Montezuma's Dartboard


Jan 11, 2002
If you see the Aztecs in modern times, you'll find that in Montezuma's portrait, there is a dartboard on the wall behind him. I've heard from somewhere that in the diplomacy screen, the person whose face appears there is the ruler of the civ they are most at odds with.

However, I don't see this possible as there is only a limited number of .flc files for a ruler (2 per age to be precise). I haven't seen the modern Montezuma .flcs though as I wipe out the Aztecs as quickly as possible. The furthest they've achieved in my games is Industrial age.

Anyway, I looked through the \art\advisors directory (not what I normally do though) and saw pics of the rulers as they appear in the foreign advisor screen. I noticed something about Montezuma's dartboard in modern times. It actually has a portrait of Hernando Cortéz on it.

In case there are those who might not know, Cortéz was the Spanish conquistador who led the Spanish forces against the Aztecs and conquered them.

The thing that makes little sense about this is the fact that Montezuma himself thought Cortéz to be a god. Why then would Montezuma throw darts at his pic for sport?

Anyway, attached is a picture which proves this. You'll need to look closely at the Montezuma picture, but it is obvious that it is the same picture as the large one of Cortéz attached.


  • mn_cort.gif
    33.3 KB · Views: 1,482
I commend you for your keen observation, but I think you're reading too much into it.

"The thing that makes little sense about this is the fact that Montezuma himself thought Cortéz to be a god. Why then would Montezuma throw darts at his pic for sport?"

It's obviously just something the art-guys thot was clever.

Frankly, I didn't know Montezuma thot Cortez a god, but I -do- know that Cortez had Montezuma strangled, which in the Aztec faith, was a very ignoble way to go. Even if he was a little slow witted (which I'm sure he wasn't), Montezuma MUST have figured out that Cortez WASN'T a god, at least by the time the rope was getting tight. I doubt he revered Cortez much in the last 30 minutes of his life.

Since most folks know that Cortez managed to bring down the Aztec empire, it sorta makes for an amusing image, to put Cortez on Montezuma's dart-board, don't you think?

It's just supposed to be clever.
Well spotted ! I am indeed impressed.

Fluffy Lion,

Could you please point out the other easter eggs please ?

Thanks !
There are two other Easter Eggs I know:

On the game's credits screen, if you waited long enough it will show a pic of Elvis. :)

Another one is a Jeff Briggs(military advisor) short movie. It's inside the \Infogrames Interactive\Civilization III\Art\Movies directory. That movie is titled 'security_briefing.bik". If you rename this file to 'intro.bik" you will see the movie when u start the game. Another way to view the movies is by installing a free Bink player:
Originally posted by Feinder
Frankly, I didn't know Montezuma thot Cortez a god, but I -do- know that Cortez had Montezuma strangled, which in the Aztec faith, was a very ignoble way to go. Even if he was a little slow witted (which I'm sure he wasn't), Montezuma MUST have figured out that Cortez WASN'T a god, at least by the time the rope was getting tight. I doubt he revered Cortez much in the last 30 minutes of his life.

Since most folks know that Cortez managed to bring down the Aztec empire, it sorta makes for an amusing image, to put Cortez on Montezuma's dart-board, don't you think?

It's just supposed to be clever.

Yeah, it is clever. I didn't know that Montezuma was strangled. I thought that he was stoned by his own people and then either died from his wounds or was murdered by the Spaniards (still actually remains a mystery).

But Montezuma WAS slow witted, as the people were questioning his ability to rule long before the Spaniards arrived. He was slow in making decisions, he ALWAYS turned to his priests for advice (who simply wanted him to give them more people to sacrifice). It was probably also slow witted to be trying to calm down a riot that formed after the Spanish slaughtered a group of peaceful protesters who were opposed to the outlawing of their rituals. Everyone should know that those rioters were in an irrational state of mind, and Montezuma should've known too. But he was too busy revering his 'god', who had actually taken him hostage in his own palace. Now if he isn't slow witted in letting his honored guest treat him that way, then what is slow witted?

Anyway, doesn't really matter, as it is just a clever addition to modern day Montezuma's portrait.
(I think) I discovered a "New Game" Easter Egg in Civ 3 (v1.29f) today.
Searched forums for "Easter" and "Egg*" and didn't find it mentioned already, so here goes...

Click on the space just below the list of map sizes (i.e. under "Huge" on the beige background). You should hear the usual selection 'click'. Can we say Random Map Size?
Originally posted by KarmaShark
Click on the space just below the list of map sizes (i.e. under "Huge" on the beige background). You should hear the usual selection 'click'. Can we say Random Map Size?
Cool find! :goodjob: I've posted a news post about it.

My guess is Firaxis probably decided to hide it because that Random Map Size option is not very useful, since the Player Setup screen that follows shows the number of available player spots (which depends on map size) anyway.
In response to Thunderfall's news quote -

"Firaxis probably decided to hide it because that Random Map Size option is not very useful, since the Player Setup screen shows the number of available player spots which depends on map size."

True, but if you don't want to know, use the New Game once (to set the other parameters as you want them); then start the game, and discard it immediately. Once back at the main menu, just use Quick Start and now you won't know the map size.

Mind you, to be fair you're going to know the map size pretty soon anyway, once you've done a bit of exploring and revealed some of the map...

Has anyone found any other Easter Eggs (besides the ones above)?
It does act like a random size option though. Try click at that place, then proceed to the player setup screen. Repeat a few times and the # of player spots tend to be different.
With just a few extra lines of code, Firaxis could make the number of civs in the player setup screen invisible when this button is invisible, and then make the button standard. Woo hoo, I hope they are paying attention for patch 1.38f ;)
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