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Magic Iron

Steve2000 said:
I have never had this not happen. (I love using double negatives)

In other words EVERY time I lose a resource it appears in the exact same location. Granted I usually play regent or monarch - does the chance of a resource disappearing vary based on the difficulty?

Doubt it, though in Chieftain, it happened very often to me. :mischief:
it happened to me while i was playing regent lvl.
I had this happen twice to the same source of saltpeter in one game within 20 turns.
I take advantage of this whenever I find oil in tundra.

The AI always forests over tundra tiles. Usually I do too. When I get an oil tile in tundra, I leave it tundra and just mine/railroad the tile. Should that oil run out, the game looks for tiles to put a new oil source in, can't find any other tundra tiles that haven't been turned into forest, and chances are fairly good it'll reappear on the same tile (especially on wet worlds with little desert). Or else it'll reappear in a desert halfway around the world in the middle of the biggest AI civ. :lol:
I am pretty sure that if you have two sources and one is traded out, you lose your piece. not theirs. happens to me all the time
Masrim said:
I am pretty sure that if you have two sources and one is traded out, you lose your piece. not theirs. happens to me all the time

True, because you lose a source, but you still are trading one, so you have to lose your own.
This is funny, once the Maya demanded my only source of incense, and I had no choice but to accept because they were way more powerful. So, after I accaepted the deal, I pillaged the tile my incense was on and reconnected it, ending the deal. It did make the maya very angry at me, but I won an accidental VP victory before they could kill me.
Funny this should come up today. Yesterday, I mentioned on another thread how I had snitched an oil resource (on a jungle tile) from the Chinese by using the growth of a captured Hittite city on their border, after which the Chinese attacked me. Well, last night that oil suddenly was "exhausted." It popped back up about fifteen tiles away, and about three tiles into Chinese territory (on a desert tile). I was just about to offer the Chinese a peace treaty. Instead, I sent an infantry army in and took the nearest Chinese city (and thereby, the oil) and now I'll offer them peace. Weird.
During my first game on monarch(which I retired). I had conqured my contentent early, and just as I was doing clean up, I discovered the Chinese(tiny map). They have contenent 20% larger to themselves. Bad. They are in the middle of the industrial era as I am finishing the middle ages. Very bad. Later...I get refining as they start spaceship. I have 2 oil, Chinese 0!:happy:plan to mount invasion. Right before I start with tanks, one of my oil dissapears. Reappears deep in Chinese territory. :mad: Plan modification time. 15 or so turns later, it reappers in same spot! Send invasion force over. See MI and infantry defending cities. :sad: Declare war since Chinese have 7/10 spaceship done, and this is in vannila-so parts are early in the modern tech tree. Chinese:nuke::nuke::nuke: Athens, my capitol. It cuts off wines, so cities riot. Quit game as invasion force sunk/killed buy destroyers/battleships.

In that game it was wierd how it dissapeared and reappered in same location within 15 turn.

No, I don't have the save.
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