Mr Smith
This is a collection of tweaks I've made for myself, aimed at providing a more leveled field in multiplayer and foolproofing AI, even if it isn't all that realistic. You can unpack modmod to CoM folder or scrap some of the more controversial parts by excluding the corresponding XML. Another big part is the Smart Map script I've brushed up a bit - updated to Terkhen's 9.26, doubled river start (but not overall density without an option) chance from hills and peaks, introduced coastal peak hillifier (so they don't block sweet spots nvm, I noticed it's overriden too, maybe a shift will help later), adjusted starting position criteria, removed ice (standard feature method still ignores it unless you tweak FeatureInfos), made NoSnow option replace snow with tundra instead of plains and allowed sea resources spawn next to pole and only up to 3 tiles away from land (working range, so that they are not "wasted"), preset options to a cool land-heavy format. Or it can generate nice earth-like shapes, always could. I wish it's resource-placing method still worked, but CoM uses something different than addBonuses(), so part of functionality isn't available now. I've also replaced icons for yields with a History Rewritten/Realism Invictus set, it's hard to go back once you get used to them. If you still don't have Chronicles of Mankind, you can get it here. Many thanks to AND team for making all this tuning possible.
O-o-oh, boy.
- There is no "bad" terrain now. Snow, tundra, marsh and desert have the same sum of 2 yields as grassland and plains,
but they still pile on a bit of unhealth.(sorry, noticed it doesn't work, flood plains are back to 2 food too in v1.2) - Tundra
and snow(nevermind, farms seem to validate by this new food, so better use No Snow option) near rivers get +1 food instead of commerce,but you still can't farm on snow without terraforming. - Oasis can be improved and settled on (still disappears, though).
Lakes and oceans get extra coin.(after some consideration shifted it into food in v1.2)- Realistic culture is much more tolerant to harsh climates.
- Deserts are "flooded" by default, but actual feature is balanced to not be too OP on other terrain (still balance mostly shows once you get Agrarianism/try to build worshops there/cities get advanced enough to have hammers/levees are built). For those, who struggle even with redacting XML, I'll leave an alternative version where FPs occur only on desert.
- Desert/tundra/snow hills are also less effective than grassland/plains ones, but you still get mines' scaling and a coin instead of missing food/hammer.
O-o-oh, boy.
- Pastures (plains and savannah), camps (tundra, scrub, savannah, jungle and forests), quarries (hills and desert) and plantations (jungle and savannah) can be built without resources and can actually discover them, History Rewritten-style.
- Quarries upgrade into modern quarries with much higher chance to discover resources.
- Mines and quarries share discovery pool, but not yields or resource validation (except for salt).
- Balanced yield bonuses from techs a bit too, so there's no dramatic difference in scaling.
- City ruins are a ready base for rebuilding and thus provide 1food2hammers, upgrade into hamlet, pillage to get a mine immediately.
- Forts have some yields.
- Gathering Finished still provides 1 of it's yield and can upgrade.
- Gathering and many other can be built outside of cultural borders in preparation for expansion, but not farms/cottages/workshops.
- Most bonuses are revealed (but not enabled) at the start, no more unknowingly settling on a valuable source of yields, except for iron and later strategic resources. HR-style, except you even see copper. To compensate horses, copper and iron don't provide extra yield until they are improved.
- Some resources have a wider range of terrain where they can spawn (mostly in favor of tundra), while grassland lost some, because it was prone to oversaturation.
- Default version allows groups of the same resource, alternative forces a minimal distance between instances.
- Replaced "no unhappiness in the capital" effect with +5/10 happiness from palace, since it allowed slaves exploit.
- Removed "population requires 50% more food for growth" to prevent a gap because of unoptimal tech routes.
- Slavery and Penal get bonus commerce from plantations and quarries (HR-style), latter also from mines and orchards.
- Some civics don't prolong anarchy, but minimal still happens.
- Survival trades 1 coin off camps for 1 food to support water-poor taiga/forest starts.
- Revamped specialist yields, including citizens, which are worth at least as much as a plains tile in early game.
- Tower of Babel provides 2 of free specialists for 6 unhealth.
- Most have a 1food "cashback".
On average settled GPs are worth 3 times the normal specialist(nvm - was too much), but points are 33% harder to earn, unless you are using "flavourless" citizens, nobles, celebrities and philosophers to supplement.
- citizens are 2 (population requires 3) 1 1 +0.5 1 adaptive with a slight reduction at starting civic and shift/buff late and from a few wonders (was around originally)
- artists are 1 -1 -1 -1 3 6 (it has less value) 2
- engineers are 1 -1 -1 2 3 2
- scientists are 1 -1 -1 -1 3 2
- priests are 1 1 2 2 +1
- doctors are 2 -1 -1 -1 5 2 Great Scientist +0.5 +1
- merchants are 1 -1 -1 -1 6 2
- spies are -1 -1 -1 7 (!)3 1
- nobles are 2 2 2 2 3 adaptive 1, 2 is shifted into 3 by feudalism
- magistrates/lawyers are 1 1 -1 -1 4 1 2 Great Diplomat
- celebrities/entertainers are 2 4 3 adaptive +1
- philosophers are 6 adaptive 5 flexible 4
- Lowered palace's cost by half, so it won't ruin your momentum too badly if you have a poor start and gotta move it.
- It's commerce is moved to basic science, which you won't lose during anarchy or if you wander in search of a better spot at the start.
- Adjusted snow tourism buildings in case someone DOES play with snow.
- Nerfed Rialto, which was utterly ridiculous, especially with how many rivers one can get in SM.
- Moved slider (science, espionage, culture) to earlier techs, shifted AI weight of key early techs, mostly related.
- Preset default options in case you have trouble with preserving them too.
- Adjustment for much higher possible land to water ratio in Smart Map and Tiny is vertical w40x56h.
- Removed anarchy length increasing with number of cities.
- Forest, jungle and savannah now HELP building most of improvements where wood is relevant.
- Plantations and pastures don't destroy savannah, HR-style.
- Adjusted GPP for subduing animals to not make hunters too snowballing.
- Also added entries for Modern Quarry, if either this file or ImprovementsInfo/Buildinfo are not modified together - there will be errors, but probably not critical.
- Scouts cost 10 hammers so that AIs don't waste too much on them.
- Peaks nerf food -1 like hills, not -2, so Windmills are an option, also peaks get river bonus.
- Minimal cities yields are 1/0/0 + 1/1/1, so grass/plains hills are always good and most resources' scaling can be traded for a partial early boost/better coverage.
- Animals can spawn next to culture borders, otherwise hardly any would, considering recommended format.
- Base (unaffected by modifiers, including Oral Tradition) science is 10 instead of 1.
- Routes don't stop feature growth.
- Raised a bit base free units, otherwise keeping an animal collection (say, waiting for barn/granary/warehouse stack) or rushing troops as AI would choke one's economy.
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