[Mod] Uchronia - Another Humankind History (W.I.P.)

I am also having the issue with the F3 map, even with a clean installation of the game and no other plug in installed
Yes, I think it's the same issue.
I am also having the issue with the F3 map, even with a clean installation of the game and no other plug in installed

Are the captured territory names shown in the war resolution screen for you when playing without mods ?
Spoiler :
I'm getting UI Mapper bugs for the combat tooltips. Do you maybe have a screenshot of their descriptions somewhere?
I'm getting UI Mapper bugs for the combat tooltips. Do you maybe have a screenshot of their descriptions somewhere?
every time ? playing in English (text should be shown in all language, but just to check) ?

you can directly read them in the Texts_EN.xml file in the Uchronia folder (from the "assets" file)
new update,

require the updated Asset file that now include an AssetBundle (I needed it to add new districts, I can change, but I'm not sure I can add items code-side with patching)

DLL change
- feature: handle the visual replacement of a generic district by an Emblematic Quarter graphics
- feature: handle XML ModDefines "ResearchNeedAllPrerequisite" to toggle Research prerequisites to "All"
- initialization: handle automatic activation of the new required AssetBundle
- database: handle "NeighbourTilesPrerequisite" override
- bug fix: try to prevent a "return to main menu" error for some end game options

Database (XML) change
- update Farm-like Emblematic Quarters to be placed anywhere, like the base Farms
- add definition for new Districts
- prevent Garrison to be placed next to another one
- add ModDefine to toggle "All" for research prerequisites
- add/update districts texts

AssetBundle addition
- add an AssetBundle mod, it should be automatically activated when starting the game with the Uchronia plugin
- add new updated generic districts to represent "inner quarters" and "outside walls" districts, as well as the steam engine and combustion engine transits evolution
- add upgrades to the "Farmers Quarter" (renamed "Simple Farmlands")
- Transport Galley are available earlier, with the "Sailing" Technology
- Hamlets are available earlier, with the "Conquest" Technology


  • Gedemon.Uchronia.
    110.3 KB · Views: 72
every time ? playing in English (text should be shown in all language, but just to check) ?

you can directly read them in the Texts_EN.xml file in the Uchronia folder (from the "assets" file)
Yes, playing in English and every time. I do play with around 10 mods, so it's probably a problem with one of them.

Edit: Scratch that. I was just dumb. Didn't realise there were assets that needed to be imported too.
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Feature request: Housing rework similar how it works in Stellaris

In Stellaris, you have 4 basic quarters and 3 of them are for mining, energy and food respectably and they all give 1 housing each. But there's also a 4th quarter which is specifically for housing and that one gives 4.

It would be nice if you were able to decouple pop cap from the worker slots, and only make it work with housing somehow. For instance, all the basic quarters in the beginning could give 1 housing with the special housing quarter giving more. City centers and other special quarters could give more than 1 as well.

I'm not sure if the current farmer quarters are supposed to represent housing in the game right now, but without that it definitely feels a bit weird not to have places for all of those people to live in.

You could even make it work with your new system for connecting districts. I played a bit with it and it felt a bit too restricting only being able to build next to the city center and other similar quarters early on. If you made it so that you could also build next to the housing, you would be able to spread out a bit more early on.


  • Decouble pop cap from worket slots and make housing its own thing.
  • All the basic quarters in the beginning give 1 housing
  • City centers and other special quarters give 2
  • Later on stuff like heavy industries could give 0 housing, but 2 or 3 worker slots, so you would need housing quarters to house those workers.
  • The more advanced housing quarters later on could give more housing and different bonuses

Mud Houses or whatever
  • Unlocked from the beginning
  • +4 housing
  • -10 Stability
  • I can't decide on what to include here, but I feel like the quarter needs more bonuses
  • Can only be placed next to the city center, admin center etc., but extends build era by one tile
  • Free district - doesn't contribute towards the district cap
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Here's a more fleshed out feature request.

These are just the base quarters. More advanced districts are feasible for the latter 3.

  • Coastal and lake tiles now have 2 food from the beginning.
  • Base harbour exploitation range down to 1 from 2.
  • Harbours are no longer limited to 1 per territory beside the new "hamlet" harbour.
  • Harbour cost formula now uses the normal district formula instead of the high district formula.
  • Cultures with EQ harbours can now build regular harbours in addition to their EQs.

Hamlet Harbour
  • Basically hamlet on water, but it only exploits water tiles.
  • Early in classical if the hamlet is moved back to early medieval. Feudalism seems great for the hamlet, but there's already a lot of stuff there. (this is in comparison to Gedemon's big mod)

Food Harbour
  • Unlocked at fishing?
  • +1 Food.
  • -10 Stability
  • +1 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
  • +1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost
  • Counts as a Farmers Quarter.
  • Freely placeable like Gedemon's farmlands.

Money Harbour
  • Unlocked at the same time as the market quarter.
  • +3 Money
  • -10 Stability
  • +1 Money per adjacent Market Quarter
  • +1 Traders Slot on City or Outpost
  • Counts as a Market Quarter.
  • Can be placed similarly to market quarters + only on water.

  • Basically garrison on water + acts as a spawn for ships.
  • Unlocked at sailing?
  • +1 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
  • +5 Stability
  • +10 District Fortification
  • Is: Naval Unit Spawn.
  • Is fortified.
  • Allows Units to embark without any Movement Point cost.
  • Counts as a Garrison.

  • Fishery
    • +1 Food on Coastal and Lake Tiles
  • Fishmonger
    • +1 Money on Money Harbor
    • +1 Money per adjacent Market Quarter on Money Harbor
  • Feudalism count’s as a free infrastructure giving +1 food on Coastal Tiles.
  • Great Fish Market
    • +1 Money on Money Harbor per Naval Trade Route
    • +1 Money on Money Harbor
    • +1 Money per adjacent Market Quarter on Money Harbor
  • Seafood Wholesalers
    • Money Harbors exploit two tiles away instead of 1 tile away
    • +1 Money on Money Harbor per Naval Trade Route
    • +1 Money on Money Harbor
    • +1 Money per adjacent Market Quarter on Money Harbor
  • Whale Fishing
    • Food Harbors exploit two tiles away instead of 1 tile away
    • +1 Food on Ocean, Coastal and Lake Tiles

    New water tile - Deep water
    • Between ocean and coastal
    • This would allow for more interaction between districts and tiles when it comes to exploitation. Coastal water could be +2 food while the deep water could be only + 1. You could also make it so that the early harbour can't exploit deep water etc.
    • This would also allow for rebalancing of the naval movement to be more gradual. For instance, base speed in coastal waters could be 6 for early ships and down to 4 in deep water and only 2 in ocean tiles.
Feature request: Housing rework similar how it works in Stellaris

In Stellaris, you have 4 basic quarters and 3 of them are for mining, energy and food respectably and they all give 1 housing each. But there's also a 4th quarter which is specifically for housing and that one gives 4.

It would be nice if you were able to decouple pop cap from the worker slots, and only make it work with housing somehow. For instance, all the basic quarters in the beginning could give 1 housing with the special housing quarter giving more. City centers and other special quarters could give more than 1 as well.

I'm not sure if the current farmer quarters are supposed to represent housing in the game right now, but without that it definitely feels a bit weird not to have places for all of those people to live in.

You could even make it work with your new system for connecting districts. I played a bit with it and it felt a bit too restricting only being able to build next to the city center and other similar quarters early on. If you made it so that you could also build next to the housing, you would be able to spread out a bit more early on.


  • Decouble pop cap from worket slots and make housing its own thing.
  • All the basic quarters in the beginning give 1 housing
  • City centers and other special quarters give 2
  • Later on stuff like heavy industries could give 0 housing, but 2 or 3 worker slots, so you would need housing quarters to house those workers.
  • The more advanced housing quarters later on could give more housing and different bonuses

Mud Houses or whatever
  • Unlocked from the beginning
  • +4 housing
  • -10 Stability
  • I can't decide on what to include here, but I feel like the quarter needs more bonuses
  • Can only be placed next to the city center, admin center etc., but extends build era by one tile
  • Free district - doesn't contribute towards the district cap

Nothing fixed yet for population, but I think I'll use the same base as in the civ6 mod, with the relation between city size and real population value will follow the same formule as in civ4/5.

The specialist slots I kind of see as worker slots, not a limit to population (so yes, that would be decoupled), but a relation to push/pull values for migration (employment/unemployment) and a ratio of production (if there is not enough population in the city to fill the worker slots)

I may use housing, and while district should provide some, I'd prefer to use infrastructure to represent them, as I want to limit the space taken by cities on the map (territories are a bit smaller in average on the Giant Earth, and even more in some areas, like Europe.

I do want to add more districts, but in a way that'd allow more to replace older ones by new versions, and less to simply expand wherever there is space left (until railroad/combustion engines are invented)
Sure. That makes sense.

What are your thoughts about the harbour changes?
Honestly at this point I'm doing the implementation of the mechanisms, that will take some time (months, years), fleshing out will come later.

I do plan to change the economy, so yields like food, money, stability, influence will not be used the same way, I'll add new infrastructure related to the gameplay changes (resources/equipment with stockpile/transfer for example) to test them, but balance will come after that. Adding new elements that would have to be rebalanced later for the mod will just delay progression. In fact I will surely remove some elements of the base game (for example when changing how population is managed, I'll have to remove all the +/- pop event/traits/action), and (maybe) restore them later adapted to the mod.

That said feel free to implement changes and test them as the mod progress, I'm more modding than playing so I rely on feedback (like on how limited it feels to place districts already, or issues with the combat posture and if people really miss the tactical combat)

At this point it should be compatible with any other mod adding districts, and for those it adds itself, the XML expose some of the properties so they can be changed without the need of a compatibility mod.
Yes, I think it's the same issue.
I am also having the issue with the F3 map, even with a clean installation of the game and no other plug in installed
and are they shown in the diplomacy screen like it should in the base game without mods ?

see screen below
Spoiler :
and are they shown in the diplomacy screen like it should in the base game without mods ?

Sorry, didn't have time to really play but from what I'm seeing it does NOT show on my side in the vanilla game. I get the pin with the relevant symbol in it, the little tooltip above it, but no names across the territory on the map itself (Hainania in white below the island on your screen capture).

Are there game settings known to cause issues in the base game? I'm fearing something worse as I have a (somewhat) new GPU and I've been seeing weird issues in other games due to some kind of compatibility issues ^^'
Looks like a bug with the base game then, as the mod highjack that screen to display the territory names.

I doubt it's GPU related as you're not the only one on a relative low number of player for the TCL mod and this one.
Played 250 turns and looking pretty good.
Automated battle system takes some time to get used to.
I hope you will be able to implement most of the features from Civ6 mod.
Few "broken items" see attached images.


  • missing_UI_mapper.PNG
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  • Battle_missing_UIMapper.PNG
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Strange, the first one could be because the assets are not updated or failed to load, but the second should not be changed by anything in the mod.

Anything in the diagnostics log ?

And about what's to come, small teaser, many thanks to rbeltran8000, the author of the GUI Tools mod who has also made a guide and plugin to use the UI windows from his mod.
Spoiler :
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