Mars Scenario?

yeah , yeah ı have an actual X-wing , too , though it is always easier to play some already made scenario ...
As part of my ongoing hunt for Civ scenarios relating to Mars and other stuff I finally got around to trying out that Russian Mars mod mentioned earlier in this thread. Strangely it works fine on my English copy of Civ3 without any modification to its files.. I played a whole bunch of turns and no crashes. However sadly the terrain is no match for Balthasar or Smoking Mirror's work and I think something might be wrong it's all bright oranges, yellows, reds and pinks lol. However it looks like it might have some useful custom units.

Since it seems to be the only Mars scenario for Civ3 in existence though I've preserved it at CFC here:

My eyes.. my eyes!! lol


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a random discovery lmmediate thing to say he is quite a prolific model maker and/but over the year he has been strung by a number of websites that use his photos in ways he wouldn't approve. Claiming some plane exists and here are the pictures to prove it is not much of a proper action for a "What iffer" person . So , his name must be referenced in the description page or whatever if his ideas were ever to be used and he will be quite content .

not that they should be taken entirely or whatever . They are having a group build somewhere so that they can meet in some modelling convention and lay all the models on a table and visitors can admire the human colony , a necessary step as they escape from the Cylons and the like . Seeing a properly made model kit can be really inspiring to start modelling on one's own .

so , the number of glass domes defines the size of the colony . For metro size/above 12 you could add one of those cooling towers that happen for nuclear power stations and the like , perhaps the hospital function of the epic game taken by a powerplant for Mars . lt might need a different thing if it was to be used for non-atmospheric setting though , like why would you need a steaming tower if there was no air around . Walls could be shown by some Tesla like electric arcs . To be given more prominence for alien cities , because they might be needed . As a Martian thing how about having their glass domes turned around and becoming like wine/ champagne glasses so that depending on scale , the top of it would be ordinary soil and the redfern or whatever would fall down from holes to be picked by the alien citizens or whatever . Also city domes perhaps needing different colours and the like for different culture groups perhaps , 5 of them existing in the game as far as ı know .
I posted converted, domed, SMAC cities long ago, but I believe that, plainly with patience, you'll find them by scrolling through that part of the d/l db.

Also (of course) swapping Terrain gfx is easy enough.
Yeah thanks @Ozymandias that is really good stuff. And in fact SMAC content converted to Civ3 was something I was asking for back at the start of the thread so this is great. although I saw talk of someone making a SMAC units pack for Civ3 but so far I've had no luck finding it.

As for the theme and feel of everything (except for terrain which is already done) unfortunately I'm rather ignorant of Barsoom stuff to be honest so I'll go in any scifi direction that suits mars colonization haha, but I know that Barsoom something Balthasar wanted as he started work on those Barsoom city designs so obviously if it can be done then that would great but we're not exactly spoilt for choice on scifi assets converted to Civ3 so I'll take what I can get lol. I'm still buried in Civ2 stuff atm so I haven't had the change to go through and test lots of Civ3 scfi scenarios (including yours @Vuldacon ) yet sadly but hopefully they'll be good good stuff to use in some out there.

Personally I'm happy with something that has the scifi style of the Alpha C cutscenes in early Civ games, the Lalande Scifi scenario in Test of Time, the SMAC game itself, or the scifi style of the Civ2, ToT, Civ4 and Civ5 Mars scenarios that have some but don't go too crazy on the mutant monsters etc and focus more on future tech units.

Civ1 AC Ending:

Civ2 AC Ending:

Civ2 Mars scenario:

Kestrel's Test of time Mars now:

Lalande Test of Time scfi scenario:


Mars Now Civ4:


Red Planet Civ5:
@Vuldacon & @Blake00 - I do my humble best :king:

@Blake00 - There is actually a large amount of Civ 3 Sci Fi material here at CivFanatics. You just need to know where to look :cooool: & I'm happy to help. 2 Examples: Some "Fantasy" City sets, as well as 4th Era for some mods, are very Sci Fi. @Delta_Strife and @Fortis1 have recently turned out many great, readily accessible units. Older stuff - personally, for my own SF tinkerings, I happily use Wyrmshadow's WW1 St. Chamond as a "hardened" multi-purpose vehicle (and, odd, I do believe that D_S has a Schneider around here somewhere :think:) you might need to go "spelunking" for -and not very far - for @gwendoline's "Bonaparte Tulcas" or deeper for la_dav's "LA TANK." Wyrmshadow also turned out some awesome SF infantry (OK, I'm biased: the first was at my request) "Super Armored Fighting Suit" ... Anyway, I'm sure you get my drift. Show me some specifics, & I'll see what jars memories (my sig, "I saw the Great Library burn," is a reference to my unofficial role, Once Upon A Time, as C&C Archivist ...)
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As part of my ongoing hunt for Civ scenarios relating to Mars and other stuff I finally got around to trying out that Russian Mars mod mentioned earlier in this thread. Strangely it works fine on my English copy of Civ3 without any modification to its files.. I played a whole bunch of turns and no crashes. However sadly the terrain is no match for Balthasar or Smoking Mirror's work and I think something might be wrong it's all bright oranges, yellows, reds and pinks lol. However it looks like it might have some useful custom units.

Since it seems to be the only Mars scenario for Civ3 in existence though I've preserved it at CFC here:

My eyes.. my eyes!! lol

Found this thread at the Russian CFC forum. Turns out that Russian Mars mod by Michael had an English version and a extra music download. Sadly neither downloads work nor were they backed up on Webarchive. :(
English version of the mod, you can download it from here (size 256 kb):,0en.exe
Soundtracks can be downloaded from here (size 12 meg):

Looks like Michael also came here to regular CivFinatics to promote his mod back in the day too:

I noticed @Sword_Of_Geddon (who's still here today) posted in that thread that it's the best Mars terrain he'd seen yet. Which further makes me think the crazy hypercoloured terrain I'm seeing in the Russian version is due to some glitch lol. Don't suppose you still have a copy of Michael's work Sword_Of_Geddon? Has only been like 16 years. :lol::lol:

Also I managed to find another old Civ3 Mars scenario in the depths of CFC by @sprnv8 but sadly his downloads aren't working despite them being CFC uploads.
Some more of his stuff was backed up here though:

And finally I've found another good potential scifi planet colonizing mod that could be combined with Balthsar's Mars terrain. Neomega's Pentagenesis 1.0 for conquests, Planet Sona Prime. Thankfully Node60 had preserved the files.


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Blake00... That units was "Spiff", first made by Kinboat and I resized him for EFZI2 Elite... called Captain Spiff.
Just Uploaded EfZI2 Elite Yesterday and there are some Units and other Graphics that you can use in it.
Yeah but guys I was linking directly to Kinboat's forum post and not the unit download (more so for myself as a reminder for later), so no one could have got the unit without actually going to his original post and reading it lol! I don't usually post direct downloads but if I do then I credit the authors I assure you, however when I'm just linking to someone's forum post I'm less strict as anyone who clicks on the link will see the original post and therefore it's author. Although I usually do still credit authors even when it's just a forum post link but Ozy messaged me the unit when it was like 3am on Christmas eve in my country so I did this one quickly and half asleep not expecting to cause an incident lol! I've fixed my post to include his name lol.
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