean. We have the pop. We don't have the land...yet.

LKendter -- UP NOW
Jabah -- on deck

It's in the queue, but I may only do 5 turns. I have limited time tonight, and can't play after that until Sunday night.
It's Beijing. I think T_McC checked on it last turn, and the defenses were to strong for a 'swim-by'... But now with Panzers things might be different...
AP city is Qin's. We're not at war with him currently.

5 turns is fine. 10 took a long time. I maybe should have done only 5.

If Justinian gets reasonable, 5 might be enough (if he capitulates, it might put us over the land domination limit).

Even if he capitulates, we should just push through his land and go on to the next foe that way -- Brennus?

I have no idea what Legal(?) civic we're in but Caste + Free Speech + Mercantilism + Sistine = 1 turn border pop in new cities with a forced artist (+1 free one). So I wouldn't bother accepting Justinian's capitulation, just build some settlers and we'll back-fill his lands to reach the domination limit.

We have nothing else useful to research so colonial expenses are irrelevant and we can always bump the culture slider to cover any Emancipation unhappiness/WW. Just raze all cities and take the free XP from the Partisans. :)
Problem is, I've had a single colonial city costing 160+ gpt in maintenance. Our economy is good, but not good enough to absorb too many hits like that! :)

And we still need a reasonable percentage of land. Justinian's capitulation would be enough to put us over, though, last time I checked the victory conditions screen. Would be even faster/easier.

Though I do have at least one settler on go-to to the staging ground, for backfill purposes. :)


1780 AD
This is one area I still feel Civ4 is weak. There are times it doesn't realize it is defeated, and it simply tedium to wrap it up. After a quick empire review this game is definitely in that mode.
(IT) Justinian throws more junk at us.

1782 AD
This is a very confusing turn. I understand why Arathorn took so long. We have so many troops scattered around the map I still don't feel like I have a handle on what is going on.
Thessalonica is razed to the ground.

I can't recall the last time I saw my computer whack out this bad with civ. I save the game, and have to reboot the computer. I think there is just too much going on with this map.
My PC is still crawling after the reboot. It did stop the game weirdness at least. :)

I form our first city on the other continent. Border expansions won't be a problem. If we bring along a Hindu missionary we get 6 culture points a turn at 0% science.

I am guessing our great spy is over there to infiltrate Justinian.
We have another GG, and I really don't know what to do with him. I will send him toward Moscow, and leave it open to team discussion.

1784 AD
Both of our spies suck at Adrianople. I go in anyhow killing an absurd amount of junk. I can't even clear the city in a single pass.

I dial up Justinian and he will capitulate. Now Izzy will capitulate. :)
We've now crossed both limits, so I save the game and hit enter without moving the rest of the units.


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The game claims it was a standard map, but the amount of land seamed more like large. That would explain my PC trying to die.

This is one of the first times I played with aggressive AI, and it isn't fun. This is worse that normal for the end game being tedious.
So, I won't have my part of fun with french panzers and seals :).

Maybe playing on pangea would have been better, we would have faced Justinian stacks earlier in a bloodier war before having such a tech lead on him.

Well done everyone

Oh well we had some action at and close to tech parity with our initial neigbours on the own continent. I think it was 5 civs we dispatched... So cant complain about not enought bloody early wars :D
Thanks for finishing it up, Lee. I thought it might well go that way in a few turns.

1786 is a nice domination win date, especially given all the land. We had low sea levels to punch up the amount of land. Extra civs to fill it, too.

The start with all the rivers. The power of praets which we utilized much more than did the AI. The early jump to Rifling. It all went very well and smoothly.

We failed on our secondary quest/effort, though. We didn't get Ace, I'm certain. I doubt we gave anybody Ambush, as nobody else had motorized units! :) Combat VI? I don't think so. Did anybody get Guerilla III? Interceptor I and II were missed. Range I and II. I think that's about it. And nearly all of those are air promotions, when we didn't even learn Flight, so....

Thanks, all!
You need to attach a GG to have combat VI.
(edit, I don't know which level our cavalry GG was in the end, but probably not C6 as he was Med3, leadership and a few combat)
Guerilla III is easy for Gallic, but considering we fought mainly in the plain, forrest or jungle, I doubt we did even build a gallic.
I did promote to drill IV a Cho-ko-no during the early war, which should have been insane in defence against melee, but either he died or was promoted since I couldn't find hem later.
Perhaps this is also some kind of indication to - at peast percieved - value of those promotions...

Having all the choices we built some units for the exclusive purpose of upgrading them keeping the promos (Zerks, Oromos)... But just did not care about Gallic Warriors and Guerilla.

Of course beeing a Sword-UU the Galic Warrior has to compete against the Pret, which certainly did not make him more appealing ;)

As for the Late game promotions... Well Justinian just gave up too quickly :lol:


Another interesting note is: While we popped a high number of GG's (How many exactly ?), i think we just used one on a Warlord unit, for the medic, concidering settling as more beneficial in the most cases.
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