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Mad Scientist's RPC summary


RPC Supergenius
Oct 6, 2006
New York City
Latest Note: The RPC series has been restarted as the RPC-The Next Generation in a new Summary thread (see my signature). Those games will focus on new leaders but will use the current civilizations/leader trait combos that exists (example Obama as Lincoln of America, and Vladimir Lenin as Mehmed of Russia). Come and join in the fun!

Notice to All MS-RPC friends/fans. These have officially ended with the final vitory in the Kublai game as all 52 leaders have been played out! All summaries will remain as well as the screenshots. Saves were removed because of the CFC space limit but I have everyone stored at home. What I am doing at the end of thise opening post is add a zipped file of all the starts for every RPC. As I understand, you download the file, right click, and unzip it! It has been alot of fun but there are many more things to in Civ IV (and life!).

OK, my signature is getting way too long but would like to keep access to previous games, ala Sis's thread (great idea).

This thread is open to comments/suggestions/criticisms/mocking of any previous current or future RPC game. They are meant to be fun so fire away!!

These games try to focus on a specific strategy or economy for educational purposes (as well as my own) with a humorous or challenging leader-specific angle.

Completed/Current games are

The Mighty Khan:http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=244372
Where we got a conquest win pre-gunpowder by razing 50 AI cities, and keeping those few that were worthy. I considered it a city-razing economy!

Seafaring Victoria:http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=247553
Where we used a strict trade route economy to get a spaceship victory. No cottages were built and specialists we limited to our GP farm.

Chivalrous Washington: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=250780
Where we attempted to get a UN diplomatic victory while defending the honor of 5 charming ladies while fighting off 3 dastardly male rivals. Ended in a draw as we built the UN but could never obtain the UN votes.

Bismark the Master Builder: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=6181665#post6181665
Where we used a wonderspam/settled Specialist Economy (WS/SSE) game to claim all world wonders via the blacksmith's hammer or the General's sword. UN Diplomatic Victory.

The Reincarnation of HOLY SAL!: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=253986
Where we lost the first game to a barbarian uprising before archery :cry: , but reincarnated Saladin and obtained a cultural victory using a religion based economy. We never declared war, never sent troops outside of our cultural borders, played a outstanding diplomatic game, and founded 6 religions with 6 shrines.

MONTY the Mad Scientist:http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=255074
Where we ran a strict SE using only scientists until we got Biology, never building cottages and razing all those captured from the AI. We got a domination win destroying all civilization except the Mayans who finally capitulated to us.

Willem, King of the Sea: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=256516 Where we started off isolated on an archeopilego map with high sea levels and limited land and achieved a UN diplomatic win after getting very near to a domination win. Interesting notes are getting optics by 120BC and astronomy before Construction!!

Peter Spy Extraordinaire: Part I http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=257510 and II http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=257858. Where we played two Espionage Economy (EE) games based on teh ep slider: The first ending in defeat from the Massive Zulu army after we feel far behind in tech from too early an EE, and the second we were in an unwinable situation (even though we did build the UN) because our early land was limited and our diplomacy plan caved in. Peter may be resurrected a third time, at a much later date.

Persians in Space: Cyrus' Vision: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=6389765#post6389765 . Where we played a strict CE game with a semi-isolated start. Only cottages and early mines allowed besides normal resoruces. Launched a Space Ship win in the early 1960's.

Shaka, A Gentleman of Culture I: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=259787 Where we put Shaka on a Pangea map with the goal of a culture victory using Ulandi and 2 other AI capitals as our legondary cities. After a slow start we got the two AI capitals and came pretty close to the goal, but lost after an Incan attack with modern weapons against our outdated military.

Shaka, A Gentleman of Culture II : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=260777 Where we tired again with hemispheres map and quickly had our continent to ouselves after defeating Napoleon and Tokugawa by 1300BC. We got a cultural victory in 1820 with Ulandi, Paris, and Kyoto using only wonders, artists, and great artists.

Asoka and the Doomsday Machine: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=261546 Where we started on a Pangea map with assorted agressive/bully AIs with the Agressive AI setting on. We won a domination victory after founding and spreading Buddhism with the help of the Doomsday Weapon (A modern Armored Tank) a gift of the gods!!

The Glory or Rome: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=262883 Where we played a One City Challenge (OCC) and won a diplomatic win playing as Agustus.

Tokugawa the Isolationist: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=263705 Where we started off Isolated and refused to open borders or trade resources once we met the world and tried for a space race win. Ended in a loss as Pericles became a land/power/tech monster and declared war on us late.

Alexander, Greek God of War II: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=264931 Where we played an emperor level game seeking conquest of the world which is the only option for victory (AI or human). We lost as Ragnar on another continent got too stronge for us, invading with destroyers and infantry.

Alexander, Greek God of War III: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=265800 Where we got a Conquest victory in 1826 on a Pangea map showing the world just how BAD Big Al really is! Some nice diplomcy in getting the world to be in a constant state of warfare, as only a God of War can!

Pericles, Greek God of Peace: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=267261 Where we got a cultural victory after building 6 cities and established world peace, at the expense of an aggressive Tokugawa our next door neighbor.

Chairman Mao's Plan : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=268015&page=5 Where Mao had a 4 stage plan (State Property/Atheism/Population/Espionage) required for victory but failed after losing to attack from the Zealot Saladin who had a vastly superior army!

Chairman Mao's Revised Plan : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=268640 Where we won a SpaceRace victory after following the four rules of Maoism atheism/population/state property/espionage. An excellent example of utilizing settled great spies to steal 23 techs!

Charlemagne the Blessed: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=270068 Where we attempted to win an AP or UN diplomatic victory after spreading christianity to all cities. We did spread Christianity everywhere, however we came across SATAN himself (also known as Shaka) who proved too much of a monster AI for us to defeat.

Charlemagne the Blessed II: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=270501 Where we won a UN Diplomatic Victory in 1778 after converting more than 90% of the world to Chrsitianity in an extremely peaceful game. Noted for a great economy where we ran 100% science the last part of the game with a 100+ gold profit!!!

Joao the Restless http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=271393 Where we got a Space Race victory on a Terra world map. We established a 6 city Portugal in the old world, massively settled the new world, spun off the old world as a colony and established our own empire of Brazil!

Brennus, A Simple Man http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=272458 Where we played a very simple-minded game, building only farms, mines, and normal resource improvements. We got an AP diplomatic Victory which was needed because we badly fell behind the leaders in tech.

Huayna Capac's 3 Culture City Challenge http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=273030 Where we got a culture victory in 1800 with only 3 cities. Interesting notes is an early Quechua rush of the Khmer empire and being able to lead in tech most of the way!

Julius Caesar of Rome, All or Nothing! http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=273829 Where we palyed on a Huge Pangea map with 17 AIs representing ancient Roman rivals! We won by vassaling all surviving Civilizations to the Roman Empire for a Conquest Victory!

The Annoying French http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=274874: Where we played as Louis on a Terra map where we had to stay in Old World Europe, Harrass the English, and bring Paris culture to 300,000. While we met all this criteria (Elizabeth was killed) we lost a UN diplomatic victory to Ragnar while we were contructing the Space Ship.

Stalin's Iron Fist http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=275595 Where we obtained a Conquest win in a OCC game!

Churchill, The English Bulldog: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=276175 Where we got a Space Race win while staying put on our isolated starting continent. Good leverage of the protective trait, a very stronge navy (and privateers), and a glorious late nuclear war highlighted this game!

REX Queen Cathy: No Fury Like a Woman Scorned: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=277095 Where we got a space win after REXing like crazy on an isolated continent, and REXed like crazy on oversea's islands. Noted for a very stronge trade route economy (bulbing astronomy early with 2 GSs) without wonders which turned into a late game SE game using Sid's Sushi, the NP in Moscow, and the Russian UB. While a success, the RPC was replayed without the isolated start.

REX Queen Cathy: Because Once is NOT Enough: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=278046 Where we again massively REXed and got a Conquest win on a 2 hemispheres after destroying 4 civilizations (the other 2 were voluntary vassals) who were foolish enough to Declare war on such a preace loving charming lady!

FDR's Dream: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=279023 Where we got a domination win after reworking history and forming a permanent alliance with Tokugawa on an islands map. Game was noted for a massively strong trade route economy with the GLH and Colossus wonders, followed by a strong SE game post mercatilism.

Cold Drunken Viking Scum: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=279856 Where Ragnar won a Domination win on an Ice-Age map after controlling every alcohol producing resource in the game (corn/what/rice/wine/sugar) while refusing to build any science buildings (libraries/universities/observatories/labs) or running scientist specialists.

Gandhi the Pacifist: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=280703 Where we won a cultural victory while building only ONE unit per city. No war was ever declared in the entire game, by anyone.

Gandhi the War-Monger: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=281458 Where we were destroyed in the middle ages fater trying to play on a Pangea map with agressive AI and the biggest thugs in the game!

Wang Kon the non-Isolated Isolationist: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=281853 Where we played a hemispheres map and won a space race win after refusing to open borders, trade resources, or trade techs. We isolated ourselves after blocking half the continent off with cities and destroying Ragnar with War Elephants and Hwachas. Noted for a strong CE game where we built 7 science academies in the Korean empire.

Napoleon, the Arrogant French: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=282849 Where we were not allowed to build any wonders until after democracy and had to acquire all by the end. After only building the Pentagon and Space elevator, we got a domination win after acquiring all world wonder by force while running essentially a SE game (we never built a single cottage!). Noted for a massive late game war with modern weapons.

GREED!!!: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=285941 Where we played as Mansa Musa on a Hemisphere's map to got a Culture Victory AND a Space Race win on the very same turn! WE played by always having a positive cash flow, founded all 7 corps and spread the 4 main ones to all our cities, and controlled 3 fully spread shrines. I truely Gold/Tech obsessed game!

"Will the Real Suryavarman Please Stand Up?": http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=287117 Where was placed ourselves as Suryavarman II into a fantasty map with 6 other Suryavarman leaders, all with random personalities. The goal was to either achieve a SpaceRace win or Destroy all via Conquest. We got an accidental Domination win.

Elizabeth and the Colonial Question: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=289783. Where we played on a Terra map and beelined Astronomy to claim a stronge New World colony. At the critical decison point we agreed to keep the colonies while sacrificing the advanced civics. Space Race win after suffereing severe unhappiness penalties from defying the UN 7 times and not having emancipation.

The Barbarric Mayan: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=291030 Where Pacal was isolated in the New World of a Terra map with Raging Barbarrians and limited to only slavery until teh Europeans arrived. We expanded, fought off Old World Colonization, took the tech lead and won a space race win. Noted for a massive end-game nuclear war against the entire Old World!

Ramesses the Intolerant, Battle of the Builders: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=292064 Where we got a Space Race win after running a WonderSpam/Settled Specialist Economy against the games best Industrious leaders. We built all but 7 wonders which were captured by us at the end of the game.

Suleiman the Magnificent, Battle of the Philosophers: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=294032 Where we got a UN diplomatic win after destroying 4 of the games best Philosophical leaders! We built NO wonders (World or National) except the UN and used every GP to bulb a tech.

Lawless Hammurabi, Battle of the Warlords: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=296626 Where we could not tech Code of Laws and played against the games best Agressive leaders with the Agressive AI option and on a Pangea map. We lost a cheesy AP diplomatic win to Montezuma! However, we reloaded just before the loss, blocked the AP vote, and won a domination win as an Alternative History.

Cowardly Qin: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=298126 Where we played as Qin Shu Huang and had to build the Great wall and cower behind it, nenver refusing a tribute not settling any cities afterward except in our culture borders. Getting 4 settlers out fast before Building the great wall in 1890 BC set the foundation for a Culture win in the late 1800s.

The Crusades! : http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=298920 Where we got a Conquest Victory as Justinian Purging all the world on any unbelievers that did not follow the true faith which amounted to everyone, although Jaoa eventually capitulated to us by rejoining the true faith!

The Perfect Germans: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=300271 Where we played as Fred and were limited to space win using 8 specialized cities (Bueracractic capital, science city, military city, gold city, GP farm, naval port, prodctuion city, espionage/NP city). We came with 50 turns of winning until our friend Hatshepsut won a cultural victory.

Stagnation!: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=301582 Where we played as Mehmed of the ottomans with the only rule is we needed a time victory. A straightforeward dominating Time win!

The Amazon Queen: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=303118 Where we got a domination win on a cramped Pangea map with 4 Amazon Sisters (Cathy/Hatty/Vicky/Issy) and assorted males. We destroyed all males (except Sury who vassaled to Issy) whiel trading ONLY with our Sisters.

Paranoia! http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=304654 Where we played a "Divine Intervention" game as Zara Yaqob and won a UN diplomatic victory after being harrassed by the gods (posters who change the game in world builder after each segment).

Return of the Russian Spy! http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=306844 Where we resurrected the "Peter Spy Extraordinaire" Espionage Economy game for a third time. This time we ran a very successful EE, getting a Space Race win after stealing all techs after researching Code of Laws. Also noted for preventing an AI culture win by senidng the third city into continual city revolt via espionage.

SuperGenius Darius:http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=308938 Where we played a strict Food/Hammer economy game with no cottages nor a specialists game (never ran a Scientist). We won an AP diplomatic victory after subduing a large part of the world and goinf for either a domination or Space win.

Pollution Bull: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=310824 Where we won a Space Race win after refusing to build ANY health producing buildings (not keep catured ones!) or adopt Envirnmentalism. Noted for a stronge Military game which destroyed Montezuma, vassaled Shaka and Napolean, and razed the Mayan UN!

NatureBoy Gilgamesh: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=312841 Where we played on an Arobia Map and could not chop any tree, and only build Foorest Preserves. After a long Culture struggle we came within 10 turns of a culture win before Saladin attacked and took one of the Legondary cities. A reload assured us of the Culture win!

Fickle ISabella and her Quest for the Seven Holy Grails: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=314780 Where we had to control all 7 holy cities and their shrines, adopting the most recent religion we acquire. We got a Conquest Victory after starting on a small continent with Shaka and slighshotting Fuedalism from teh Oracle to survive and defeat Shaka!

Hannibal's Deal with the Devil!: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=316680 Where we got a domination win but could not obtain coastal cities nor tech sailing in a Hemispheres map. After the other hempisphere discoved us, added an ice-bridge in the north connected the two lands!

Happy Hatty: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=317792: Where we had to turn the science slider off after teching drama/Literature/music. We tried for a culture win until Shaka attacked us in 1644 AD at Pleased!

DeGaulle's League: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=318388 Where we had to win a UN diplomatic victory on an archeopolego map with a small French Core and as many Colonies as we could create. We lost as w failed to get the correct number of votes and The two remaining leaders were too strong militarily and were ready to launch the SpaceShip.

Honest Abe Loves New York: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=319613 Where we played another OCC game as Lincoln and had to win by a Space Race Victory. We came close but lost a cultural win to Hannibal.

All Good Things...... http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=320417 Where we got a Conquest win on a huge Terra map with 17 other leaders who were past villians in other RPCs. Done only like a Khan can do!


The Great Khan: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=277048

These games have been alot of fun, and I hope put a little more lightheartedness in the game. Make new posters who are obviously aggrevated and cannot will at the levels they want to, or always trying to up there level. I am a Monarch player who is challenged at this level but usually wins. While I can compete at Emperor I still prefer the enjoyment of the Monarch level game.

One final note, all my games are on marathon speed, and I will not change this in any of these games but will change any other settings.

One other final final note: I did not create this RPC game idea (the honor goes to Slobbering bear and his tree hugging native americans) and they are open for all to start their own threads. I know there are plenty of other posters who have had threads on this as their own.

Note on rules, conditions and play styles. Rules are made to be broken, especially hen the game allows it. In the past I have bent rules and actually broke them. So here are the guidelines on how I like to play these RPCs, and what I will and will not do

1) A specific type of strategy or economy is set in stone and will not be broken (unless I have an honest brain lapse, I am forty something and these things happen). These incluse deliberately running a SE, CE, TE, religious economy, GP settling ect..
2) Rules on uses of a GP can be altered if it fits into the game feel. Examples, using a GE to rush the AP was a logical thing to do in HOLY SAL.
3) Diplomacy. As this changes from game to game, it is hard to determine in advance. Example, current MONTY game it seams just wrong to let Ragnar survive. And the GW game I bribed a lady into DOW on another lady, unchivalrous but needed for survival. Another is not canceling open broders in the SAL game, or taking out the chinese corps in the Bismark game.
4) In future RPCs I will differentiate between iron-clad rules and guidlines. Guidelines can be changed if it helps the game develope.
5) Final: I have generally added rule during a game, ezample no gunpowder in the Khan game or stop teching at scientific method in SAL's.

PSS: Anyone wanting to shadow these games are more than welcomed! Several of my losses such as The first Shaka game and the Tokugawa game were successfully shadowed by other players who have posted nice summaries of how they did it. Just kindly remember Spoilers.

PSSS: Click here to watch a tribute Youtube movie honoring Mad and his glorious Gandhi the war-Monger loss! http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=282020
I've been waiting for your work to outgrow your signature ;) (OMG, they're all Santa's now! :lol:)

About your future games:
King of the seas: What about João as a replacement for Ragnar? E.g. Islands map, trade economy, lots of colonies?

Can't wait to see a peaceful Shaka. :D

The Zealot of Holy Cr--?
You've played against his Holyness so many times, it's just right that you should be him, the perfect backstabbergame. Make Charlieboy shine.

Yeah, I'm still around, have followed all your games with interest, kind of lurking in the corner, without the urge to speak, but you're still a "must read" every morning at my first cup of coffee.

:xmascheers: :xmassign: :xmascheers:
I've been waiting for your work to outgrow your signature ;) (OMG, they're all Santa's now! :lol:)

About your future games:
King of the seas: What about João as a replacement for Ragnar? E.g. Islands map, trade economy, lots of colonies?

Can't wait to see a peaceful Shaka. :D

The Zealot of Holy Cr--?
You've played against his Holyness so many times, it's just right that you should be him, the perfect backstabbergame. Make Charlieboy shine.

Yeah, I'm still around, have followed all your games with interest, kind of lurking in the corner, without the urge to speak, but you're still a "must read" every morning at my first cup of coffee.

:xmascheers: :xmassign: :xmascheers:

Glad to see you arround still!!!!

I have thought of the Holy Roman Zealot and may decide on a holy crusade game. I'll put it in the Que.

Joao is one leader I really dispise. I hate his looks, the manner he addresses himself, and the way he plays as the AI. If I go through the other 51 leaders perhaps I'll consider him, but for now he is low man. The Master of the sea's should be a financial civ to better leverage the CE. Overkill? You bet, sue me!!! I need a few games to role over the competition.
Just wanted to say that I love your RPC series and was wondering how you come up with all the ideas. I would like to get into some RPC's of my own, but I doubt I have the skill to pull some of them off.

Ghandi the Pacifist
You are not allowed to declare war, ever. If war is declared on you, you may not enter the enemy CIV's borders during that war. No Defensive pacts (may cause you to declare war). You don't even attack barb cities! :)

You must run pacifism as soon as it's available for the whole game.

Culture or diplo win.
Ghandi the Pacifist
You are not allowed to declare war, ever. If war is declared on you, you may not enter the enemy CIV's borders during that war. No Defensive pacts (may cause you to declare war). You don't even attack barb cities! :)

You must run pacifism as soon as it's available for the whole game.

Culture or diplo win.

To add to this, you are not allowed to create ANY combat units above 3-4 DEFENDING units per city you own. This is the Archer to Mech Infantry Line. No war buildings (barracks, dry dock, heroic epic, ect)
I'll put in a vote for the Shaka one. Culture victory where the 2&3 legendaries must be former capitals. Other than that, keep it up . BTW where is slobberinbear?
About the Augustus OCC: That's exactly what I'm playing at the moment. The settings are standard size, 7 opponents on a pangea map. Being my first OCC I chose prince difficulty, but I might have been able to get away with monarch with a sligthly better start. My strategy? Obsolete-school wonderspamming of course. I don't really see how else I could win it, at least not above prince difficulty.
But I guess you've already done Bismarck the Builder so perhaps something else would be needed.
I was in fact prepared to use praetorians for war early on in my game but alas, I didn't get iron so I started my first war after getting riflemen.
I would like to do one with an Indian leader and one with Toku, those were some other candidates as well as teh HRE zealot mentioned earlier.

I defeinitely will do an isolationist Toku game. THe creator of the RPC for BTS slobbering bear started one he did not finish and I did not want to follow the same leader right away. It would be an interesting game to see if one can win without ever opening border or trading, but we would have to at least put in no tech brokering, if not ban all tech trading.

I have a preference for Asoka, but will be happy to build one arround Gandhi. The thing is I do not want a repeat of teh HOLY SAL game, and prefer to do a cultural Shaka game first. So the Indians can wait a bit but please continue the ideas. Perhaps an always peace game? Or even a Gandhi the peaceful agressor (I think I read that title someelse though). Gandhi has to win a domination game against all the military nuts, the opposite of teh Gentleman Shaka.

As far as ideas, well most come from these threads. There ar elot's of different strats and ideas that float arround, I just have a knack to put them with an AI. Some are pretty easy. Bismark the builder was an easy game to assemble (hell we all have tried to horde wonders) and show implementation of OBSOLETES strat by a different poster, and think SAL's game we all have tried when we first started . Washington was a creative genius if I say so myself. Vicky's game origionated from talk about different economies in a different thread and I was struggling to a victory with her in off-line games (I lost a space race by 1 turn and was ticked). Monty was a game I pieced together for a while and took the longest. Shaka'a idea I got just today in another thread.

So the more hairbrained ideas posted, the more ideas I get (and hopefully others. At the moment I really want to try an OCC and posting it may help me get into it (besides I love wonderspamming) and I would like to see if OBSOLETES strat is really an expanded OCC game as others suggested. Shaka's game sounds very interesting by if MONTY's is a monster was-monger game as it could be, I may be a little burned to give gentleman Shaka the energy he so deserves.

The king of the sea is a strict CE game and perhaps even CE Dave can give me a little input on it to elevate my game!

The Russian Spy is a way to get an EE game going, but another poster has a similar thread going so that can wait. The russians seam to be the kings of spying. Any others (besides Americans, I already did GW).

These games have also elevated my off-line game. THe advice has been priceless, and stopping and posting saves let's me plan it out better!

Hmmmm, Gandhi King of the World. Got a ring to it, anybody ever watched "Celebrity Deathbattle". I always think of Gandhi with that.
To add to this, you are not allowed to create ANY combat units above 3-4 DEFENDING units per city you own. This is the Archer to Mech Infantry Line. No war buildings (barracks, dry dock, heroic epic, ect)

I think that is suicide!

The AI has sent stacks of doom at me with 15-20 units (with siege), sometimes 2 at a time! On Noble!!!
How about Ragnar the raider? :devil:

Raze all the captured cities below 5 pop....

That's what I was thinking fo the Sea game. Nice 5 pop rule, that's what I am talking about. Also all cities would have to be captured via amphibious assault. a CE with mandatory amphibious landings!
How about a game where you cannot build any military units... ever.

I did this once and attempted a dilpomatic victory. Couldn't get the votes.

But it was VERY hard to keep my civ intact. Sueing for peace at any costs.

I also turned on Cultural flipping after conquest to allow me some chance to regain fallen cities
About the Augustus OCC: That's exactly what I'm playing at the moment. The settings are standard size, 7 opponents on a pangea map. Being my first OCC I chose prince difficulty, but I might have been able to get away with monarch with a sligthly better start. My strategy? Obsolete-school wonderspamming of course. I don't really see how else I could win it, at least not above prince difficulty.
But I guess you've already done Bismarck the Builder so perhaps something else would be needed.
I was in fact prepared to use praetorians for war early on in my game but alas, I didn't get iron so I started my first war after getting riflemen.

Probably close, but still that's the point of a OCC as I have read. We need a nice RPC angle on teh Roamns thought. BTW, Agustus is one of my favorite leaders, so he needs some good ideas before I start that endevour.
How about a game where you cannot build any military units... ever.

I did this once and attempted a dilpomatic victory. Couldn't get the votes.

But it was VERY hard to keep my civ intact. Sueing for peace at any costs.

I also turned on Cultural flipping after conquest to allow me some chance to regain fallen cities

Did you build the great wall to handle barbs? That sounds like a tough challenge. You are bold sir.
Someone posted a link to a game a little while ago were the player won a high level, emperor+ game I think, wo building units. UN win in the 1800s, pangaea map. :)
That was not bts where the AI actually build units though...
Mansa Musa: Greed. Must sell off all techs for GOLD. You must keep all cities, and they must all have Markets, but no Universal Suffrage! Millions of cities producing very little gold +25% economy is what I call it.
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