Military victory becomes impossible without your own religion

Also the domination victory conditions are ridiculous, how a player is supposed to conquer x capitals if they are 12 f.i ?

The right conditions is to conquer something like 40% of them.
Am I missing something here, couldn't you just take any of your cities that are not Noway's religion and and build missionaries for whatever religion they have and just keep spamming those to keep yourself under the 50% number?

Hmm yeah, and since you've been conquering you should be generating lots of raw faith to generate them and since you've not self-generated a religion you'll not have driven up the cost of said units.

How easy is it to establish an Inquisition in an "acquired" religion? With only one rival spamming Apostles they should make effective firefighters.

The fact that upcoming victories aren't signposted is embarrassing, even Civ Rev kept the player well informed. I like 'you just activated my trap card' turnabouts but when the information is right there on the map then pertinent stuff like that should be flagged rather than expect players to count the trees every turn.
Can't you just adopt a conquered religion to use to combat a religious victory? Its like building culture but ignoring tourism in V. You don't have to actively participate in the VC but you do need to combat it. Honestly I don't see this as a flaw at all.
Being so inattentive to what's happening in the game that you lose to a religious victory is not the game's fault.

The other victory types exist precisely so that you can't simply cruise to victory once you've taken over one or two other civs. What else could possibly stop you? Did you want to just spend 500 turns repetitively taking city after city with no opposition or challenge?

Now I've literally seen people defend everything. Going for a domination victory? Have this poorly implemented mechanic just totally ruin your game for no reason! It's YOUR fault you tried to win the WRONG way!
It's very well-defined that religious victory works that way. Just pay attention to the number of cities you have following a given religion. Also remember you only need capitals for domination, so maybe skip all those converted cities in the way? ;)

Although yeah, the fact that dominant religion is defined simply by number of cities is pretty lame. I won my last religion victory by converting a two-pop city last, as that AIs capital had 15 pop (ie much more work to actually convert the city)... It should probably be determined by having more population following that religion, not simply the number of cities.
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