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Master of your Domain


Sep 18, 2002
The Wastelands
Actually, it's not about THAT (not that there's anything wrong with it).

Over the last month or so, I have been designing my own maps. I have five so far on file, ranging from one 55x65 to a mega 100x100. I'll admit I went into it for two reasons. One, because I thought I could design something I'd like better than the random maps or the ones I downloaded from this site, and Two, because I thought it would be a safe way to cheat, because I knew the terrain.

While the jury may still be out on One, Two was a total failure. I forget where everything was, and it still has that necessary uncertainity to make the game interesting.

So, anybody else make their own maps (probably a dumb question)? What kinds of maps do you make (big land masses, lots of oceans, based on real terrain, etc)?
Do a search on Narz -- he's set up a few and shared them with us in the GOTM set of threads. I've started a few but only finished a couple (one being a mega grassland in an attempt to see about high scoring.)
The only one I made was a large map with seven islands, all exactly the same , in order to see how the AIs would deal with the same situation.. had to make a scenario out of it to start them all in the same places. Turned out boring, but may be interesting for MP (without telling the suckers we're all in the same boat!) I started on a replica of Washington State, but I got stalled out trying to make a graphic for hops as a resource!
Old 'N Slow

Yes, I've seen Narz's (aka Tony) maps on the download sections, and I think at Apolyton, and they are great, much better than mine. But I was just asking how many people make their own maps, not just the folks who send them to CFC for downloading.
I've just started trying to make my own maps. It's not that easy!

Someday (he said, looking off into the distance) I will design my own units, specials, and create a terrific scenario! But for now, I'm trying to create a decent "Great Lakes" map for fun.
Originally posted by Marlos
But for now, I'm trying to create a decent "Great Lakes" map for fun.

Hey that sounds like good idea! This is one ex-Hoosier who wouldn't mind pulverizing Van Wert Ohio to a pulp. Stupid buckeye cops.. anyway, if you finish it, would you be interested in sharing? Maybe have a tri-state MP or PBEM? I'll be Mad Anthony Wayne (and call YOUR corn the best I've ever torched!) :mwaha:
I make some of my own, giving the AI lots of land and resources, and putting myself in a poorer starting position in order to give them a head start.
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