Updated RifE's download thread to show the compatibility.
i was playing last night and i got both the great Colosseum and the imperial roads events, however they never actualy completed. there was just a line of text above my scoreboard that read "Great Colosseum project complete in 12 turns" and "Imperial Roads Project Complete in 3 turns" for the rest of the game. never counted down.
edit: i was playing with RifE with all the latest versions installed.
R i f E version:
Should be compatible with R i f E version 1.22.2 and 1.23.
Edit: Version 1.23 is not savegame compatible with version 1.22.2!
Is this compatible with the WildMana modmod?
of course, i see no problem with using my mod.
could you send me the list of the bugs you found ?
Well, it was planed to be compatible with WildMana but after I saw some bugs with the modular modding (sometimes events don't trigger with modular modding, also problems with python) I stopped updating my mod for FFH2, Orbis and FF because it was a lot of work to update a non modular mod for every version of every FFH2 mod and I only play RifE when I find some time to play.
So this mod with all its features (e.g. Elohim events) is more or less a RifE only mod.