[MOD] Sevo's Faces of God

Great mod Sevo, somehow I missed it when I was looking for mods before, so I just found out about it now. I'll give it a go.
Sevo said:
I've been thinking that. Actually to those who mentioned TrueReligion above, what I've been thinking is something along those lines, but even more diverse. Really, religion is hardly related to discovery of technology at all. I was thinking about leaving a couple of the religions "discoverable" by tech advances, maybe two by great prophets, another one by pure culture (first to 500, e.g., gets a religion), and maybe another one given to the smallest civ after 100 turns or something...kind of a relgion of the oppressed kind of thing. I dunno, just some early thoughts, since religion has really sprung up from all over. Anyway, the other thing I was going to do was randomize the religion discovery, so that the religion you get from doing X changes from game to game.

or to stay with only GP, you can balance the things by assigning religion founding by GP but religion availability to tech...
so in order to found christianisme one would have to have theology AND a GP.
this way, it won't always be the 1st to the tech that have the religion, but you won't have the 7 religion founded at the beginning of the game, when each civ gets it's first GProphet..
ohh... no availability for warlords .. :( too bad..

out of context :

the bandit unit you created seems very very powerfull... It is true the Ai will have some trouble using it, but otherwise it is very powerfull for improving your poor/desertic land.

I thought that maybe, it would be more interesting to not limit it's use to vengeance type religions as it seems a quite "profane" unit.

for exemple their use could be limited to a civic.

the "bandit leader" units can be only created under a certain civic :
the civic can be
-government ("bandit state", "druglords"...),
-legal ("legalised banditry"),
-labor ("organised razias"... add to it a chance for the creation of slave units when winning a combat and people may trade the pop rush of slaver to this civic)
-trade/financial civic ("agressive libersalism", "exploitation of the colonies"... but in this case the unit is not a bandit but a "aggressive risk taker" or a "taxe collector")

the deal would be to make for exemple only available 1 bandit leader for 2-3 cities, bandit hideout distroyed if changing the civic, (or making the hideout a very bad choice if you don't have the civic: bandit hideout = bonus of the case the bandit is on,+ "-10f -10H -10c" and when you have the right civic : +10f +10H +10c to compensate the initial malus)

to that add :
-bandit: neutral (as privateer) and/or invisible (as spy) unit, cannot attack. bandits are sustained as any other unit. (can only go into neutral or opened border lands)/(can go into other cultural border?)
-some unit (mounted units? or new unit?) can see the bandit.
-add a malus on the civic : -10%science, -20% GP, +50% maintenance, high civic price..etc, -1 to diplo to every civ (wary of pillagers), -3 (total-4) to diplo if not the same civic "your way of favorising 'pillager into our pacific countries' / 'exploitation of our good-willing peasants' upside us".

.make the vengeance wonder enable X bandit-like units, pillagers/quester for the faith.... (X =3-6-infinite) those units are not sustained. + (unit not neutral, + invisble) (+unit can go in adverse territory) or unit neutral/not invisible, commando, can pillage. so the unit can distroy ennemy goods without declaring war, transfer it to one's coffers.

this way,
1) vengeance religion would have a bonus for the use of bandits : free ones, more powerfull ones, (+other vengeance type units) + having availability of bandit-like units without having to suffer the malus of the 'standard' bandit-civic.
2) bandits caracteristic are available to other types of gameplay (as the special ability of bandits is not typically a religious one, it seems better to have it out of religion, the religion aspect only increasing the unit performances)
3) people may want to use other civics than the bureaucracy/slavery/mercantilism trio. (especially if you move this unit on a labor civic)

my two cents.

another thing : IMO sleepers should be able to spread religion (as a missionary, but with a lower chance), as they blow their cover, the unit is distroyed (as missinoary unit) the religion spread or not. ==> it makes good usefullness of sleepers : both an aggressive behaviour and a more pacific one.
Rather than having a religious revolt destroy the old wonder, I'd think that the old wonder should simply become obsolete. There's a long tradition of new religions taking over the old religion's holy sites, in places as diverse as Utah, Istanbul, and Rome.
I was afraid of that. Oh, well.
Thanks for this mod.I could'nt see installation instructions so I just put it in my mods folder.When the mod is loading I get 5 xml error messages.The first one is.....Tag TECH_communism in I nfo class was incorrect current XML file is: Buildings/CIV4 Buildings.Infos.XML.
I've tried clearing the cashe and custom assets folders which was in the instructions of another mod and I thought it might work in this one,but it did'nt.
Can anyone help to put me on the right track.
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