MAP - Diamond World


Feb 6, 2002
This is my first post, and my first Civ III map construction.

Here is what is in the attached textfile:

This is a fun, symmetrical map were things are balanced for equal opportunity (in the beginning). Each civilization has only one luxury resource; half of the civilizations start with fast-access to horses, while the other half has fast-access to iron. You must explore, later resources are not shared equally. It fact, no one has homeland-access to uranium or rubber - you must find it. The 'heart' of this world is the first to get there.
HINT: To get a jump-start on colonization, this map only allows early exploration for the civilization who builds "The Great Lighthouse" wonder.

Enjoy. Please let me know what you think.

I am new at this, how do I insert my preview. I added it to the HTML of my message, and this group only allowed <one> attached file.


P.S. The preview image of my map is included in the *.Zip file.
Whoa! Pretty map. I'll have to try it.
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