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Master of Myrror Fantasy Mod 2.0

First nice Mod, i realy like it. :goodjob:

i have a little problem, i get a Load Error.


i have looked at the Galleass Folder, but there is nothing about Frigate.

i have installed the newest patch. before i copy something else there and rename, i would like to know if i have forgotten something?
Thanks everyone. :)

Can't unfortunately help you Tigrimus, the problem isn't caused by MoM, but it's in your own system. Your Civ3\Art\Units\Frigate folder lacks FrigateFidget.wav

It should be there by default. Make sure you run the mod with Conquests. 1.22 Other than that, I can't help right now. Sorry.
I think there is a biot of a problem. It seems like civs can destroy themselves
Found a strange thing with the dark elf units that must be a bug. The Nightblade pedia talks about shadow rangers, and as this is the "ranger" unit I suppose that it should really be called Shadow ranger. The unit named Dark horseman use the Medieval assassin gfx, and should probably be called something like that (Nightblade, if the pedia is correct).

Edit: Another one; the tech advisor talks about the wrong techs; Did you do the text file before changing to three eras?

What version are you running? In my MoM 1.01 pediaentries for dark elf units are correct and there isn't a unit called dark horseman.

Tech advisor has been tested to some extent and I was fairly certain it was working correctly. Try again when you're 100% certain that the version you're running is MoM 1.01. Did you remove the beta MoM before installing 1.0? Maybe that has something to do with it.

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Last morning's panic starting up real soon. Woke up a little earlier than would've been necessary to clear my head. It's raining outside. 13 degrees celcius forecasted maximum temperature and the rain will continue through the day. I just love Finnish summer. I absolutely hate the climate of my homeland.
Drift, I think there could be a problem with monasteries/warrior monks. I just conquered Ariel's capital and it was defended by four wizards and lots of monks. The monks with their def of 3 obviously did not stand much of a chance against Sepharims, Archangels and Elven Lords. Thinking back to the standard game, I seem to remember that I usually encountered lots of strong defenders in capital cities.

So I am wondering: Does the AI take into account the defensive strengths when selecting units to defend a city or does it solely go by number? If the later is the case, the presence of warrior monks would cause a lack of high level defenders in the city, effectively crippling the defense of the AI life mages in the late game.

Then there's another issue, but it's probably more a matter of preference: I know that the dragons were toned down and changed to pure bombardiers, but I find them to be a little fragile now, which doesn't fit very well with my mental image of dragons. How about increasing HP and/or def values a bit?

(I realize it's probably a little late now, but maybe you could look into these issues when you return.)

Again, good luck! :)
I never removed the beta version; I'll try that and install again.
The grumbler raises an important point; maybe get a new unit that the warrior monks can upgrade to? Defense 4 or 5 maybe...

Don't run away today. ;)
I finally got around to playing some more in my old Vlad game, and tought I should mention that ol' Sss'ra finally bit the dust. He got himself into a war with Mordja, which oughtn't been that bad, since Mordja was on the other continent, but Mordja bribed me into helping him, and, well, it took me three turns to take Sss'ra's two remaining cities.

The war with Tauron goes on and on. But no matter how tough his cities are, I'm sooner or later gonna crush him with sheer weight.
@Tigrimus: Do you by any chance have the German version of C3C? The localization team, in their wisdom, decided to rename the unit graphics folders in the translations, for no apparent purpose beyond messing up mods.
i have a us-version of c3 and an english ptw with a german c3c.

thanks, i just want to know before i change anything lasttime i do it, i have won a new installation.

i have chanced the entries in the ini files, so it works now without any problems.
Psyringe: My war with Raven was bit dissapointing. I overestimated their defense and built up way too many troops. My attack consisted of 80 Seraphim, 20 Dragons of Light, and 10 or so Archangels. Completely overran them. I was thinking about taking on Lo'Pan but decided to start a game with the new version.

grumbler: 4 or 5 units has been the average for defensive units in city from what i've seen, even in capitals. The only time i've seen more is when an AI is doing really well, or when they're preparing for an attack. They also probably had the units their before the monastery, so the monks didn't play a part in determining if it was defended.

This might be a problem if a war went on a long while though, so maybe boosting warrior monks to 1/4 would be good. They already take 12 turns to produce, 2 longer then crypt skeletons. I agree on the dragons too, they should at least get +2 hp, if not an extra def point. On the other hand, make them too strong defense wise and they could rampage through an enemy territory without being at risk, so I dunno.

Drift: I like the changes for the new version, thanks for not removing the production bonus from Death Mages. I don't think losing doubles city growth will hurt, granaries aren't hard to build.

But anyway, I started a new game with the patch playing as Sss'ra. Still playing on Standard, Pangea, 70% water. I started out on the base of a pennisula, with Raven on the tip of it. Needless to say, Raven was my first conquest. Hordes of fanatics can do wonders early on, heh. After that I built the couple more cities needed to secure the pennisula and focused my troops southward.

Gathering them in my border cities I upgraded them and set them loose apon Vlad. He never saw me coming, heh. I took his city and secured the entire pennisula for myself, then extorted tech from him. After that I built up till I had a decent army of Chaos Warriors/Devils/Trebuchets. Then I set about conquering Vlad. It turned out to be rather easy, Rjak and Vlad were right next to each other and had been fighting for ages.

I only got three cities out of that, so I was going to press on to Rjak but Ariel beat me to the punch. Using ships/ROP with Tlaloc she stormed through him pretty fast. At this point in the game i'm way behind in tech, only just now having gotten two techs into the second era, the other civs are away ahead of me. Even so, I decide to focus on cash instead of science(gotta upgrade my chaos warriors to ettins).

While i'm upgrading my guys Tauron asks for an MPP and I accept, since they're close to Tlaloc and Ariel, the only two civs bordering me now. And as luck would have it, Tlaloc tries to extort cash from me a few turns later, so I deny and war erupts. Tauron joins in on my side, Oberic on Tlalocs. Since all my forces were on my border cities anyway I easily beat back his attacks and take a city on the first turn of the war.

After that I pay Ariel 30 gpt to attack him, and trade Lo'Pan two luxuries to attack. With that done, the only civ bordering him that isn't against him is Oberic, who i'm not about to waste gold trying to bribe, since he'll probably be busy with Ariel/Tauron(who are closer to him) anyway. Over the next few turns I capture two more cities, bringing me into range of his capital. Suprisingly Lo'Pan has captured two or three cities in the north, and Ariel one or two. Tauron hasn't done anything, but hopefully hes keeping Tlaloc's troops busy.

So right now a world war is waging, with Tlaloc/Oberic heavily outnumbered, but there is still a wildcard left. Merlin, he rules the southwest after having destroyed Freya, if he enters he might be able to destroy Tauron/hurt Ariel, but I think Lo'Pan is too far away for him. At this point the top ranked are:
1:Tlaloc(Green), rules the center of the continent(more or less) 1060 points.
2:Merlin(Blue), rules the southwestern end of the continent 985 points.
3:Ariel(White), rules the southeastern/northern part of the continent 685 points.
4:Sss'ra(me, Orange), rules the east/northeastern end of the continent, 667 points.
5:Tauron(Bright Red), rules the southern part of the continent, 585 points.
6:Oberic(Off white), rules the western strip connecting the continent to Merlin, 535 points.
7:Lo'Pan(Dark Red), rules the the land east of Ariel, north of Tlaloc, 405 points.

Incase thats all confusing, I also included the minimap. Chaos is kinda fun to play, with their strong units/extra hp hordes of units can work pretty effectively. I also can't wait until I can use the flying fortress, that just looks so cool. But thats all of that game, I hope my account of it hasn't bored anyway.


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First I should congratulate Drift for creating a wonderful mod, I believe it's one of the top mods for civ 3. :king:
However, there is one thing I did not like as much, the dark colors for everything. I understand this is meant to give a special mood to the game, but it's a bit dark for my taste. So instead of complaining I decided to do something about it. When I started editing the mod I decided to implement a few other minor changes (only cosmetic):
- switched the terrain with snoopy's and changed it a bit.
- changed the graphics of some of the resources (mostly changing the race resources from people into cities or camps)
- changed the death and nature cities
- modified the Rune Mastery screen
- changed the dating system -EDIT: Changed back to normal-
None of the graphics used were created by me, but some are heavily modified.
I will post some screenshots of the changes, but I would like to hear Drift's opinion about it before releasing it (I'll PM him, but I know he'll be busy for a while). Comments are welcome, even negative ones. ;)

1st pic: Death & Nature cities and a sample date:

2nd pic: Race resources and terrain preview:

3rd pic: Rune Mastery Screen:


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I will have to check these out. Not sure why you want to change the dating system though, I think the point was to advance the cultural victory condition.
Kiech said:
I will have to check these out. Not sure why you want to change the dating system though, I think the point was to advance the cultural victory condition.

Oh, I didn't realize that. I'll change it back, thanks for the info.
I don't have the time to look into these graphic modifications. Go ahead and release them. I'm not very excited about the bright terrain, but I don't object releasing it. Thank you for your efforts, I wish I had more time to look into them and to the discussion going on about other things about MoM. However, we have an apartment to clean and our things to pack for the trip and not much time to do it.

Wedding was a success, everyone enjoyed it a lot even though it was pouring rain like mad. Luckily we had lots of space for people to stay indoors. To use a cliche, we are tired but extremely happy.

Bye now, gotta run. America is waiting. :)
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