Modding Question


Jan 19, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Hello all,
I was directed to this forum by another civ4 user to help answer a question about a mod I am creating. I am attempting to add religions to my mod, which is currently posted on project/mod development. I can work thru the XML and art. And I was able to edit the GameFont and GameFont75 file. My issue is with the last part; the GameFonts. Right now, I am able to get the new religion icon to show up on my city screen but I cannot get the new icon to show up on the scoreboard. This is essentially the last piece to finish my mod and I'm hoping someone can help guide me with a step that I'm maybe missing to get the icon onto the scoreboard. In the screenshot below, you'll see that the icon for the new religion is in my city, but the game is still picking up the cereal mills icon for the scoreboard so its somehow skipping over the new icons in the GameFont files [have also posted a zip of those files that I've updated with GameFont editor]. What gives? Any help would be immensely appreciated as I'd like to finish this and restore MMod onto the site for everyone to use.
Spoiler :



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