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Modding DLL Help


Jul 21, 2013
Hey CivFanatics!

I was just wondering if any of you could shed some light on this subject. I have been modding new resolutions into the game for the past few days now. It is really fun to mod, but I want to know how instead of mainly just following through different resolutions and copying some of the script.

Can some of you tell me where I can find all the different identifiers and stuff? I know that when I debug the program, it tells me. But, I want to make some different resolutions that don't really have any similarities with any of the existing mods (in terms of DLL code).

Please help me and give me a mini-tutorial on how to find these identifiers (for example, GC.getGame..."whatever"...how do I know what to reference if I want to "take away gold per unit" or something?

Please help! :)
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