LotR Thread I:
LotR Modders UNITE!!! Half-way-point.
LotR Thread II:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?postid=1015305#post1015305 Half-way-point.
LotR Thread III:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (cont) Half-way-point.
LotR thread IV:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (4) Half-way-point
LotR thread V:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (5)http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=60650 Half-way-point
LotR thread VI:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (part-hex)http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63116 Half-way-point
LotR thread VII:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (septa)http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=64619 Half-way-point
LotR thread VIII:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (octa)http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=67049 Half-way-point
LotR thread IX:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (nona)http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=71333 Half-way-point
LotR thread X:
Middle-Earth: Lord of the Mods (deca)[latest] Half-way-point
It isn't necessary for the regulars to read this part, feel free to skip it.
We started working on this .mod as a gathering of Modders, who had an acute interest in Lord of the Rings and Middle-earth. This is a continuation of ten threads created and discussed, as seen at the links above.
Signifigant work has been done on the .biq, and if we really work hard on it, then we can expect the next thread to be a beta test thread. Still, it is important to be patient, it always takes a long time to make a mod from scratch for one person (only one can work on the .biq). And even then, look at DyP and TAM. Both have been worked on since C3Cs release and the c3c updates are not yet available. Making this a quality project will take time, but we still have hopes that the beta will be out soon.
Thread Log
-In the Third installment of our collaboration, significant work was completed on the buildings\wonder\improvement front. Unfortunately it was sort of sporadic, and it's hard to define just what we did. Discussion of the maps also took place, at which point Yoda Power offered to make an older version of Middle-earth, you can see this here.
-In the Fourth thread, we have gathered some new blood, and discussed about how to implement certain civilizations into the game, namely Isengard and Rohan. We set our course to make it clear, to stomp on the sporadic-ness of the third thread.
-In the Fifth thread, more new blood, significant progress in accumulating graphic designers, and a recession, in which the new blood has expressed their long bottled up opinions on how the mod should go. Talks on the tech tree in a forum based discussion has been put off for a bit. We should let the new (and old) idea's re-circulate, meanwhile, chat based discussion will take place at undefined periods, then re-introduced into the sixth installment of the thread.
-In the Sixth thread, believe it or not more new blood, and many of them CFC 'old-timers'. The tech tree thread should be getting a tech update, to initiate discussion about how to branch the tree itself. Lots of opinions have been rattling around, and we have gotten even more beautiful works and ideas from the unit creators\graphic designers.
-In the Seventh thread, we have developed a secure style of going about making the .bix. And that is by going tab-to-tab. For instance, we already covered the Citizen and General Settings tabs, allowing us to go in depth with the mod. Civilizations are agreed on, and soon we will start on the Civilzations tab.
-In the Eighth thread the Combat Experience is complete, and the Terrain tab is very near this goal also. Now that we wish to have a playable beta out within the month, it is very important that we come to decisions quickly and effectively. The beta itself will be somewhat hap-hazard, missing many civilopedia changes, and constantly evolving to the alpha version. If you want your vote to count, don't forget that even passing modders have their vote, then please post as quickly as possible so we can move on to the next subject. Do not be alarmed if new tabs get brought up before discussion has ended on the other. However we will make sure the vote has been tallied.
-The Ninth thread marks some changes, the release date pointing somewhere around the February month. We are down to the last three tabs in the tab system, Buildings, Units, and Civilization Advances. Some minor changes are taking place, the biggest being the additions of leaders for the civilizations, which will more than likely never be completed until the beta.
-In the tenth thread we have eliminated all tabs except but the Unit and Tech tabs. Hopefully we will go through the units tab quickly, and I can post the beta soon. Again, it will be hard to rush through these tabs, so be patient just a little longer.
I strongly recommend the Word Pad document.
View standard Text FAQ:
Download WordPad RTF file:
-end FAQ
The near future should hold these tabs-
1.) Units
2.) Civilization Advances
After this is completed, we will be at 90% completion with the mod. The label & script texts will be finished shortly. Needless to say, after this the public beta will be put up. Civilizations are supposed to be worked on through all of this.
View the resources at this link.
Unit Lines
A word on the difference between civilizations unit lines in the RTF file. If you would like to download the Unit lists, you can do so here, they are available in two formats yet both in one .zip, the first being of better quality, the second is the lists straight forward, in standard text format.
Mrtn's Unit Lines
This next thread will offer large changes to the existing unit lines.
Overview plan- Get some free webspace.
Other CFC LotR\fantasy oreinted threads to look at, in no paticular order:
Embryodeads WH MOD
Embryodeads Fantasy Units Preview Thread II
Unit Preview Thread:LOTR
Middle Earth Map
ME: Lord of the Mods (Tech Tree)
Does anyone know the latin word for eleven?