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Military Status Report


Retired Moderator
Feb 10, 2002
We have the following:

77 workers
1 warrior (elite)
47 cavalry
61 infantry
1 catapult (request for an upgrade)
34 artillery (I'd like to get this number up to atleast 40. 50 is perferred)
7 ironclads
13 transports (104 units can be transported. I'd like to have 15 atleast, since our armies will take up more room...).
4 destroyers
4 armies (one army was defeated in a tough rifle battle), and others are unfilled, waiting to be filled with tanks.
An untold number of foreign workers that I'm not going to begin to count.

We also have about 101 cities.

I'd like to have the following built:

Atleast 19 more infantry (we're not only going to need some for the Egyptian War, we're going to need some for establishing a landing point on the English shores, and then the beachhead against the Zulus.

Atleast 6 more artillery (50 artillery total is perferred though).

Continue building the occasional cavalry where possible, but focus on tanks.

Military Plan-wise, we can attack Giza and Abydos next turn, then Heliopolis, and Thebes the next turn (possibly Byblos and El-Amarna on the same turn).
You have lost me. :(
Chieftess said:
Atleast 19 more infantry (we're not only going to need some for the Egyptian War, we're going to need some for establishing a landing point on the English shores, and then the beachhead against the Zulus.
Can you please elaborate why you need more than 40 for Egypt and more than 10 for England? I can't think of any reason. This leaves 10 to go for the Zulus now. And by the time we go for Persia, Egypt will be no more.

Thus I would build tanks, lots of tanks, and very few infantry.

Atleast 6 more artillery (50 artillery total is perferred though).
Let us hope the DP puts them all to proper usage.

Continue building the occasional cavalry where possible, but focus on tanks.

Fellow Governors: look at your cities: if you can do tanks in 2 turns, build tanks. If you can't do tanks, but infantry/cavalry in 2 turns, build infantry/cavalry.

If you can't do this, but tanks in 3 turns, build tanks.

If you don't have barracks (and/or are highly corrupt), build artillery. (We might later switch them to cruise missiles.)

PS: I would also do some drafting in highly corrupt above size 6 cities.

Edit/add: I decided to draft 5 infantries pre-turn in Audiac cities.
I know we have the continent to ourselves, but I just feel funny with all those empty cities, and infantry we might need for invading Egypt. (Maybe I'm just used to C3C on higher levels...). :)
Chieftess said:
I know we have the continent to ourselves, but I just feel funny with all those empty cities, and infantry we might need for invading Egypt. (Maybe I'm just used to C3C on higher levels...). :)
I could see that as being a reason. Perhaps though we ought to make a much larger army?
Sarevok said:
I could see that as being a reason. Perhaps though we ought to make a much larger army?
IMHO "feeling funny" is not a very good reason. And what do you mean by "much larger"? 500 more requiring additional 500gpt upkeep?

Please note that I draft 5 infantries in my tc instruction. Something to be done elsewhere also giving cheap troops?
Furiey said:
We have may corrupt cities that are able to produce workers and little else,...
I often start artillery later to be switched to cruise missiles (hurry in the end or chop some forest). CMs are great to sink ships readlined by bombers or to hit defending armies/mech infantry.
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