It is well known that the MGE version of Civ2 ruined the diplomacy aspect of the game by making the AI have the most negative attitude possible towards you after the conclusion of every transaction.
Patches have been developed to revert the diplomacy of MGE back to that of the classic. Here are the ones I found searching the forums:
(not sure if all of the above are unique; in fact they likely are not.)
Those who are using the patch, please tell us which one you are using and whether it has any side effects.
For example Jokemaster has reported a problem using the find city function with the first patch mentioned above:
Jokemaster, could you please provide full details of your observation regarding the problem here for reference?
Catalin72 mentioned that near the bottom of the thread where the fist patch above is presented, Duke of Marlbrough has said that: "Any 'unoffical' patches are not allowed for use during GOTM play". What is up with that? Is there an official patch? I did find this referred to as an official patch but not sure if it solves the AI attitude problem:
Patches have been developed to revert the diplomacy of MGE back to that of the classic. Here are the ones I found searching the forums:
(not sure if all of the above are unique; in fact they likely are not.)
Those who are using the patch, please tell us which one you are using and whether it has any side effects.
For example Jokemaster has reported a problem using the find city function with the first patch mentioned above:
Jokemaster, could you please provide full details of your observation regarding the problem here for reference?
Catalin72 mentioned that near the bottom of the thread where the fist patch above is presented, Duke of Marlbrough has said that: "Any 'unoffical' patches are not allowed for use during GOTM play". What is up with that? Is there an official patch? I did find this referred to as an official patch but not sure if it solves the AI attitude problem: