Mecca Help


Mar 25, 2012
First post to the forums and its a cry of help :sad:

Im currently playing a game as the mamluks, and i recently invaded mecca... a few turns later i got the event where the Mali king does the Hajj and completly cripples my economy.

Is there a way to lower inflation, or do i have to let it run its course... im just barely managing to break even with my income and thats with all my sliders set to 0%

Thanks for any help :)
Welcome to the boards!

Part of the point of the event is to make the Mamluk's life harder. It's definitely possible to get your economy back in shape, although you won't be the techmonster you've been previously. I recommend focusing on gold buildings (markets, butchers, confectioners, banks) and building wealth if necessary during the first years after the event.
No quick way to get my economy back on track then eh? ah well.

Im the biggest and (by far) the most powerful empire at present anyways, and im still the most advanced civ, so going awhile without any new techs shouldnt hurt me too much then.

Thanks for the help.
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