Attempt at making a scenario for MoO1
Year 2540 ,
After centuries of minor battles in which Humanity was victorious, the last great war is about to begin and the end may not be a happy one.
Humanity have colonised some worlds and encountered 3 different alien species.
-The Meklar, technology enhanced beings, that were relatively friendly, with those aliens we managed to get high economy contracts and a non-aggression treaty. For a long time we exchanged precious (to us) technologies against their pitifull inventions, and to show our good spirit toward them we even gave them gifts. But never they accepted an alliance with us.
How foolish we have been to trust and trade with them.
-The Alkaris, strange bird-like aliens, that immediately felt threatened by our mutual contact and waged war against our worlds. We managed to get victories after victories and defeated their ambitions on our territory. After trying some last showdowns, they finally submitted to our might and stayed away from us.
What a terrible mistake for us to leave them alive in their homeworld by pure benevolence.
-The Silicoids, minerals creatures, despite their worlds were located in our immediate frontier we never really made any contact, both our empire seemed to co-exist peacefully. Until a point on which the Silicoid leader threatened us, arguing about our ships being to close to the frontier. It was of course a complete lie, as in fact there were fleets of Silicoids in that location that seemed to prepare something..
Despite we were already at war with the Alkaris, we managed to destroy the Silicoids fleets and even conquer their Homeworld. Sparing their last world to leave them be was certainly an error we would pay later.
While the Alkaris and Silicoids were pushed away and were not a threat anymore, the Meklars used this time they were at peace and helped by us to expand theirs empire to an impressive size for the known universe. While we at first we were not concerned by their empire, various changes to their political stance made us worried about the future of the galaxy.
Refusing to enter into a glorious alliance with us was already suspicious, but a recent unprovoked skirmish proved that the Meklars were not as friendly as they told us, all their diplomacy was in fact a mascarade for their real goal : conquering the universe.
Unfortunately the Meklar fleet is currently more powerfull than our own forces, the upcoming conflict willcertainly be catastrophic for our worlds, but if we want to survive we must prevail.
So join the war effort : save the Humanity !
After this roleplay presentation describing what happened previous the game year 2540, here is the situation :
the map of the universe at year 2540
modified map of the universe to see the empires situations easily :
this is the current Human fleet :
this is the Meklar fleet that is in my radars range (consider that it may not be the full fleet, half of the universe is not under my radar range)
Here is the status of the 4 species ingame
So at this point of year 2540 , Humanity got into serious problems with the Meklars, as in the upcoming turns making immediate war with them is not really in the advantage of the humans.
Despite the slight advantage in fire power some ships of the human fleet have other several of the cyborgs ones, the meklars will be able to quickly get better weapon technology and adding to their superior number the situation will be critical.
I am not a good player, i usually make lot of mistakes playing more by instinct than trying top exploit game mechanics, but in that game understand that i never attacked the Meklar and even helper them in trade -on purpose- and spared the existence of the Silicoids and Alkaris on purpose too.
My goal was to create a kind of "scenario" game in which Humanity would have a overall equal opponent and some minor powers trying to survive along an unavoidable conflict so you try to ally with them (difficult though as Humanity hammered them in the first part of the game and they may not be happy with you anymore )
So i share this scenario if someone is interested into this challenge, the difficulty level is relatively easy -but- the current balance of power in 2540 will make not make the main war easy at all as the main enemy is actually in possession of a huge fleet bigger than yours and that technology level will soon be better than yours.
Additional information that could prove usefull to help Humanity war effort : Orion has not been conquered by anyone yet in 2540, the Guardian is always there.
This is the save game on filefront (i attached it to this post too for more convenience):;8946753;/fileinfo.html
If anyone defeat the Meklars, i would be happy to read any AAR about how they managed this, not being an expert players of MoO1 i am always willing to learn more strategy with the game.
An additional challenge for people defeating the Meklar would be to post a screenshot of the year of the Meklar defeat, to see who can achieve the Meklar destruction quicker.
Year 2540 ,
After centuries of minor battles in which Humanity was victorious, the last great war is about to begin and the end may not be a happy one.
Humanity have colonised some worlds and encountered 3 different alien species.
-The Meklar, technology enhanced beings, that were relatively friendly, with those aliens we managed to get high economy contracts and a non-aggression treaty. For a long time we exchanged precious (to us) technologies against their pitifull inventions, and to show our good spirit toward them we even gave them gifts. But never they accepted an alliance with us.
How foolish we have been to trust and trade with them.
-The Alkaris, strange bird-like aliens, that immediately felt threatened by our mutual contact and waged war against our worlds. We managed to get victories after victories and defeated their ambitions on our territory. After trying some last showdowns, they finally submitted to our might and stayed away from us.
What a terrible mistake for us to leave them alive in their homeworld by pure benevolence.
-The Silicoids, minerals creatures, despite their worlds were located in our immediate frontier we never really made any contact, both our empire seemed to co-exist peacefully. Until a point on which the Silicoid leader threatened us, arguing about our ships being to close to the frontier. It was of course a complete lie, as in fact there were fleets of Silicoids in that location that seemed to prepare something..
Despite we were already at war with the Alkaris, we managed to destroy the Silicoids fleets and even conquer their Homeworld. Sparing their last world to leave them be was certainly an error we would pay later.
While the Alkaris and Silicoids were pushed away and were not a threat anymore, the Meklars used this time they were at peace and helped by us to expand theirs empire to an impressive size for the known universe. While we at first we were not concerned by their empire, various changes to their political stance made us worried about the future of the galaxy.
Refusing to enter into a glorious alliance with us was already suspicious, but a recent unprovoked skirmish proved that the Meklars were not as friendly as they told us, all their diplomacy was in fact a mascarade for their real goal : conquering the universe.
Unfortunately the Meklar fleet is currently more powerfull than our own forces, the upcoming conflict willcertainly be catastrophic for our worlds, but if we want to survive we must prevail.
So join the war effort : save the Humanity !
After this roleplay presentation describing what happened previous the game year 2540, here is the situation :
the map of the universe at year 2540

modified map of the universe to see the empires situations easily :

this is the current Human fleet :

this is the Meklar fleet that is in my radars range (consider that it may not be the full fleet, half of the universe is not under my radar range)

Here is the status of the 4 species ingame

So at this point of year 2540 , Humanity got into serious problems with the Meklars, as in the upcoming turns making immediate war with them is not really in the advantage of the humans.
Despite the slight advantage in fire power some ships of the human fleet have other several of the cyborgs ones, the meklars will be able to quickly get better weapon technology and adding to their superior number the situation will be critical.
I am not a good player, i usually make lot of mistakes playing more by instinct than trying top exploit game mechanics, but in that game understand that i never attacked the Meklar and even helper them in trade -on purpose- and spared the existence of the Silicoids and Alkaris on purpose too.
My goal was to create a kind of "scenario" game in which Humanity would have a overall equal opponent and some minor powers trying to survive along an unavoidable conflict so you try to ally with them (difficult though as Humanity hammered them in the first part of the game and they may not be happy with you anymore )
So i share this scenario if someone is interested into this challenge, the difficulty level is relatively easy -but- the current balance of power in 2540 will make not make the main war easy at all as the main enemy is actually in possession of a huge fleet bigger than yours and that technology level will soon be better than yours.
Additional information that could prove usefull to help Humanity war effort : Orion has not been conquered by anyone yet in 2540, the Guardian is always there.
This is the save game on filefront (i attached it to this post too for more convenience):;8946753;/fileinfo.html
If anyone defeat the Meklars, i would be happy to read any AAR about how they managed this, not being an expert players of MoO1 i am always willing to learn more strategy with the game.
An additional challenge for people defeating the Meklar would be to post a screenshot of the year of the Meklar defeat, to see who can achieve the Meklar destruction quicker.