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MinionNESs I: A New Beginning

Im sorry, I am in too many. Its not like me lately to quit an nes, but I must, as I am running out of time as the school year hardens.

I may rejoin later, as I am waiting for a nes to get into industrial age.

Or I may rejoin in a week if the school work was just hard for a week.

I will try and send last orders tomorrow, if you wait that long.

Don't worry man, I understand. I'd rather you keep updating your NESes than you stay in mine. That said I really hope you'll join later. My hope is that this NES will survive through until the summer :lol:
I've finished half the update, but I can't finish it tonight. Tomorrow for sure.
Originally posted by Spacetrvler

sorry man, i like to make my updates interesting for everyone involved, but I just can't bring myself to this time. I've finished your country already. Just wait until tomorrow and you'll see what happens.
lol...This is pathetic.
This is sad...
Guys, I'm thinking about quitting NES altogether, so no, it isn't quite that pathetic.
Update, 3200 B.C.

In Scotland, the Scottish advance further South into former English territory, and make good ground. However, the army is too small to annex all of England, and barely make it down the highlands. The rich cities of what was once England are seen ahead in the distance. Back in Edinburgh, the Scots try to start a wonder, but fail because of their low culture. They do however make advancements in sailing, a special type of seafaring, allowing them to go far distances across water. This stimulates trade between Edinburgh and Dublin for a while, but then the shipments stop. Dublin has been ransacked by the Irish! At about the same time, a people calling themselves Norwegians land near Edinburgh.

In Norway, the Norwegians greatly expand and establish the city of Goteberg. They too have researched sailing, and are now able to go far and wide across the seas, even making contact with the Scottish. They raise their army and now have one of the biggest militias in all of Scandanavia. There are rumors of a country to the South.

In Northeast Africa, the Punic Wars begin. The Romans send two armies to fight the Carthaginians, but have trouble doing so with only one navy. As a result, the first battle of Zuma, is a clash between one Roman legion and the entire might of Carthage. Carthage fights a valiant fight, but when Rome returns with reinforcements, their leader, the stubborn Hannibal decides to retreat. Among the discarded equipment, the Romans find that the Carthaginians are far more advanced than they are. By copying what they see among the Carthaginians, the Romans have now reached the "ancient age"!

The Romans have also established contact with the Celts, and their relation is prospering. Already a border is established between the two countries.

The Celts, also experience much growth. They expand in most all directions and now control all of gothland. They build a new army, and the increase in need for military equipment leads to the discovery of bronze-working! Though far from a new age, this discovery allows for a stronger Celtic military. The Celts seem poised for an age of expansion. The recent completion of a great wonder allowed for a trade route to be established with Rome.

In North America, the Pueblos accept the Hawaiians proposal! Their elders think it would be best for all of them and join the colonizing nation with some doubt from the younger warrior generation. The Hawaiians are spurned to new heights and control much of America. King Kamehameha is overjoyed.

Japan grows through a period of quiet expansion. The army is grown and as a result all of Japan is now firmly under Japanese control. There are strong rumors of a people to the Southwest.

China expands dramatically. All of Formosa is under Japanese control, and more of the mainland is too. Explorers set out to find foreign kingdoms but none succeed. Still, many think they're very close. The economy is increased and much is researched. So much that only a few things are actually accomplished, foremost among them being the discovery of paper.

A renegaede tribe of Incas forms the nation of Argentina far south. They have contact with their ex-brothers, but they're far away from each other and the older don't like the younger too much.

Egypt and Arabia attack!!! The two nations surprise attack Judea and gain much land. The Judeans try to form a resistance but their troops are too far North to do anything effective. Map8.GIF]The World in 3200 B.C.[/URL]


From Ireland
To Scotland

Get off our island and stay off. This here been the land of our ancestorsfor as long as one can remember, and we ain't about to have no invaders telling us what to do.
well there you have the half-assed update... i'll try to make the next one better.

If anyone thinks they might want to take over modding this, maybe just temporarily, PM me.

Should I kill this off and start a new one?
I do have plenty of time, and I could be the new mod. The only problem is that I already have my own NES and I have the rules there that I enjoy. If it fails miserably and I have to kill it, I'll mod.
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