
Dec 8, 2020
I have recently downloaded MapView, a plugin for helping with the creation of custom maps for Civ 4, but it crashes whenever I try to link it with the Caveman2Cosmos mod. Do anybody else have this problem? I've downloaded the most recent versions of both MapView and Caveman2Cosmos. MapView open fine, and when I link it with Caveman2Cosmos (using Plugins->Editor 1.3.4->Mods->Caveman2Cosmos) it even parses the XML files (I mean, the toolbar gets clustered with "?" signs given that MapView doesn't have icons for the terrains and units that come with the mod, but hovering the mouse over them shows the correct names, etc.). The app crashes once I try to open or start a new map. I tried using maps from C2C, tried creating small maps of 10x10 tiles, but the app still crashes. According to this link ( ), this could have something to do with MapView parsing the XML files, but I'm not sure how to fix it. Did anybody else encountered this problem before?
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