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[Map] ZomgErebus: Huge map, 25 civs, Fall Further required.

Seems no one is against landmarks, next version still will be in two files, if trend will continue - I will discard "no landmarks" one.

Do it! This map looks like a lot of fun - I look forward to giving it a go on my next break from playtesting the Scions. Or maybe I'll just boot the Amurites. :backstab:
first impressions:

youve missed out the Cualli...

too many fruits of the yggdrasill...

too many sheut stones...

awsome terrains, great placement of stuff.

reasonably nice starting locations, thought the kuriotate one is very odd... not what id have put them in, but still :p

EDIT: oh nevermind, the cualli are there :p i couldnt see their cultural boarders on the minimap :p
Yeah, Cualli are too dark to be seen normally :)

Right now I am rearranging Grigori-Dural-Kuriotates. And I just completed theoretical resources allocation. Sheut Stones will remain, though. Stones' main exporters are Sheaim, and some of them can be found in lands of Kahdi, Sidar and Bannor. Thematically fits: Sheaim and Bannor do have some hell connections, albeit different ones. Kahdi are in pursuit of knowledge, and these mysterious stones will really help. Sidar are a bit creepy and mysterious bunch, could be explained that way. No one else will have the stones in near vicinity.

Mind that Sheaim and Kahdi are close neighbors, and Sidar are located roughly in that area - makes Stone's distribution even more condensed.

I believe there will be just one Fruit of Yggdrasil in next version - right under Yggdrasil, as it should be. Or maybe there will be some of them in distant locations, promoting colonization. Didn't decided yet.
Regarding the Snakepillars:
I almost forgot: Since ure planning for FallFurther with implemented Mardoks ModQUOTE]

I have fall further mod, but I am not sure what this Mardock mod is? Is there any other pre-requisite to playing this map?
I found something called "Marnok" but was hesitant to install it over the E patch.

It looks exactly what I want to play, but I am gunshy after getting a CTD from a map I created that I edited extensively.

Only suggestion I can have is that I would somehow like to see a few small islands that are not controlled with some barbarian city/monster on it gaurding it (not one that gets generated through event) and several mana nodes.

For instance, I usually create a little island and put fire/water/earth/air node on it and call it my "Isle of the Elements" and have an elemental or two gaurding it. Then I put another one that is death/entropy/chaos and make it a place of nightmares and hellish terrain. Its probabably why I got the CTD, hah so don't trust me on this, but I think adding these ideal spots can give races a good reason to conflict.

Also, I love to give the pool of tears to the Good Elves or the Elohim.

EDIT: I have FFfH further, but not Marnok's mod. However, when I load up a scenario I get "You have been defeated" immediately. Is that due to me not having the extra mods?

Would love to have everything simplified into a single exe of one uber mod. Its so confusing what order to add things.
Kaenash, I don't have any modmods for FfH besides Fall Further. Probably that "Mardoks Mod" is compatible with the map, but it is definitely not required.

Didn't had more CtDs than usual with this map. Basically it is FfH+FF, nothing more.

I probably will be more generous with resources on small islands in next version, but don't expect ideal spots :) There are enough reasons to conflict even without them, especially with my resources distribution. If you have cows, you should know that pigs are on another side of the globe.

Ljosalfar (and Svartalfar) have their Yggdrasil, and Elohim are settled near Mirror of Heaven. In next version, it is in starting city fat cross. Pool of Tears is near Calabim. Land of sorrow, depression and bloodthirst seems like a good place. In general I tried to distribute World Features evenly on world map.

By the way, new version of the map will be completed in a few hours, so if you are planning to play a long game - just wait a bit. I promise, it would be better that way.
playing a game as the mazatl, i must say their swamp terrain doesn't really fit that well. Their economy relies on riverside grasslands to turn into jungled swamps, and tbh their area could do with another river or two (or atleast lenghten the ones they currently have). Also, the Omorr lake is a bit to big, it's coast instead of fresh water
Yay! New version of map is uploaded.

Go for it!

Edit: Demus, in my latest game both Mazatl and Cualli had largest empires in the world, no competition. So I will think twice before buffing their economy. If it was weird coincidence and they actually really have too hard time - sure, I will change their locations.

Duh, 10 tiles rule... Will change Omorr Lake now and reupload.

Edit: There. Should be fresh water now.
Fall Further already includes Marnok's mod (though it's a slightly old version I think); you just need FfH 2.032d and Fall Further 032.
Fall Further already includes Marnok's mod (though it's a slightly old version I think); you just need FfH 2.032d and Fall Further 032.

So thats the question then and maybe why as the Khazad I get you "Lost" already. I have 32.e installed and I put fall further over top of that. I think its broken that way.
Thanks for doing this - I love premade maps, they tend to have a lot more flavor than randomly generated ones.

I'm playing as the lanun, and I have to admit I did make use of the world builder a couple of times... both the mana nodes on melee island were in the exact locations where I wanted my third and fourth cities! :lol:
Hehe, good point. Probably will move them into near tiles in next version myself. Lanun have to use all they got, after all - Melee island is not very big.
i noticed the kurio's have several horse resources on their island... quite funny, since they themselves have got little to no use for horses (besides rathas and shadow riders, the religious units).
Horses symbolizes something centaurish. Their island is pretty awesome in all other aspects, so they will have to deal with it and export one of horses :)
could be a buggy savegame, but in my game i noticed one gems source in the coast near the omorr lake of the mzatl. The lake was still a coastal area, that's why i think i loaded an old version over a new one (not sure though, better check). Still, with the kurio's, i usually end up trading both the horse resources away, since i generally have no use for them anyway.

By the way, so far i've played 3-4 games on this map, and the only time the swamp dwellers ended up on top of the score board was when i was playing them (i usually play prince-monarch). Perpentach and Kadhi were the other score leaders, falamar was doing pretty well aswell.
I've noticed these gems, probably clicked them down there by mistake. Will remove in next version.

Falamar is doing pretty well by score usually. Right now I am playing as Os-Gabella, and civilizations' relative power is really shifted. Previously either Khazad or Balseraphs zerged Luchuirp, but right now it is impossible. Mazatl got pretty fine empire, while Cualli are lagging a bit. Calabim, who were outsiders in all my previous games, are real menace. Grigori and Dural, on the other hand, are kinda weak this time.

I like this statistical distribution of win-lose ratio, can't yet find neither complete losers nor uber-positioned races who are destined to win always. But of course, it is too early to speak about that with complete confidence.
Oooo, I wanna play this so bad, I just hope my pentium 4 with 9550 ati and 1 gb of ram can handle it xD
I abandoned my Lanun game after four civs bit it before turn 200 (Svarts and evil Lizards where taking people out left and right), and I started another one as the Grigori. I noticed that they have absolutely no health resources anywhere near them, which might have something to do with why they're not doing terribly well in your games. :D
Actually I noticed this and already gave them 2 rice. Though they began to suck _after_ I did this, and in previous game they were one of major powers. Without any food.
the copper given to mazatle is pointless, seeing as lizzies cannot utilise copper. change it to gold or gems. move the marble onto the hill to allow another swamp, and put the bananas back. i dont like the current mazatle start location terribly much. needs a nother river too... just my 2c :p
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