I'm pulling back my mod, which have some problems, in anticipation of the next patch which will mean back to square one regardless. You can still download the unit graphics as stand-alone files and use them in other mods, or nab my files for megadiversity in resources, at the old adress:
Below is my original post:
It is over 15mb big so you can understand why I'm not posting it here
There is a wealth of information about the mod at my site, but to peak your interest you might want to know there are 24 new units that have their own unique graphic, dozens of new resources and five new buildings, all with their own icons. Also, every single entry has its own detailed spot in the civilopedia which has also been updated with the new info. Oh... and you get to rule with two new governments too.
There are lots of screenshots available if you click the link above so you can really judge before downloading. I'm looking forward to hearing what the community here thinks of what I've done
Below is my original post:
It is over 15mb big so you can understand why I'm not posting it here

There are lots of screenshots available if you click the link above so you can really judge before downloading. I'm looking forward to hearing what the community here thinks of what I've done