Mega city in Poland


Oct 23, 2016
when I play the YnAMP - Yet (not) Another Maps Pack, I found that in every time, cities in Poland grow very quickly, here is a snapshot
Polish city grows into 20!!! Why?
Just by looking at the location, it's pretty ressourceful to have a good amount of food. Just look at the map. There's 2 rice ressources with a farm on it, one of them is next to a river, providing great amount of food. There's 2 wheat ressources, with a farm on it, next to a river, excellent for food. Add the farm adjency bonus when (+1 food for every 2 adjency farm in Feudalism) and yes, I am not surprised to see Krakow grow that fast.

So, correct me if I'm wrong... Both rice probably provides 5 food yields, both wheat probably provides 6 each, both farm between the wheat and rice probably provides 4 food and the North farm (near the rice) probably just provide 2 food. for a total of 32 of food just from those 7 tiles. Combine that with the river at Berlin's frontier, the one in the middle of the territory and the small river a the East. That place is filled with food yield.
Nice (Poland *wink* *wink*), but I've seen earlier. It is a considerably good location to support that population: Rivers for food and housing, rice and wheat for food, improvements (particularly farms) for housing and food. Don't forget about the adjacency bonuses for farms after feudalism.
Maybe because Europe is so crowded that they didn't get a chance to settle anywhere so never built settlers?
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