I like the imperial roads idea. But why do you have it as an event? Why not have it as a tech, available after construction? After you have researched it, 1-3 stone resources are placed (dependent on the number of cities you control) on the map within your borders. When you have connected the stone, the worker spell "Build Imperial Roads" appears in cities other than the capital, as per your rules.
I wanted to add the improvements + roads as event so I can set it to e.g. 20% for each game so it's not in every game and more unique.
Any chance this will get updated for RiFE 1.20?
I will add a version as soon as possible.
Spoiler GIR03ImperialRoads (Part 1 / 4) :
Spoiler AStarTools.py by 12monkeys :
## Civilization 4 (c) 2005 Firaxis Games
## name : AStarTool.py
## author : 12monkeys
## date : 10.03.2006
## version : 1.1
from CvPythonExtensions import *
import sys
import CvConfigParser
# import SdToolKit as sd
gc = CyGlobalContext()
# Class : AStar
# class provides functions to create a path from plot A to plot B for
# a given unit.
# Main function to be used from outsiede are :
# generatePath() : creates a path and prepares the reults
# getPath() : retrurns the path if one has been found
# generateArea() : creates an area a unit can move to
# getArea() : returns the area if one has been created
# see the methods for further definitions
class AStar:
def __init__(self):
self.pOpenList = AStarList()
self.pCloseList = AStarList()
self.pTargetPlot = None
self.pFromPlot = None
self.pUnit = None
self.fHeuristicMvmtFactor = 0.0 # possible smallest cost value a move from plot to plot will take
self.fHeuristicTieBreak = float(1.0/1000.0) # assuming the paths are shorter than 400 steps
self.bResultValid = false
self.iLoopCount = 0
self.eDomain = 0
self.bIgnoreMovesLeft = false
self.MODE_AREA = 'A'
self.MODE_PATH = 'P'
# moves a plot from open list to close list
def moveToClose(self, pPlot):
pParent = self.pOpenList.getParent(pPlot)
iGCost = self.pOpenList.getGCosts(pPlot)
fHCost = self.pOpenList.getHCosts(pPlot)
self.pCloseList.set(pPlot, pParent, iGCost, fHCost)
# returns the minimum x-distance, considering the x-axis over-/underflow
def getRealXDist(self, x1, x2):
d1 = abs(x1-x2)
d2 = abs(min(x1, x2)+CyMap().getGridWidth()-max(x1, x2))
return min(d1, d2)
# returns the minimum y-distance, considering the y-axis over-/underflow
def getRealYDist(self, y1, y2):
d1 = abs(y1-y2)
d2 = abs(min(y1, y2)+CyMap().getGridHeight()-max(y1, y2))
return min(d1, d2)
# calculates the heuristic
def calcHeuristic(self, pPlot):
if self.nMode == self.MODE_PATH:
# using "diagonal distance" method
H = self.fHeuristicMvmtFactor * max(self.getRealXDist(pPlot.getX(), self.pTargetPlot.getX()), self.getRealYDist(pPlot.getY(), self.pTargetPlot.getY()))
# methods to calculate the tie-break value usding the vector cross-product (dot-product)
dx1 = pPlot.getX() - self.pTargetPlot.getX()
dy1 = pPlot.getY() - self.pTargetPlot.getY()
dx2 = self.pFromPlot.getX() - pPlot.getX()
dy2 = self.pFromPlot.getY() - pPlot.getY()
cross = float(abs(dx1*dy2 - dx2*dy1))
H += float(cross*0.001)
elif self.nMode == self.MODE_AREA:
# no heuristic if we want to find an area. THis ensures that the complete area is examined
H = 0.0
return H
# calculates a factor for the heuristic for the heuristic
def calculateHeuristicFactors(self):
pUnitTypeInfo = gc.getUnitInfo(self.pUnit.getUnitType())
self.eDomain = pUnitTypeInfo.getDomainType()
if (self.eDomain == DomainTypes.DOMAIN_SEA):
# all sea plots have movements costs of 60/plot
self.fHeuristicMvmtFactor = 60.0
# min possible movement costs of 12/plot
self.fHeuristicMvmtFactor = 12.0
# checks in case of sea plots, if there is a landbridge between the two plots
def fnCheckLandBridge(self, pPlot, x, y):
pTestPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX()+x, pPlot.getY()+y)
if not (pPlot.isCity() or pTestPlot.isCity()):
pTestPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX()+x, pPlot.getY())
if (pTestPlot.isCoastalLand()):
pTestPlot = CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY()+y)
if (pTestPlot.isCoastalLand()):
return true
return false
# returns an adjacent plots reletaive to the coordinates of pPlot.
# takes consideration of x and/or y overlows or underflows
def getNewPlot(self, pPlot, dx, dy):
x = pPlot.getX()+dx
y = pPlot.getY()+dy
# check x underflow
if x < 0:
x += CyMap().getGridWidth()
# check x overflow
elif x >= CyMap().getGridWidth():
x -= CyMap().getGridWidth()
# check y underflow
if y < 0:
y += CyMap().getGridHeight()
# check y overflow
elif y >= CyMap().getGridHeight():
y -= CyMap().getGridHeight()
return CyMap().plot(x, y)
# core function of the A* algorithm
# calculates the adjacents and puts them on the open list together wth the moving costs.
# in case of area check, the heuristic is zero.
def addAdjacents(self, pPlot):
# loops for adjacent plots
for dx in range(-1, 2):
for dy in range(-1, 2):
# ignore center plot
if not (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
# create a plot objects
pNewPlot = self.getNewPlot(pPlot, dx, dy)
# check in case sof a sea unit, if there is a land bridge to cross
if (dx != 0) and (dy != 0) and (self.eDomain == DomainTypes.DOMAIN_SEA):
bCont = not self.fnCheckLandBridge(pPlot, dx, dy)
bCont = true
if bCont:
# check if the plot is passable
if self.pUnit.canMoveOrAttackInto(pNewPlot, true):
# check if the plot is already on the close list
if not self.pCloseList.exists(pNewPlot):
# calculate movement cost from root plot to new plot
if self.pCloseList.exists(pPlot):
iParentGCosts = self.pCloseList.getGCosts(pPlot)
iParentGCosts = self.pOpenList.getGCosts(pPlot)
iGCosts = pPlot.movementCost(self.pUnit, pNewPlot)+iParentGCosts
if (self.bIgnoreMovesLeft) or (iGCosts <= self.iMovesLeft):
# calculate heuristics cost new plot to targetplot
fHCosts = self.calcHeuristic(pNewPlot)
# calculate total costs new plot to targetplot
fFCosts = float(iGCosts) + fHCosts
# checks if the plot is on the open list already
if self.pOpenList.exists(pNewPlot):
# check if the already stored costs are less than the actual ones
if iGCosts <= self.pOpenList.getGCosts(pNewPlot):
self.pOpenList.set(pNewPlot, pPlot, iGCosts, fHCosts)
# add it to the open list
self.pOpenList.set(pNewPlot, pPlot, iGCosts, fHCosts)
if self.nMode == self.MODE_AREA:
self.pCloseList.set(pNewPlot, pPlot, -1, 0)
# returns the path data which has been generate by "generatePath()" method.
# It only returns a result when there is a valid result stored. If there is
# no valid result, the function returns an empty list
# Attention : The first element of the returned list, is the last plot of the path!!!
# The Method should only be called, if the "generatePath()" method has been called before.
# Parameters:
# none
# Returns:
# list in the format [(xn,yn), .... , (x2,y2), (x1,y1), (x0,y0)]
# where
# (xn,yn) : is the to-plot tuple and
# (x0,y0) : is the from-plot tuple. x and y are ints.
def getPath(self):
lPath = []
if self.bResultValid:
pWorkPlot = self.pTargetPlot
pParentPlot = self.pTargetPlot
while true:
# adding target plot to the path
# looking for the parent of the
pParentPlot = self.pCloseList.getParent(pWorkPlot)
# make parent the work plot
pWorkPlot = pParentPlot
# check if we reached from plot
if (pWorkPlot.getX() == self.pFromPlot.getX()) and (pWorkPlot.getY() == self.pFromPlot.getY()):
return lPath
# tries to find a path from plot A to B and returns the overall movement costs for
# the unit. If no path could be found -1 is returned.
# To get the path itself, the method getPath() must be called afterwards.
# Parameters:
# pUnit : CyUnit
# pFromPlot : CyPlot
# pToPlot : CyPlot
# bIgnoreMovesLeft: bool
# Returns:
# int (the costs to get from pFromPlot to pToPlot. -1 if no path could be found)
# The parameter "bIgnoreMovesLeft" can be used to reduce execution time. If the parameter is true,
# the algorithm stops a single path examiation if the remaining moves of a unit are not enough
# to reach the target plot. This significantly speeds up the algorithm in case you want to look for the
# the movable area.
# The parameter should be set to false in case you want to find a path from plot A to B without
# cost restrictions.
def generatePath(self, pUnit, pFromPlot, pToPlot, bIgnoreMovesLeft):
# clear the actual results
self.bResultValid = false
self.nMode = self.MODE_PATH
# setting some variables
self.pTargetPlot = pToPlot
self.pFromPlot = pFromPlot
self.pUnit = pUnit
pNewPlot = pFromPlot
pCurrentPlot = pFromPlot
bBreak = false
self.iLoopCount = 0
self.iMovesLeft = pUnit.movesLeft()
self.bIgnoreMovesLeft = bIgnoreMovesLeft
# perfrom some checks ...
if ((pFromPlot.getX() == pToPlot.getX()) and (pFromPlot.getY() == pToPlot.getY())):
# From and To plot are equal -> break
return -1
if not (self.pUnit.canMoveOrAttackInto(pToPlot, true)):
# To plot not passable -> break
return -1
# calculates some values for the heuristic
# put start plot on the open list
self.pOpenList.set(pCurrentPlot, pCurrentPlot, 0, self.calcHeuristic(pNewPlot))
# repeat until target plot is reached
while (true):
if (self.pCloseList.exists(self.pTargetPlot)):
# path found
if (self.pOpenList.len() == 0):
# no path found
bBreak = true
# find the plot with the lowest costs on the open list
pCurrentPlot = self.pOpenList.findMinFCost()
self.iLoopCount += 1
# return the G-Costs of the Target Plot
if bBreak:
# no path found
iReturn = -1
self.bResultValid = false
iReturn = int(self.pCloseList.getGCosts(pCurrentPlot))
self.bResultValid = true
return iReturn
# returns the area which has been found by "generateArea()". If no valid result is stored, an
# empty list is retured.
# The method should only be called, if the "generateArea()" method has been called before.
# Parameters:
# none
# Returns:
# list on the format [((x0,y0),c0), ((x1,y1),c1), ... , ((xn,yn),cn)]
# where :
# (x,y) : is a tuple of ints describing the plots coordinates
# c : the movements costs to get to the plot. -1 if the plot is impassable
def getArea(self):
lArea = []
if self.bResultValid:
for i in range(self.pCloseList.len()):
if i == 0:
lAPlot = self.pCloseList.getFirst()
lAPlot = self.pCloseList.getNext()
iCosts = self.pCloseList.getGCosts(CyMap().plot(lAPlot[0], lAPlot[1]))
lArea.append((lAPlot, iCosts))
return lArea
# creates an area a unit can move to within its remaining movement points.
# the function always returns 1, because even an empty list is a result.
# to get the area itself, after the generateArea function, the method getArea() must be called
# Paramters :
# pUnit : CyUnit
# pFromPlot : CyPlot
# Returns :
# int (constant 1)
def generateArea(self, pUnit, pFromPlot):
# clear the actual results
self.bResultValid = false
self.nMode = self.MODE_AREA
# setting some variables
self.pTargetPlot = None
self.pFromPlot = pFromPlot
self.pUnit = pUnit
pNewPlot = pFromPlot
pCurrentPlot = pFromPlot
bBreak = false
self.iLoopCount = 0
self.iMovesLeft = pUnit.movesLeft()
self.bIgnoreMovesLeft = false
# calculates some values for the heuristic
# put start plot on the open list
self.pOpenList.set(pCurrentPlot, pCurrentPlot, 0, self.calcHeuristic(pNewPlot))
# repeat until target plot is reached
while (true):
if (self.pOpenList.len() == 0):
# list is empty -> all plots are examined
# find the plot with the lowest costs on the open list
pCurrentPlot = self.pOpenList.findMinFCost()
self.iLoopCount += 1
# return the G-Costs of the Target Plot
iReturn = 1
self.bResultValid = true
return iReturn
# Class : AStarMoveArea
# class provides functions to create a list of plots a unit can move
# within its left moves. It also provides some functions to display
# and clear the this area.
# Main function to be used from outsiede are :
# highlightMoveArea() : calculates and highlights the area the can move to and computes the plot colors
# dehighlightMoveArea() : clears the display of that area
# see the methods for further definitions
# the colors of the signle plots can be set in the __init__ section of the class
# COLOR_CLEAR can be used for no highlighting at all
class AStarMoveArea:
def __init__(self):
self.dPlotList = {}
self.AS = AStar()
self.pUnit = 0
self.pFromPlot = 0
self.lArea = []
self.iActivePlayerTeam = 0
self.iActivePlayer = 0
# color values
config = CvConfigParser.CvConfigParser("AStarTools.ini")
if (config != None):
self.COL_IMPASSABLE = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Impassable Terrain", "COLOR_CLEAR" )
self.COL_PASSABLE = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Passable Terrain", "COLOR_WHITE" )
self.COL_TERRITORY_NEUTRAL = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Passable Neutral Territory", "COLOR_PLAYER_DARK_YELLOW" )
self.COL_TERRITORY_ENEMY = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Passable Enemy Territory", "COLOR_PLAYER_DARK_RED" )
self.COL_TERRITORY_BARBARIAN = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Passable Barbarian Territory", "COLOR_PLAYER_DARK_CYAN" )
self.COL_UNIT_NEUTRAL = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Neutral Unit", "COLOR_YELLOW" )
self.COL_UNIT_ENEMY = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Enemy Unit", "COLOR_RED" )
self.COL_UNIT_BARBARIAN = config.get( "AStarTools", "Color Barbarian Unit", "COLOR_CYAN" )
# converts a CyPlot into a tuple (x,y)
def getPlotXY(self, pPlot):
return (pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY())
# checks if there are any units on the plot and returns the corresponding color
def checkUnit(self, pPlot):
iNumUnits = pPlot.getNumUnits()
bEnemy = false
bNeutral = false
bBarbarian = false
for i in range(iNumUnits):
pUnit = pPlot.getUnit(i)
iTeam = pUnit.getTeam()
if ((pUnit.getInvisibleType() == InvisibleTypes.NO_INVISIBLE) or \
(pUnit.getInvisibleType() == self.pUnit.getSeeInvisibleType())) and \
(not pUnit.isCounterSpy()):
if (iTeam != self.iActivePlayerTeam):
if (gc.getTeam(iTeam).isBarbarian()):
bBarbarian = true
elif (gc.getTeam(iTeam).isAtWar(self.iActivePlayerTeam)):
bEnemy = true
bNeutral = true
if bEnemy:
return self.COL_UNIT_ENEMY
elif bBarbarian:
elif bNeutral:
return self.COL_UNIT_NEUTRAL
return self.COL_PASSABLE
# checks if there forwign territory on the plot and returns the corresponding color
def checkTerritory(self, pPlot):
iPlayer = pPlot.getRevealedOwner(self.iActivePlayerTeam, false)
pPlayer = gc.getPlayer(iPlayer)
iTeam = pPlot.getRevealedTeam(self.iActivePlayerTeam, false)
pTeam = gc.getTeam(iTeam)
if pPlot.isRevealedGoody(iTeam):
if (pPlot.getImprovementType() == 3):#ImprovementTypes.IMPROVEMENT_GOODY_HUT):
elif (iPlayer == PlayerTypes.NO_PLAYER) or (iPlayer == self.iActivePlayer):
return self.COL_PASSABLE
elif pTeam.isAtWar(self.iActivePlayerTeam):
# checks if there are revelaed plots adjacent to the given plot
def checkAdjacentRevealed(self, pPlot):
for dx in range(-1, 2):
for dy in range(-1, 2):
if not (dx == 0 and dy == 0):
if CyMap().plot(pPlot.getX()+dx, pPlot.getY()+dy).isRevealed(self.iActivePlayerTeam, false):
return true
return false
# handles the color for a plot
def setPlotColor(self, x, y, iCosts):
pPlot = CyMap().plot(x, y)
tPlot = (x, y)
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.COL_NO
# check impassable
if iCosts == -1:
if (pPlot.isWater() and (self.eDomain == DomainTypes.DOMAIN_SEA)) or ((not pPlot.isWater()) and (self.eDomain == DomainTypes.DOMAIN_LAND)):
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.COL_IMPASSABLE
# check if plot is reachable
elif iCosts <= self.iMovesLeft:
# check if the plot is reavealed
if pPlot.isRevealed(self.iActivePlayerTeam, false):
# check if a unit at that plot
if pPlot.isUnit() and pPlot.isVisible(self.iActivePlayerTeam, false):
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.checkUnit(pPlot)
# check if the plot is foreign territory
elif pPlot.isVisible(self.iActivePlayerTeam, false):
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.checkTerritory(pPlot)
# nothing special with that plot
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.COL_PASSABLE
if self.checkAdjacentRevealed(pPlot):
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.COL_PASSABLE
self.dPlotList[tPlot] = self.COL_NO
# highlights the area a unit can move to with its remaining movement points
# Parameters:
# pUnit : CyUnit
# Returns:
# int (constant 1)
def highlightMoveArea(self, pUnit):
# init some variables
self.pUnit = pUnit
self.pFromPlot = pUnit.plot()
self.dPlotList = {}
self.iMovesLeft = self.pUnit.movesLeft()
pUnitTypeInfo = gc.getUnitInfo(self.pUnit.getUnitType())
self.eDomain = pUnitTypeInfo.getDomainType()
self.iActivePlayer = CyGame().getActivePlayer()
pActivePlayer = gc.getPlayer(self.iActivePlayer)
self.iActivePlayerTeam = pActivePlayer.getTeam()
# add from plot to OK list
self.dPlotList[self.getPlotXY(self.pFromPlot)] = 0
# creates the infromation of the moveable area
self.AS.generateArea(self.pUnit, self.pFromPlot)
self.lArea = self.AS.getArea()
# analyze data and set plot colors
for i in range(len(self.lArea)):
tItem = self.lArea[i]
self.setPlotColor(tItem[0][0], tItem[0][1], tItem[1])
# highlight the area
return 1
# displays the area on the screen
def highlightMoves(self):
for plot, color in self.dPlotList.items():
if color != self.COL_NO:
CyEngine().addColoredPlotAlt(plot[0], plot[1], PlotStyles.PLOT_STYLE_TARGET, self.PLE_HIGHLIGHT_PLOTS, color, .5)
# clears the disaply of the area
# Parameters:
# none
# Returns:
# int (constant 1)
def dehighlightMoveArea(self):
return 1
# Class : AStarPlot
# class which is used to handle a specific plot format
# the plot data is stored as tuple in the format (x, y)
# class provides several function to handle this format
# Only for internal use.
class AStarPlot:
def __init__(self):
self.lPlot = (-1, -1)
self.IDX_X = 0
self.IDX_Y = 1
# clears plot data
def clear(self):
self.lPlot = (-1, -1)
# x, y : ints
def setXY(self, x, y):
self.lPlot = (x, y)
# pPlot: CyPlot
def setXYplot(self, pPlot):
self.lPlot = (pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY())
# return x: int
def getX(self):
return self.lPlot[self.IDX_X]
# return y: int
def getY(self):
return self.lPlot[self.IDX_Y]
# x, y : ints
# return (x,y)
def getXY(self):
return (self.getX(), self.getY())
# pCompPlot: AStarPlot()
# returns true if plot coords are equal
def compare(self, pCompPlot):
if (self.getX() == pCompPlot.getX()) and (self.getY() == pCompPlot.getY()):
return true
return false
# Class : AStarList
# class wto handle the open and close list for the AStar algorithm
# for internal use only
class AStarList:
def __init__(self):
self.dList = {}
self.IDX_PARENT = 0
self.IDX_GCOSTS = 1
self.IDX_HCOSTS = 2
self.IDX_FCOSTS = 3
self.IDX_X = 0
self.IDX_Y = 1
self.maxCost = 9999999.9
# clears the list
def clear(self):
self.dList = {}
# creates a AStarPlot
# x, y: int
# return: AStarPlot
def makeAPlotXY(self, x, y):
pAPlot = AStarPlot()
pAPlot.setXY(x, y)
return pAPlot
# creates a AStarPlot
# pPlot = CyPlot
# return: AStarPlot
def makeAPlot(self, pPlot):
return self.makeAPlotXY(pPlot.getX(), pPlot.getY())
# sets all plot data
# pAParent: AStarPlot, others are floats
# return: ((x,y), int, float, float)
def setPlotData(self, pAParent, iGCosts, fHCosts, fFCosts):
return (pAParent, iGCosts, fHCosts, fFCosts)
# returns all plot data
# pAPlot: AStarPlot
# return: ((x,y), float, float, float)
def getPlotData(self, pAPlot):
return self.dList[pAPlot.getXY()]
# adds the complete plot to the list
# pThisPlot, pParentPlot : CyPlot
# iGCosts, fHCosts : int, float
# if plot already exists, it will be overwritten
def set(self, pThisPlot, pParentPlot, iGCosts, fHCosts):
pAThisPlot = self.makeAPlot(pThisPlot)
pAParentPlot = self.makeAPlot(pParentPlot)
self.dList[pAThisPlot.getXY()] = self.setPlotData(pAParentPlot, iGCosts, fHCosts, float(iGCosts)+float(fHCosts))
# pPlot : CyPlot
# deletes the plot from the list
def delete(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
if self.dList.has_key(pAPlot.getXY()):
del self.dList[pAPlot.getXY()]
return true
return false
# pPlot : CyPlot
# returns the g-costs as float
def getGCosts(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
return float(self.dList[pAPlot.getXY()][self.IDX_GCOSTS])
# pPlot : CyPlot
# returns the h-costs as float
def getHCosts(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
return float(self.dList[pAPlot.getXY()][self.IDX_HCOSTS])
# pPlot : CyPlot
# returns the f-costs as float
def getFCosts(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
return float(self.dList[pAPlot.getXY()][self.IDX_FCOSTS])
# pPlot : CyPlot
# returns the parent plot of the passed plot as CyPlot
def getParent(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
pAPlotData = self.getPlotData(pAPlot)
x = pAPlotData[self.IDX_PARENT].getX()
y = pAPlotData[self.IDX_PARENT].getY()
return CyMap().plot(x, y)
# returns the coords of a plot (x,y)
# pPlot: CyPlot
def getXY(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
return pAPlot.getXY()
# pPlot : CyPlot
# returns true if the plot exists in the list
def exists(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeAPlot(pPlot)
if self.dList.has_key(pAPlot.getXY()):
return true
return false
# pPlot : CyPlot
# returns AStarPlot if found, else ()
def search(self, pPlot):
pAPlot = self.makeTPlot(pPlot)
if self.dList.has_key(pAPlot.getXY()):
return self.dList[(pAPlot.getXY())]
return ()
# returns the number of items in the list
def len(self):
return len(self.dList)
# looks for the element with the smallest f-costs and returns it as CyPlot
def findMinFCost(self):
fComp = self.maxCost
for key, val in self.dList.items():
lData = self.dList[key]
if lData[self.IDX_FCOSTS] < fComp:
fComp = lData[self.IDX_FCOSTS]
retKey = key
x = retKey[0]
y = retKey[1]
return CyMap().plot(x, y)
# returns the first element in the dict as CyPlot and prepares to fetch the next
def getFirst(self):
self.lList = []
self.iList = 0
for key, val in self.dList.items():
return self.lList[0]
# returns the next element in the dict as CyPlot. "getFirst" needs to be called before.
def getNext(self):
if self.iList < self.len():
self.iList += 1
return self.lList[self.iList]
return ()