M3 Extensive Mod


Jan 9, 2002
Stockholm, Sweden
I'm pulling back my mod, which have some problems, in anticipation of the next patch which will mean back to square one regardless. You can still download the unit graphics as stand-alone files and use them in other mods, or nab my files for megadiversity in resources, at the old adress:

Below is my original post:
It is over 15mb big so you can understand why I'm not posting it here :-) There is a wealth of information about the mod at my site, but to peak your interest you might want to know there are 24 new units that have their own unique graphic, dozens of new resources and five new buildings, all with their own icons. Also, every single entry has its own detailed spot in the civilopedia which has also been updated with the new info. Oh... and you get to rule with two new governments too.

There are lots of screenshots available if you click the link above so you can really judge before downloading. I'm looking forward to hearing what the community here thinks of what I've done :-)
wow ee. very nice, i added most of that to my civ3mod. thank you, :D i also played a bit with just your mod, very nice
ive decided to use this mod proper. i love it. especcially hordes of naked warriors charging down from the mountians :D :goodjob:
I'm glad to hear that Jandor =)
Tell me... can you see plenty of the new resources? I haven't gotten confirmation if they work for someone other than me.

There are two problems I'm aware of.
1) Writing has icon 82, which causes the game to crash. Open the editor and change the number to something else, save, restart the game.

2) The Phalanx unit *must* indeed have its own folder and ini file. Your game will probably crash because it's lacking. For a temporary solution, create a folder and name it Phalanx and copy the .ini file from Hoplite, then open that new ini file and change all links to point to Hoplite like so:
BEFORE: hoplitedefault.flc
AFTER: ../Hoplite/hoplitedefault.flc

I'll update my mod as soon as possible, and it'll get some sweet additions too.
yeah razor, I really liked your ideas etc, but i tried to install it three times and it crashed early in every game I played.

If you fix the bugs, I'll be the first one to play it again.
it crashed when i came out of diplomacy with zulus, i think it was becasue they had completed a phalanx though, not cos of diplomacy :D. i actually completly deleted phalanx, :) and added some other units, like super sonic bomber, and scud launcher. :cool: i see new resources. Romans had a bunch of coffee beans, and i had lots of bear. zulus had naked women warriors :love:. everyone was happy :goodjob: till the crash :(
Hmmm.... the site seems to be down for a bit....

..Due to "Excessive Bandwidth Usage":D

I like the idea, but Naked Warriors? :rolleyes:

Maybe you could release an alternate something with them taken out? :hammer: :jesus:
I've uploaded version III of the mod, which should remedy the bugs you guys have experienced. If you already installed the earlier version, it shouldn't be a problem to install the new one on top of it.

Imagine the benefits in battle of using naked women as your first line of defense. What man could bring himself to kill them? The enemy will be panting ...there there put down that sword lassie..." and then the amazons slash 'em down :D
Your mod looks incredible, but it keeps crashing on me, I really like what you did with the resources, I was looking so forward to a good game tonight with your mod, but alas, I get the 'invalid data' error, even as I did everything as was mentioned on the website...

Could it be I have the Facism mod installed that could be corrupting the game? I have a few others, but I doubt it's that, anyhow, great work and I hope I can play it one time all the way through..

PS- Is there a way to incorporate some of the units without modifying anything major? (tech tree, civiliopedia)
did u actually test this mod first :mad: the crashing is starting to annoy me, i guess its not your fault though, i remember when i was making a mod, it crashed for no reason :(
Jandor I think it has to do with the patch version..I use 1.16 and it's made for 1.17...If you use 1.16 then you know it's that
Looks like a great mod!

But I've got a few minor criticisms/suggestions/remarks on units:

1)B-1B Lancer shouldn't replace the Stealth Bomber for America. Currently the US is the only country which has Stealth Bombers, while the Russians have Tu-160 Blackjack which is very similar to B-1B. So I suggest swapping the units around, ie make Stealth Bomber available only to America, while the rest can build a 'Supersonic Bomber'. Also, B-1B isn't stealth.

2)The Russian Mi-24 Hind helicopter is primarily an assault gunship, like the American AH-64 Apache, but with added function of limited unit transport. So maybe the Hind unit should be given some bombard ability.

3)I think you highly overpowered the Perry Class Frigate. No way a frigate can be so much more powerful than a battleship. What I think you should do is make it a cheap modern replacement for the standard Destroyer.

4)Maybe a better name for the Gatlinger would be Machinegunner?

5)Well, this one more of a personal preference, but I find that the air units in Civ3 have a bombard rating which is far too low. Like bombard strength 2 for fighter is smaller the bombard value for catapult! Also imo, the bombard stregth of Stealth Bomber/B-1B Lancer should be greater than that of a standard WWII bomber.

Sorry for whining about these things! :) But I hope some of these remarks may come in useful!
SoulOnIce: Yes, I'm pretty sure it's because of all your other patches that the game keeps crashing. I can only (try to) assure that the patch works on top of a non-altered Civilization III. I'm not too familiar with the Fascism patch - I have my own version of a Fascist government - but it's safe to say it causes some compatibility issues.

The mod is only designed for use with 1.17f!

Sgrig, I'll get back to your comments when I get home to my own computer : )
I'll try to install CIV3 again, with the patch...by the way, your STORMTROOPER Unit gives me a 404 error, so I can't dl it, just thought I'd let you know so you can fix it
I can't believe it! The Civfanatics forum logged me out while I was writing my reply, and it was lost... I'll try to recreate as much as I can from memory.

I have re-uploaded the Stormtrooper, sorry for that. The mod requires that all units be downloaded! otherwise it will crash whenever the AI tries to build a unit that doesn't have any data.

1) I think it would be unfair to only allow America to build Stealth bombers, if that was what you suggested. But perhaps the B1-B could be Americas Jet fighter, what do you think of that?

2) Helicopters are a complicated matter for me. I'm still not sure the Attack chopper works as I intended it to. So I think I'll leave it as it is, but if you have a sheet on how to make an air unit into a gunship I will most certainly consider it.

3) Perhaps you're right, in fact I'm sure that you are, but I really need a unit that surpasses the WWII-battleship. Would the AEGIS Destroyer do, you think?

4) Yes, I'll certainly change that for my next update :-)

5) Perhaps the bombard values of Fighter planes is so that they're used to attack terrain. They're not supposed to steal the role of bombers :-)

...well... I remembered the jizt of what I wanted to say =)
I tried everything on your mod pack and did everything that you said to do, but it keeps on crashing on me...any ideas...i even reinstalled civ3 and the patch and still keeps crashing... changed the phalanx and icon number...i really want to try your mod pack:scan: :scan: :scan:
Edit: Well, I did screw up royally. I forgot to include the units_32.pcx with my main mod zip.

I fixed things back at the site, and added some 17 new buildings plus misc bug fixes. All the info is there, I hope u like it :-)
Originally posted by Razorwing
I can't believe it! The Civfanatics forum logged me out while I was writing my reply, and it was lost... I'll try to recreate as much as I can from memory.

I have re-uploaded the Stormtrooper, sorry for that. The mod requires that all units be downloaded! otherwise it will crash whenever the AI tries to build a unit that doesn't have any data.

1) I think it would be unfair to only allow America to build Stealth bombers, if that was what you suggested. But perhaps the B1-B could be Americas Jet fighter, what do you think of that?

Yeah, I suppose it would be a bit unfair - America currently has Stealth Bombers just because it achieved the technology first and so theoretically some other country could've built them. B-1B are definitely bombers, so it would very inaccurate replacing jet fighters with them. What about giving Stealth Bomber to everyone, but increase it's attack strength, and insert B-1B somewhere earlier in the tech tree with stats half-way between bomber and Stealth Bomber, but non-stealth and much cheaper than Stealth Bomber (which would have to be made even more expensive). I'm not sure whether to make it available just to America or to everyone in this case.

2) Helicopters are a complicated matter for me. I'm still not sure the Attack chopper works as I intended it to. So I think I'll leave it as it is, but if you have a sheet on how to make an air unit into a gunship I will most certainly consider it.

I don't have ideas, so leave it as it is. :)

3) Perhaps you're right, in fact I'm sure that you are, but I really need a unit that surpasses the WWII-battleship. Would the AEGIS Destroyer do, you think?

Historically, I think that would be quite accurate. Destroyers are currently the primary surface warfare combattants in most navies. A good way of making a naval unit more powerful is increasing its speed and range of bombardment (to represent surface-to-surface missiles). However during the cold-war, nuclear-powered guided-missile cruisers were the most powerful surface warfare ships of the Soviet and US navies. So you may want to consider that option.

5) Perhaps the bombard values of Fighter planes is so that they're used to attack terrain. They're not supposed to steal the role of bombers :-)

Maybe... but again as I said this is a matter of personal preference. :) It just seems that in recent wars, F-16's, F-15's, etc have been used rather effectively for airstrikes, so I thought maybe that should higher bombardment rating... If the bombardment strength is made higher than currently but RoF is still smaller than that of bomber, then perhaps it wouldn't be unbalancing... But it's your mod, so you decide... :cool:

Btw, your website is 'temporarily suspended'. :confused:
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