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Mafia Game: Those Darn States (Game Thread)

Confirmed? Knowing this game you can't trust anything except the state of the person when the GM says their dead. But I don't think it will do anything now to keep pushing this case. I have a feeling the GM or Diamondeye would really give the role out like that (though I could be wrong, because I haven't read the posts around that).

It was confirmed by the GM. Maybe you should read around it...
:| Crap. Oh well, I'm dead. Though I learned something, which is always good.
I was attacked last night. I survived, but I was still attacked. Who was I talking to the most, and the person who struck me as suspicious?

Damn! Beefy was my first suspect!

Oh wait, he's always my first suspect.

Didn't realise that they were still in the game. One post people should not have any chance of winning. In reality they should be wogged.

The town was tallying up their votes so far on whom to lynch today.

CCRunner 1 - Sommerswerd
Diamondeye 1 - remake20
Owen Glyndwr 2 - johnhughthom, Capt Blackadder
remake20 5 - Diamondeye, landlubber, Love, SS-18 ICBM, Virote_Considon

It seemed there wouldn't be much else to see or do out in this jungle, and many were feeling uncomfortably hot and pest-ridden. But it turns out this was wrong, because around Noon when the town was resting in the shade under some trees something was spotted. On one tree was carved a series of names, and soon everyone had taken a look.

The list of names read:

America Shaftoe
Christopher Columbus
Dan Brown
George Washington Carver
Henry Clay
Lord Baltimore
Roger Williams
Thomas Jefferson
Wyoming Knott

This was puzzled over for a while but everybody had to get back to business.

Night in 24 hours
Because Diamondeye the almighty and quite obviously perfectly innocent alien said so.
If this turns out to be another Celeborn/Saruman situation, everyone has my full sympathies :)
Can anyone find any words in the names, like taking the second letter of each word?
I was attacked last night. I survived, but I was still attacked. Who was I talking to the most, and the person who struck me as suspicious?


I was (unsurprisingly) attacked tonight! But my great strength fended the attackers off. And as you can see in the update, there was no attack by the germans.

I'm going to vote CCRunner, as he was the first voting me, thus wanting me dead even in the day!
Is it just me, or did we just gain a random mystery attacker? IIRC, we've never had four kills a night before...

Remake sounds like he has been scanned.

There was a clear decision at the end of the day: remake20 would be lynched. He tried to run, but there was nowhere to go, and the town soon saw him swing from a nearby tree.

remake20 was dead
Spoiler :
Colonel Saito was a member of the Japanese Axis

Spoiler :
The Japanese Axis has been eliminated!

Tally of votes:
Spoiler :

CCRunner 1 - Sommerswerd
Diamondeye 1 - remake20
Owen Glyndwr 2 - johnhughthom, Capt Blackadder
remake20 6 - CCRunner Diamondeye, landlubber, Love, SS-18 ICBM, Virote_Considon

But there was something else curious; somebody seemed to be missing. As there was in fact nothing else happening in the middle of the jungle, the town could only why when everyone gathered before nightfall, Sommerswerd was missing

In other news, a Radio Set was found on remake20, but the town saw that no new radio messages had been sent today, and remake20 hadn't received anyone else's, apparently. This would be voted on tomorrow.

Likewise, it had not been decided who to give the Torch to so it was left in the open by the clearing where remake was now hanging. It would likely be picked up and voted on the next day.

It is now Night Ten.

Those of you with Night orders to send, please do so NOW.

Day in 24 hours.
I made a mistake that I learned from. Good game everyone.
What mistake?

Don't have your avatar as the same colors as your alignment?
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