I've been playing the latest build and having fun, the religions feel a lot more fleshed out now. Also had quite good stability, finished three games, two Quick, one Standard. The AI does seem to struggle a lot, only building Warrior stacks and often never researching basics like crafting, but thats more of a base ffh issue. That being said, Monk stacks by elohim, archers in elves, and hippus horses and the classic Soldiers of Kilmorph doomstack by the dwarves were also about.
Love the flavour of Sanguine pool and the clerics starting enraged, and Laeran Cord has been cool. Its still quite difficult to understand what does what sometimes, where the civpedia fails. Like, the Church of the One religion (forgot the name), was completely unaware it was founded by Arcane Lore as Grigori.
Some of the nerfs have winced me, but were justified, moving Fertility to Life as opposed to the broken Creation I, II, III was very good. The pixie is a bit of a good T2 summon, but it hurts me physically having to summon it every turn to hurry production, after i have done all the improvements I needed.
Thanks for the great mod, just wanted to send a kind of bug report if you ever get the time to look into it. I'm linking a save the turn before it happens.
My great sage won't do great person things but can summon spectres and skeletons somehow. There's a lot of content that I'm not familiar with yet so maybe I'm just missing something, but that seems like a bug?
He spawned with many weird promotions but cannot do typical GP actions such has add to a city or even moving. He seems to be locked in place every next turn.
A great sage had already spawned in this city before and bulbed knowledge of the ether without any issue. Game was very vanilla-like before that, only atypical thing was an event that gave me an early mobius (as Sheiam) which I used divide with soul to scout my continent.
My custom game start settings have everything disabled excepted for no brokering and multiple production.
Also, not really a bug I guess but I'm noticing that animals seem almost completely gone from my games, I saw one spider once but nothing else, even when the maps are big with only a few civs. The Wildlands game settings was enabled by default and I unchecked it, maybe this is a normal feature? I'm used to getting a much bugger zoo in ffh.
Edit: I think my GP issue may be related to chaos mana giving a small chance for units to spawn mutated.
Great people (Sages and Prophets mostly) are now named predetermined Great People, who act like non-combat Arcane/Spiritual units with certain promotions, for instance, Tya Kiri is a Great Sage who spawns with the spellstaff promotion, a reference to her lore entry iirc, and with the Dimensional affinity. Yours probably had death affinity. However, they should still have the options available to normal GP actions.
Actually, reading your description, I think one of them has the Blind promotion, which basically stops all movement, and i guess the add to city/build academy options are counted as "movement". I think it wears off after a few turns. It could also be that chaos mana causing units to spawn mutated too.
Dear Magister, just a humble request - may you do a favor and make an installer that already has original FFH2 in it please?I mean MMM as standalone folder copy-paste and play
Sadly not really possible, its unfair to Kael who made the original ffh to bundle them together.