Metherac: The Chosen

Buying Null-Magic I and II.
Hmm. Null Magic I, Escapist II, and Resilience II.
Experience gained:

Koniri: 4SP
Harren: 4SP
Wingefer: 4SP
Kyr'kersey: 4SP
Zerecca: 4SP
Ari/Slasha: 4SP

After determining there was no lasting damage to the woman they had fought last mission, the team continued on their way. Skirting the city of Dawnhold on Fiona's reccomendation, they rode through the night for fear of being attacked again by bandits. As such, they arrived in the village of Shabeht that afternoon, on the edge of the Amasian forest. Here they encountered a dwarf belonging to the order, who informed them that the forest was actually cursed; those who entered soon became lost in mist and found themselves exiting, sometimes with sections of their memories missing.

The team decided therefore to be extra-careful as they made their way forward, pausing frequently to take notes on their progress, and marking the way with all manor of signs. When the mist appeared, they attempted to disperse it with null magic, but had only limited success. Instead, they relied on Kyr's divination to lead them to the temple, and despite some mis-steps were able to head deep into the forest. As they neared their goal however, they stumbled across something that gave them pause: the remnants of a dragons meal. Deciding to press on regardless, they soon reached the temple, and sent Wingefer forwards to greet the large green dragon that waited before it. The dragon, who named them-self 'Grass-Scale', was surprisingly welcoming, and upon learning of the marks indicated that the team should enter the temple...


Yeah I'm still amazed that every last one of you was able to refrain from entering combat with the dragon. Given the amount of bloodthirsty nutjobs amongst you, I was half expecting to be presiding over a TPK. :p Oh well, the temple itself shall be done next mission, so look out for that next Saturday at the usual time.

If we can get a few more people in the next 45 minutes I will be running a mission.

Edit: We can't, so the mission is postponed until Sunday.

Experience gained:

Koniri: 2SP
Sal'athim: 2SP
Harren: 2SP
Wingefer: 2SP
Kyr'kersey: 2SP
Zerecca: 2SP

After entering the temple, the team discovered a magical ring and a scroll in the first room. The scroll apparently details a 'spell of protection' which some believe will apply to curses, but is extremely high level magic requiring the caster to have knowledge of the null, divination, healing, and energy magic disciplines. They also uncovered another map, which the nearby runes indicated would lead them to 'the oracle'. Deciding to camp there for the night, the team resolved to investigate this 'oracle' further after recovering their horses.


As many of you are aware, I'm going to be putting Metherac on hold temporarily due to my large current workload leaving me without the time to run regular missions. Hopefully the game will be able to resume sometime around the end of June when my workload is projected to drop off, but I can't give a specific date yet. Sorry for the short write-up, but I figured leaving it, and this announcement, much longer was probably a bad move even if it did mean a sub-par write-up.

Just posting to update everyone on the situation. As some of you no doubt know, my time problems are essentially ended now, which should mean a restart is imminent. As some of you may also know though, I am going on holiday at the end of the month, which is a bit of a hit snce I won't have access to the required materials to run the game while away. That leaves, from my point of view, two options: either we run a few missions this week and then give it a rest while I'm on holiday, or we simply don't continue until I'm back from the holiday. If we do run missions this week, I'm thinking of Tuesday and Saturday, but obviously when we do them depends on when people can be there. What do the rest of you think sounds best?

So I'm Back. If people are still interested enough to play this, there will be a mission on either Saturday or Sunday depending on when other ACs are mission-ing.
I'm out of commission in Colombia right now but it's probably for the best as I have some changes to make to Slasha's characterization. Hope to be able to make the following mission if people are still playing.
I'd suggest Sunday, but that's just because I can't make a Saturday.

Taking Hardiness II.
If people can be there, a mission will be run tonight in about an hour and a half. I also thought I'd post the unspent SP since several people have some:

KaiserElectric: 2
SamSniped: 2
ArrowGamer: 5
Kinich-Ahau: 8
RedSpy: 3
Nukeknockout: 1
Patchy: 1

The spreadsheet appears to be all up to date otherwise.

Following discussions in chat, I'm sad to announce that the game will only be continuing if, at some point before next monday, we are actually able to field enough players for a mission. Since we didnt have many players to start with, and several have either stated problems continueing or unstated problems in the form of dissappearing from my radar and not showing up, this could prove a problem. Whilst I plan to run the next mission next weekend, again on either Saturday or Sunday depending on when people can make, I am open to running a mission sometime during the week if we can get people together for it.

Sorry that over half the posts on this page so far are mine. :p

I cannot make a weekend mission. I also will be late for all weekday missions, but would prefer those.
I'm still in, just couldn't make it today for unforseen reasons. Next weekend is fine, though with a Sunday mission I'll be tired because of work and possibly a bit late, just a warning :p
Once upon a time, in what might reasonably be called a generic fantasy world, a group of heroes were gathered; a team of player characters on an unwitting quest to save the world. They began an epic adventure, trekking across the lands fighting monsters and conspiracies, saving princesses and crossing verbal swords with the powers that be. It wasn't perhaps, the greatest of adventures, but everybody was enjoying it enough that nobody really complained. Arrow was enjoying his shipping with NPCs, Red was cheering enthusiastically as Kinich and Nuke engaged in 'aggressive role-playing' (Role-playing, with a battleaxe), Sniped was bemoaning the tragic lack of teamwork, and Leccy was wandering around with a bemused look.

And then real life got in the way. And for months the heroes slept, hidden in a temple of magic, deep in an accursed forest, and with the world lost to their tired eyes. Despite a desperate battle to awaken them, in the end the players could not return, and the heroes slumbered on, until finally a new call awakened them. And with that call of the epilogue, did the heroes once more set forth, to have many further such adventures, until their quest was done, and in victory the band of companions did split and go their separate ways. Their story may never be told in full, for they travelled at times in the deepest of wastelands, across mighty peaks and stormy seas far from any who might record their doings. But rest assured great doings were indeed done, and without them the world would be a different place, and this change would not be for the better...


Well, since I had only one player last night I feel safe in saying that the game is over. Three cheers for Team Got-Eaten-by-a-Dragon Redspy for showing up though. I hope everyone had fun while it lasted, even though I persist in the claim that it wasn't a particularly good game. :p

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