Missing Wonders?


Jan 1, 2002
Sorry if I missed this somewhere else on the board but I've noticed that the new Wonders (Temple of Zeus ect..) aren't showing up in my city's ariel view. Wondered if anyone else had found this also?
Yea, I can't see it either, but I think that they just didn't add it in the city aeril view.
yes, and also, sistine chappel seems to be missing from the aerial view too... sigh...
I liked the city view in Civ 1 with the townsfolk standing before the city and such...

In Civ 3 it has a higher resolution but looks so bad that I don't even want to look at it!

I mean cities with millions of population look like a village with 3 Skyscrapers on their right side. There should be masses of houses on the hills in the background to represent the actual size of the city!

However, I prefer the look of the cities on the Landscape in civ3 rather than the small boxes with a number in it from civ1... ;)
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