[MOD] Age of Discovery II

Hi Dale,

First of all great job with the mod, really like ur work!

I have a problem, since version 1.04 I keep getting pink screens instead of the new achievements display that you added. Same is the case with quotes. Any solutions?

Do you have the ability to fix OOS errors or is that not what you do?

I just ask because I play mainly multiplayer and have 2 problematics OOS errors.

The first you have already noted which is the buying shortfalls.

Another OOS error occurs when you sail a ship from the West to the Europe Screen and then try to return it East, or vice versa. We have to individual remember which sides the ships came from. Just a bit of inconvenience.

Also, I feel the Pirates would be a bit more multiplayer friendly if Pirate "Brigs" would be able to enter other European settlements for trade, since they have no attack anyways.

I understand why you eliminated the constantly generating Pirates from cities, but I feel a lot of the power was eliminated from the Pirates. Their main advantage is the Swashbuckler, which is essentially a Privateer on land. The problem is that I would rather have a Privateer than a Pirate Ship, since they are more powerful.

All of that to say this: I would like to possibly have randomly generated 'Petty Criminals' show up in the towns, since such towns would likely attract such filth.

Gameplay problem: Once I had 6 units waiting on the docks, I purchased another unit. It removed my gold but never added the unit to the docks.

This is an excellent mod! Very thankful that you came out with it.
Still love the mod, but indeed Pirates rule my high sees. I usually play on Governer, but with the Pirates around, kicking my behind, I just can't pull it off. About 200 turns into the game they have around 40(!) ships. Suffice it to say, even frigates get owned by that fleet. Not to mention there was a enormous army of pirate troops running around the islands. I got obliterated, but strangly other Euro nations didn't even consider the pirates a nuisance.

Also, as a more general point, I do love the improved game play concepts brought back from Col-I, especially the event markers.
New Problem! (I know Dale loves these)

My wife and I are trying to play an LAN game of AoD2, but we can't get it to show up in the LAN Lobbey. I've made sure we have identical versions; what else could be wrong?
- gun price is that low for a reason ( a) trade with indians (no you are not always able to sell guns with a profit (take a calculator) b) to force you to produce something different than guns to make money

- cheaper trading ships needed if there is a danger due to pirates.
- The rebel sentiment should be calculated for the the entire nation but the garrison in a city should also get value of the city bell production and out of the city units be influced by the nearest city but only by 50%. ( reducing the effectiveness of the bells in a city by garrison + near city units)
Only europe should be excluded.

May be to complicated for a Mod

And some suggestions concering to make the education system work again. Posted under Civilization Patch ?

New Problem! (I know Dale loves these)

My wife and I are trying to play an LAN game of AoD2, but we can't get it to show up in the LAN Lobbey. I've made sure we have identical versions; what else could be wrong?

Gothic Empire,

I assure you that multiplayer works and is quite fun. My wife and I, along with my in-laws, get together to play this game.

My brother had the problem where he could not join my game. This was due to him using a laptop that had a wireless connection. He needed to use a cable and that solved the problem.

Also make sure that both have switched to the Mod and not the normal game. (Again, my brother kept saying he couldn't join then realized he didn't load the mod.)

You always have to consider if the cables are all plugged in and what not to ensure connectivity. I know it seems silly but I worked in IT customer support and we had to always check the basics.

Best of luck!
- gun price is that low for a reason ( a) trade with indians (no you are not always able to sell guns with a profit (take a calculator) b) to force you to produce something different than guns to make money

Too low? Do you mean too high? I increased the cost of muskets in line with the cost of tools. And you can still make a nice profit from native settlements demanding muskets. Otherwise, you won't make a profit.
Now that there are more players in the game, 5 Europeans instead of 4. Does there not need to be a few new Founding Fathers to the game to keep the balance of the game? Just a thought.
Gothic Empire,

I assure you that multiplayer works and is quite fun. My wife and I, along with my in-laws, get together to play this game.

My brother had the problem where he could not join my game. This was due to him using a laptop that had a wireless connection. He needed to use a cable and that solved the problem.

Also make sure that both have switched to the Mod and not the normal game. (Again, my brother kept saying he couldn't join then realized he didn't load the mod.)

You always have to consider if the cables are all plugged in and what not to ensure connectivity. I know it seems silly but I worked in IT customer support and we had to always check the basics.

Best of luck!


Thanks for all the common sense advice; it wasn't any of those things, but it was something equally banal. Windows didn't extract the files from the zip file on the other computer correctly. I extracted the mod with WinRAR instead and it worked like a charm.


I played a couple of games with pirates on, and I found that they invariable either get dominated by the natives in short order, or else they somehow manage to pump out five or six pirate ships in the first handful of turns.

I think for gameplay reasons as well as historical accuracy that the Pirates should start after everyone else. Whatever causes them to produce boats so fast will keep them in the running easily, and no pirate worth his hook is going to try to make a base camp in the new world before there are any goods to loot.
Alrighty well I just finished my first game with your mod as the Dutch and I just want to say thanks. If I didn't come across your mod I probably would have ended up shelving this game, but your mod makes it much more enjoyable. I jotted down some notes as I played; just thought I'd post them to give some input.


- The first slide of your intro goes by too quickly
- Not all of my nation's flags changed when I declared independence
- I'm getting the pink screens on the Europe screen


- A 'regenerate map' option in the menu would be nice, as in civ4, because going back to the main menu takes WAY too much effort :mischief:

- Would it be possible to load your mod automatically upon startup without going through the Advanced --> Load a Mod menus every time?

- It seemed too easy to reach independence in my game. Perhaps if outside colonists were once again counted towards the LB percentage, but while excluding dragoons and soildiers, independence would be more challanging but still obtainable.

As a side note in my game the pirates wern't too strong or too weak and worked well to enhance the game. They harrassed my ships most of the game, but if I remember right I only had one ship ever sunken by them. Towards the end of the game I returned the favor with one of my privateers, and somewhere along the lines I got lucky and sunk one with a cannon (very cool feature)

Thanks Zuul
In link _Civ4Config to CivilizationIV.ini change

Mod = 0


Mod = AgeOfDiscoveryII

This will make that mod always load on startup.
Too low? Do you mean too high? I increased the cost of muskets in line with the cost of tools. And you can still make a nice profit from native settlements demanding muskets. Otherwise, you won't make a profit.

I wrote "gun price is that low for a reason" meaning the price do not need any change in AOD2.
Because without the mod you have a price of around 7-9? gold. tools 2-3?
The increased gun price in AOD2 (17-19gold) leads that you are sometimes not able to sell guns (bought in europe) with profit to the natives even when they demand them.

I think the offered price depends (as long the natives have enough money) on the size of a native colony and the land around it can use. So a smaller colony ( almost all the native colonies have only size 1) from which you have taken some land is not able to offer you more the europe price even when they actually are in need of guns.

In a game ( conquistator, game speed epic, colony size 1, 3 fields remaining, in need of guns and around 5k gold left on the native side) I tryed to sell a load of 150 guns. Offered price 2350 gold. Buying the guns costed me 150 * 19 = 2850 gold so I decided to keep the guns on my ship.

Some other native colony offered me around 3200 gold a 10% gain but I think it is not worth it.

I did not make a screenshot but will try to make some when I encounter it again.

The other point is if the gun's price is that high producing other things than guns becomes uninteresting especial if you need them later (selling some other stuff and buying guns in europe becomes (also due to taxes) very unattractive.
The production of guns is about 1.5 times that difficult (3 harvester, 3 blacksmiths 3 armorer versus 3 harvester 3 producer) than producing cloth,rum,... after you have build armory and blacksmith. But selling at a price of 17 gives more than 1.7 times the amount of cloth,rum,... which are the actual "trade goods" you should produce.
Giving guns such a high sell price in europe takes away the sense of producing anything else.

In my opinion "muskets" as well as tools are a special good which can be produced in the warfaring and almost industrialised europe in a good quantity and are therefore cheap.
Rum, cloth (cotton), coats, cigars are new to europe and were not produced there before are therefore quite expensive and would give you quite a good bargain.
Shipping guns to europe is more like shipping sand to the dessert^^ and you should not be encouraged to do so.

Huge benefits from selling muskets to the natives is also an actual good thing.
Because in this case you get to choose between arming you neighbors and get a jump start and therefore live in some danger or not doing it. Why would you do so if it gives you almost no gain but you have huge investments at first.
Arming the neighbors of your european rivals however is always a good idea, but their AI sucks anyway.

Concering the price of tools I think the same thing. The colonies took some time until they had their own tool industry and shipping it from europe was in the beginning at least the way to go.

However the horse price is ok to encourage the building of own ranches and not a total european import.

P.S. Thx Dale
You made a good mod and included many features in the Game. You beat the entire Firaxis dev team (if any^^)
I agree with Hoimar that the gun price should not be as high as now (but maybe a bit higher than vanilla).
Yep; all suggestions aside, this is a very awesome mod, and I appreciate all of Dale's hard work.
Thanks guys. :)

On the subject of tools and muskets.

The vanilla price is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! I will not return the prices to vanilla levels. :) Why? Because at those levels, you should not produce tools/muskets, but buy then from Europe. They are so cheap, and with such high bonuses. You're very innefficient to produce your own tools/muskets.

Thus I raised the price to offset this fault of vanilla. If you believe the prices should be different, make your suggestions. Please provide a reason why your chosen price is the needed one. :)
Thanks guys. :)

On the subject of tools and muskets.

The vanilla price is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE! I will not return the prices to vanilla levels. :) Why? Because at those levels, you should not produce tools/muskets, but buy then from Europe. They are so cheap, and with such high bonuses. You're very innefficient to produce your own tools/muskets.

Thus I raised the price to offset this fault of vanilla. If you believe the prices should be different, make your suggestions. Please provide a reason why your chosen price is the needed one. :)

Personally i like high musket prices, however a simple fix we be to do something similar to food, where muskets are sold at 18, brought at 12.

This could represent the fact an import tax would be forced onto the colonies as to discourage them becoming too powerful.
I don't think Hoimar was complaining about the gun price so much as he was complaining that the indians weren't paying enough to make it profitable to buy guns in Europe and then sell to the Indians.

Me personally - I rarely waste my time selling to the Indians so it doesn't matter.

I agree with Dale though, the price for muskets had to be increased because they simply weren't worth the food it cost to make them in vanilla. You would have been better off to make more trade goods to sell and buy guns. I kind of like it the way it is now. Typically I don't go for making muskets as a trade good, although it is a feasable strategy the way the mod is now.

Dale - maybe you could give the Indians a slight bump to what they are willing to pay for guns? I suppose that begs the question - just how much profit percentage should you be able to make buying cheap in europe and selling high in the new world?
I think a higher gun price is good - but the way it is now (and though I haven't checked exactly) it may be cheaper to buy soldiers and get the guns free. Even a veteran soldier was only about 50% more than the guns that he came with in a quick game that I just played.

My other comments are mostly aesthetic.

1. pirates don't seem to have any greeting text, and the new factions use the "don't call me late for dinner" line, which is odd when many leaders use it.

2. The europe screen scared me at first, but then I've grown to like it. However, I don't like the picture. I opened the file and put a glow on it in a simple editing programme http://www.yourfilelink.com/get.php?fid=479898 and I'm using this version because I think it seems less intrusive.

3. I've noticed that the europe screen seems to change depending on the season, that's pretty cool - though it didn't seem to always change. Could this be because I used a custom game speed (I added 50% more turns in the normal game without changing anything else except the month increment from 12 to 8, I just wanted to have less time pressure)

4. the AoD title page seems to be a bit lower resolution or maybe suffers from compression, but maybe that is because I play on 1920x1200 res?

5. I'm not such a fan of the cut scenes, mainly because they are full screen and not a little window like the achievements. Is there anyway to turn them off, or do I just live with them for now?

Great mod, I do like it a lot and could never go back to playing vanilla.

6. dragoons get a bonus when attacking cannons, do they get a bonus when attacking artillery?

[edit 2]
Re: point 1
I've edited CIV4GameText_DiploTexts.xml to include:
<English>Hello, friend. My name is [OUR_NAME] the Navigator. Why don't we sit down with my cartographers and compare charts?</English>
<English>Hello, friend. My name is [OUR_NAME], great commander of the [OUR_EMPIRE] expedition of the New World. </English>
can anyone who knows what they are doing tell me if this will work (is [OUR_EMPIRE] the correct tag to use?
Dunno, if this has been answered, but I can't seem to make traderoutes work. I tried to make a simple trade route from Isabella to Europe, but the Caravel just sits there and does nothing.
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