Mastery Victory BTS 3.19


Jan 5, 2002
Project Tic-Toc
A while back I had updated Sevo's Mastery Victory to work with Warlords. I've finally updated it again to BTS 3.19. I know that others have updated it and included it other Mods but I was surprised to see that no one had released it again as a stand alone mod.
This version was created from the one I created for Warlords. Then only change I made was I reduced the amount of time it takes before the Victory Screen scores are shown.

Thanks again to Sevo for creating this! :goodjob:

[Edit] Someone asked me what a Mastery victory is so I've added Sevo's original description below.

What is a Mastery Victory?
Spoiler :
A new victory condition for Civ4

The motivation behind this mod stemmed from a basic disatisfaction with games occasionally ending under what seemed to be cheap victories. You could possess 2/3 of the world's land and population, be four screws and a AA-battery from completing a starship to Alpha Centauri, possess the holy cities of all of the earth's great relgions and the all of the greatest cultural cities, and some jerk from the most impoverished and technologically backwards dictatorial nation on the planet gets voted president of the UN and is declared the winner? Bah.

The other thing that seemed to need changing was that players who built and planned with the distant future of their empire in mind were often at a disadvantage to those who sacrificed the long term to complete a short-term victory condition. Also, I just hated finishing a game early before I could see the final legacy of my empire.

The Mastery Victory is a new victory condition that approaches "winning" from a more comprehensive perspective in an attempt to address these issues.

This mod also includes the "Religious Victory" condition pre-made in the game but not available in vanilla.

The Design of the Mastery Condition

I wanted a new victory condition based on a few basic premises:
-Victory should only be judged at the end of the game (time frame)
-It should score civs on multiple different factors that require maximum development of the empire
-Along that line, it should rank players who score highly across many measures better than players who score very well in one area at the sacrifice of other aspects of the game.
-It should allow for a civ that doesn't warmonger to compete more evenly with civs that do while still leaving military battles a central part of the game.
-It should balance a historical and unchangeable component of the score with another component that can rapidly change in the late stages of the game.

The mod was designed to meet these objectives.

The Details

A Mastery Victory is won as follows:
-If selected, the mastery victory replaces the other victory conditions in the game (by nature it can't co-exist with them)
-Mastery Victory is determined ONLY at the end of the time-span of the game. You have to survive to the end.

-Points are given for the following:
-Land - 1 point per % of landmass controlled by team.
-Population - 1 point per % of total planet population possessed by team.
-Culture - 1 point per % of total planet culture belonging to team.
-Religion - 1 point per % of world religion if you control the religion's holy city. Only the top religion you control is scored, so second and third holy cities will not increase your score (but will prevent other civs from gaining points from them).
-Power - Your civ's power is summed throughout all of history. 1 point awarded for each % of the total summed power of all the surviving civs on earth. While power increases throughout time, this does mean that you'll be scored for your military for the whole game span.
-Wonders - 1 point per % of world wonders CONSTRUCTED by the civ, not owned! The game keeps track of who actually builds the wonders as opposed to those who capture them. Wonder benefits are still granted to whoever currently possess the wonders. This makes the investment of a wonder more meaningful and more realistic.
-Legendary Cities - Any city achieving Legendary status grants 30 bonus points. (You can have one, you can have five; you'll receive 30 points for each one you build).
-Starship - 100 points given to any civ launching an interstellar starship. This is a big score bonus but represents a significant achievement; if a civ that hasn't launched a starship is to be considered superior to one that has it must have made significant cultural and military achievements!

At the end of the game the scores are summed and a victor declared.

-If you selecte "Mastery" victory type, the other types will be ignored (since it overrides them).
-The bonuses for Legendary cities and Starship were carefully considered; both are huge investments over the timeline of the game and represent significant achievements by the team. In essence, you are expected to launch a starship by the end of the game. If you don't, you had better have a pretty amazing culture here on earth to win since the other teams are going to be colonizing distant worlds.


  • Master Victory BTS319
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I dl'ed this and when I load a game I lose my interface. Is this because I'm running BUG or because I didn't extract it to the proper place. I'm running Windows XP and just extracted the files into my "Mod" folder. Thanks for any help!
I have that problem too. (EDIT: with BUG that is)

Alt+tab to desktop and then alt+tabbing back to civ always fixes it for me.
Does anyone have the SDK sources for this modcomp?
Or do i have to try adn strip it out of another mod?
I've had several problems/crashes with this mod, always connected to the spaceship. I worked through the changed python code, but the problem is in the dll, I fear.

Anyway, the problem:
- When I build every spaceship part, the game crashes when the last part is built; not a python error, an 'application stopped working' error
- When I launch an incomplete spaceship, the launch is not registered by the system; it still says not launched, even though, when you click the button, the launch screen show the ship happily speeding away
- When the incomplete spaceship was launched, the game crashes at the end of the last turn

I think the problem for point 2 is in the gc.getGame().getStarshipLaunched(iLoopTeam) in teamLaunchedShip(self, teamID), and I assume the rest are in the dll.

Any idea what I can do?

Edit: I was also hoping I could add some points for winning the UN and Apostolic Palace diplomatic victory elections, as these are ignored at the moment, but since the real stuff seems to be done in activePlayer.getTeam().getTotalVictoryScore(), I have no idea how to change anything but the displayed information.
@Admiral Armada: Check this out. It was released for 3.17, but can be easily updated to 3.19
If you have questions, I'm sure avain will help you. He had it updated in QC, and also a fan of mastery victory :)

Btw, I'm really glad you continue your work on LoR, especially with such great add-ons as MV!
I've had several problems/crashes with this mod, always connected to the spaceship. I worked through the changed python code, but the problem is in the dll, I fear.

Anyway, the problem:
- When I build every spaceship part, the game crashes when the last part is built; not a python error, an 'application stopped working' error
- When I launch an incomplete spaceship, the launch is not registered by the system; it still says not launched, even though, when you click the button, the launch screen show the ship happily speeding away
- When the incomplete spaceship was launched, the game crashes at the end of the last turn

I think the problem for point 2 is in the gc.getGame().getStarshipLaunched(iLoopTeam) in teamLaunchedShip(self, teamID), and I assume the rest are in the dll.

Any idea what I can do?

Edit: I was also hoping I could add some points for winning the UN and Apostolic Palace diplomatic victory elections, as these are ignored at the moment, but since the real stuff seems to be done in activePlayer.getTeam().getTotalVictoryScore(), I have no idea how to change anything but the displayed information.

I get the same CTD when around building the ship also. I really enjoy this type of victory and would love to finish a game!

Hi. I've also noticed this bug today. My mod also uses the Mastery Victory. And I think I was able to solve the problems. But I'm not sure. This is the first time I saw this bug. And as the only others that seemed to have noticed this problem may I ask you test my solution?

If you like to help me and test it please download the Community Civ V [CCV] in version 4.21 or higher! This is the version I built today with the bug fix.
I've been playing with the mastery victory (specifically as a part of the Quot Capita mod) and I'm not convinced the AI knows what to do.

I've always been a Noble player, recently gave Prince a shot - lost a few, won a couple - but with Mastery on, I'm yet to lose at all. It's as if the AI just doesn't know how it's meant to win, so doesn't try.

Have I just been really lucky, or is it a known issue?

EDIT: I do really like the mastery victory condition, this isn't a knock.
Anyway, the problem:
- When I build every spaceship part, the game crashes when the last part is built; not a python error, an 'application stopped working' error
- When I launch an incomplete spaceship, the launch is not registered by the system; it still says not launched, even though, when you click the button, the launch screen show the ship happily speeding away
- When the incomplete spaceship was launched, the game crashes at the end of the last turn

I know I'm sort of resurrecting an old thread, but I downloaded this and had this same problem. Has anyone fixed this? I know the mastery victory is incorporated into a few other mods, but I was just hoping to use it as a standalone mod, as it seems most of the mods that include BUG, BULL, and various combat and revolution mods get bloated pretty quickly, and bog down pretty bad late game (at least for me anyway, as I play on a laptop).
I know I'm resurrecting an old thread once again, but has anyone fixed the spaceship problem? I really like this victory condition, but it's pretty much unplayable in its current condition.
I know I'm resurrecting an old thread once again, but has anyone fixed the spaceship problem? I really like this victory condition, but it's pretty much unplayable in its current condition.

Thomas SG claims he fixed the bug in his CCV mod and Thomas SG does some amazing stuff so my bet is he indeed smashed the bug :)
I don't know if you know anything about merging the DLL code (C++)
If so you can compare the code from Sevo/OP with the code from Thomas SG supllied with his CCV mod.

I saw that Thomas SG added some extra code in the CvTeam.CCP for example.
Original Code:

bool CvTeam::canLaunch(VictoryTypes eVictory) const
	return m_abCanLaunch[eVictory];

Thomas SG Code:
bool CvTeam::canLaunch(VictoryTypes eVictory) const
	bool bMasteryVictoryActive = false;

	for (int iI = 0; iI < GC.getNumVictoryInfos(); iI++)
		if (GC.getGameINLINE().isVictoryValid((VictoryTypes)iI))
			if (GC.getVictoryInfo((VictoryTypes)iI).isTotalVictory())
				bMasteryVictoryActive = true;

	if (bMasteryVictoryActive)
		if (getLaunchSuccessRate(eVictory) < 100)
			return false;

	return m_abCanLaunch[eVictory];

Not sure if this fixed the bug or not because it is not part at all of the Sevo code and I believe there are more changes in some other files between the Sevo source and the Thomas SG one, I can merge some stuff but my knowledge of C++ is pretty bleh. LOL
Is there any 3.19 bugfixed BUG mod compatible Version around?
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