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[MOD] Fall from Heaven II

Xanikk999 said:
Tell me what you think about my idea one post above yours. Im very ancy about this new mod!

There are 3 dragons scheduled for the mod, all big nasty and unique. They aren't in yet though. One of the 3 is a barbarian Red Dragon that is immobile who spawns in a barbarian city and city ont he Dragons Horde, a wonder that can only be gained by killing the dragon and taking the city.
Corlindale said:
Well, I'm not the one deciding what gets included...;) But I know Kael has been talking about having a barbarian dragon guarding a treasure.

Feh, the Dragon Cult was all Corlindale's idea, don't let him fool you.
Would it be possible for Perpentach have a special diplomatic modifier that is random and changes every turn?

Just gives you the feel of having an insane ruler that one turn loves you and the next turn could be indifferent. You'd really get the idea that this was a madman and making any deals with him was dangerous.
puck11b said:
Would it be possible for Perpentach have a special diplomatic modifier that is random and changes every turn?

Just gives you the feel of having an insane ruler that one turn loves you and the next turn could be indifferent. You'd really get the idea that this was a madman and making any deals with him was dangerous.

:D I cant wait until you see the forum, we were just discussing this very thing!

One thing I think bears thinking on, assuming that it hasn't already come up, is that you may want to think about making him give up better deals than most civs would. In other words, balance out the increased risk with an increased reward.
this mod is the only reason i'm playing civ 4! thanks for such a great mod and I will be waitong tomorrow for the newest release.
Great work, fantastic support for the mod. I can't even remember the last time I played the "real" Civ 4 game. I've played FfH exclusively since I first found it. WTG everyone
I hope its out by 4:00 eastern tomorrow. How many hit does everyone think its going to get on its first day? I say 1000.
This may seem very obvious but will it be much harder to get along with a civ if your the opposite alignments?

For example say im an evil leader and im trying to suck up to a good leader.

Will it be harder to be liked by them?
And another question.

Can you change your alignment through actions? Sort of like dungeons and dragons world where when you do evil things as a lawful good paladin, you lose your abilities and become evil.
Yeah, all the leaders have an alignment which effects their their attitude to you. As in:


And right now the only thing that effects your alignment is adopting a religion (obviously if you switch to the Veil you become evil).
Yes it will be harder for you to be liked by a good leader if you are a bad leader. You can change your Alignment when you change your religion.
Changing your religion to the Order wil make you "good" changing it to Veil will make you "bad". Changing to Kilmorph or OO will make you neutral if you are bad (Kilmorph) or good (OO). Fellowship will not influence your alignment.
Kael could you show us some of the new units in the third or fourth post? I would love to see the cow launcher in action! :D
Good, Bad? These are not things rulers concern themselves with. Bringing a Civilization to Power is all that matters, if another Civ stands in the way is it bad to go through them to accomplish your goals for the good of your Civ? Only if you're on the losing end :P

Can't wait, I'm excited to try it out!
I am anxiously anticipating the release of this monumental mod!
Tag. How early can we expect it? Because... I'm skipping work if its out early enough :P
But.. But Aeon's job is a ... drug smuggler!

Might as well start a new leaf and not go into work at all today right? :)

In fact never again! :)
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