Mid-game policy trees thread


Feb 18, 2006
As with this thread, taken from possibilities

General role should be about mostly land-based or general economic performance for gold (not production).

opener - 10% production/gold - (should go to 10-15% gold)
(replace the trade unions mercenary effect entirely)
mercantile - + 25% city connections
protectionism +1 gold village +1 production mine/mill (should be village bonus, no production, possibly with other gold tile bonuses)
Entrepreneurs GM bonus GM rate, 2x GM gold - (add CH bonus)
caravans +3 gold per route 1.5 sea route, - increase to 4 and 2 (add road/railroad cost reduction as in default but reduced to -25%)
maritime infrastructure +4 production coastal +4 gold coastal buildings (move to exploration and replace as purchase cost reduction -20%)
finisher go back to happy from luxuries instead of market/smith happy

Proposed changes:
Bonus to CH.
Move +1 luxury happy here - replaced market/smith happy
Move cost reduction for roads back here
Move out production bonuses, to Order most likely
Move purchase cost reduction back here
Consider a bonus to workboat or plantation/camp gold?
Consider adding a trade route (or in exploration?) (placeholder +2 gold to gold buildings mixed with better city connections, will be city connections + route cost, and trade route + better trader routes)
Consider a bonus to construct trade units?
Get rid of any mercs effect entirely. - replace as Guilds +1 gold village and plantation

General role should be about CS relationships and enhancing the benefits of such.

opener +2 CS Trade route, reveals CS - remove reveal all CS, pair with something else
philanthropy - instant 20 influence 33% gold influence - no change
special relationship -25% slower 10% faster other decrease (other decrease is annoying and I'd consider removing the effect)
consulates -20 resting point - no change
scholasticism - 2/3 science friend/ally CS -?
cultural diplomacy - 10% GPP, gift GP - no change
trade pact 2/3 production friend/ally CS -?
finisher - 2x resources from CS, bonus happy from CS luxuries (moved from CD) - no change

Proposed changes:
Scholasticism and trade pact seem like duds, the opener too.
Reveal is lame and needs replaced.
CSD effect of 2x diplomatic units will be in play for those who use both.
Move freedom influence for CS trade routes here?

General role should be about culture/tourism and diplomatic victory (or prevention of such) enhancement and the archaeology mini-game

opener 50% faster culture buildings (+1 culture on them?)
fine arts +1 culture from happy (ahriman's idea of .5 for culture and .25 for tourism is better here)
cultural center +2 NW culture, 33% for WW cities
artistic genius "artists" 25% rate, free artist
flourishing +1 culture village 100% archaeology
ethics 2x theme 25% tourism effects
finisher - hidden antiquity? seems weak as a finisher give free archaeologist?

Proposed changes:
Replace culture from happy with combination of culture/tourism from happy
Consider moving the golden age effect from piety to this tree (better synergy with culture wins)
+1 tourism on Great Works
Archaeology effects make more sense to keep here for synergy with GW effects.

General role should be naval/coastal power and rapid expansion (Awesome for terra maps?)

opener +2 embarked/admiral +1 ship move/sight - no change.
finisher +2 happy from luxury (move back to commerce)
naval tradition +1 happy sea buildings - no change
mercantalism -25% purchase cost, -25% upkeep for buildings - Move both back out replace as gold from sea buildings, buffed from vanilla
colonization 3 pop city, 2 settler, 2 worker, 2 defence appear - fine.
pioneer spirit civilian move +1, -50% road cost, 100% harbor build - replace road cost effect, bonus coastal production
homestead act - tier one buildings free (cut back on the buildings to 4 of the 6 monument, granary, library, smith, colosseum, caravan, and no barracks, stable, walls, lighthouse for free. Move some of these free buildings to ideology effects in order or autocracy)

Proposed changes:
There's way too much free stuff and way too much stuff from other later ideology trees here. Dial back happiness (free arena and all coastal buildings AND all luxuries?), and the number of free buildings. This tree is broken right now with a ton of freebies and breaks Order and other trees.
Remove the free buildings.
A bonus for construction for some tier 1 buildings might be fine, ala the harbor (I'd say smith, granary, lighthouse, caravan, stable, monument would be candidates for this, but not all of them) - Homestead could provides a 100% production boost to granary, lighthouse, caravan, stable, and smith, but none are free. They're just cheaper. Harbor bonus remain in pioneer spirit
Move the purchase cost, road cost, and luxury happy to commerce
Move the upkeep for buildings to Order
Consider extra trade route here (not commerce)?
Bonus to sea trade? (for now in commerce still)
Bonus to sea combat or naval unit production?
Bonus to workboat yield and/or isles?
Bonus to natural wonders? (encourages exploring, flavor?)
Needs finisher replaced. (trade route would be nice there, set up finisher as naval combat and production bonus)
Bonus to camp (random add on to other effects for flavor)

Placeholder setup
Changed Homestead to 2x production of granary, smith, caravan, stable, with +1 yield on each (1 food, 1 gold, 2 production), no free buildings.
Changed Pioneer to give +1 food on lighthouse, +1 production on harbor, 2x harbor construction, +1 civilian move, +1 gold on camps
Moved Mercantile back, replaced as Merchant Navy, +4 gold to naval buildings, +4 production coastal city
Changed finisher to give +1 move, 15% naval production, and 15% naval combat bonus to all ships
Others remain the same (opener, colonisation, naval tradition) - Colonisation should have to get the rest of the tree. Pioneer and merchant navy should be tier 1, other three tier 2.

These should remain still powerful incentives to expand and explore, but should not be nearly as ridiculous as the mod was and should be fairly coherent as an coastal/naval tree for expansion and exploration.

General role should be about science generation and benefits from tall-features like NW and specialists

opener - free GS, - I like the +4 science on National wonders from Eric too as something to park here with it
finisher - free tech - no change
revolution - +50% RA - a bonus to academy and GS rate seems fine here. maybe GE rate also
counterintel +25% spy +2 happy from constable/police/NIA and 2x speed - remove and rename, replace (+1 happy from national wonders/wonders?)
humanism 10% while happy - no change
free thought +1 science village +2 lighthouse - go back to university effect (15%), no bonus on lighthouse. I don't get that one.
secularism +4 specialist science - good at +2, +4 is crazy

Proposed changes:
Bonus to bulbing GS?
Bonus to Academy/GS rate
Science and happy from national wonders (and change ideology NW tenets to be more interesting instead of all the same and just add moar happy)
Consider a bonus to GE rate?
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