• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .


Sorry to hear, AdmiralDan. I've tried several games with Zippadeedoodah on IP connection now, both before and after the 3.17 release. It seems OOS happens more often after, although most of the time the guest was able to reconnect. In our previous game however, the guest was actually asked to load an earlier version of the mod, which completely baffled me... We tried switching host/guest, but no go. I've no idea of the cause...:(
MOO2Civ (Patch4b) is at 400+ downloads.;)

BTW, I've sent Mylon a PM, but haven't heard from him as concerns the unit promotion/combat system modcomp. As far as I can tell from the description however, it isn't complete yet (there seems to be no thread linked to it either)...
MOO2Civ (Patch4b) is at 400+ downloads.;)

BTW, I've sent Mylon a PM, but haven't heard from him as concerns the unit promotion/combat system modcomp. As far as I can tell from the description however, it isn't complete yet (there seems to be no thread linked to it either)...

Check his "The Frontier Awaits" mod thread. The description there was the same as what I described earlier, but The thread has been silent for a while now.
I'll check. BTW, there will be a Patch5 out, only I can't put a date on that as I'm currently preparing the release of several non-MOO2 scenarios.

On topic: I'd like to have Spies in as they played a vital part in MOO. I kind of miss the espionage bit at the moment. Playing the Darloks will give you an Espionage bonus ofcourse, but without actual Spies in-game it's less than ideal.

On a related note: I've been playing the Psilons as well (I seemed to have a preference for the Humans generally) and their Science bonus seems to work very well, especially on a Standard map. Right now I'm in a Psilon game on a Huge map and was off to an excellent start: after building 4 Probes I discovered 2 excellent systems, 3 Construction Ships plus 2 Colony Ships (which I used to colonize those large systems). After 50+ turns I've encountered all civs present and have a 100+ lead on the score list with still only 4-5 colonies.
I'd like to have Spies in as they played a vital part in MOO. I kind of miss the espionage bit at the moment. Playing the Darloks will give you an Espionage bonus ofcourse, but without actual Spies in-game it's less than ideal.

Spies can be easily modded back in (I have them using the advocate art/sound in Star Trek). They will work just fine with the only issues being the espionage advisor won't show active missions (you need to switch back to the epic game version of CvEspionageAdvisor.py) and the destroy building mission won't work (I removed it from Civ4EspionageMissions.xml).
Thx! (So now I just got to figure out how to actually add a unit to the game.)

BTW, do you know how to change the name of a unit? Is it just in a Defines xml or do I need to change other files as well?:confused:
Meanwhile, MOO2Civ (Patch4) FULL INSTALL is at 2,800+ downloads.

And I'll post a Status Report by tomorrow evening (being away for the weekend).;)
Hi all, probably never saw me here B4, I'm usually note very active on forums.
I'm tuxu and I'm a MOO3holic, having said that...
I can mod a bit of scripts and I can write nicely as well, I also know my way around photoshop and if you want me to build you a house, I could do that too cause I'm a poor architecture student, lol.

I wouldn't bother adding the spy unit to the game just because of the Darlok need of spies, and I'm saying that as the spies-junkie that I am.
don't get me wrong, I WANT a good spying scene on the game, but its possible to make it to a whole game style for the Darlok!
What you could do might b much more easy and much more realistic; we all know that the Darlok are a secretive race how was hunted down by their enemies almost to extinction(MOO3), the Darlok fleet and unit array should b VERY weak due to these conditions. Also,you guys need to start thinking as Darlok in order to mod the Darlok >;) if the Darlok would have wanted something it would most probably be with in their limitless grasp of their omniscience agents.

What if Darlok didn't have a spy unit but could "infect" other civs units with the presence of their enemies and thus gain control, temporary or permanent over their rivals units, posts or even planets while those looks to the enemy as barbarian(hidden nationality)?
you probably think; OK, sounds cool, but that would do them too powerful. I don't think so.
Darlok are not very good at anything but spying and the other races has racial bonuses which effects combat or production or even bio-harvesting.
Let me describe a game-play of my Uber-spy nation notion:
the Darlok build a "scout" which has hidden nationality and can "seed" a tile with 1 agent, there are two options we might mod (yes, I'm offering my help):
1. Pressing on the "seeding a tile" button cost you the scout pilot and thus u lose the unit and doesn't have to pay support on it.
2. After pressing on the "seeding a tile" button it changes to a "pick up an agent" button, u do not lose the unit and still have pay support on it.

The seeded tile and the tiles around it are visible whoever the "agent" is not acting as a unit but if at all as a bonus terrain, like iron, and is invisible to other races.
When foreign units, even a "barbarian", move on that tile you get a message box that asks you if you want your spy to tag along for the way and to which unit should it be added;
No- the tile remain seeded and the "agent" doesn't move anywhere and continue to act as a spy on its tile and those around it.
Yes- the spy moves on a ship and begins he's epic saga, he can attempt to hijack or bribe the ship as well.

the ship of which our spy boarded is a colony ship vessel named hope of Menz Agitat and belonging to the remnants of the Psilon Great houses.
The "Menz Agitat" roam the unsafe heavens towards an anomaly, and in it's cargo bay a lonely Darlok is gnawing on his synthesized ever depleting rations.
the celestial darkness breaks to a roaring abyss upfront of the anxious crew and for an outworldly second, they are not dead nor alive, out of time...
the stars lazy blinks reappear through the ship's many window galleries and shine reassurance onto the empty crew lounge and on its humming bridge deck.
In the bowels of the metal beast, the lone Darlok hold his stomach pondering about the way he shrugged of his mentor warnings about the discomfort and mental training that are required to pass through a wormhole and successfully save your dinner (TECH: advance spy training; Building: Agent Academy).
After a six month voyage the "Menz Agitat" captain is Finley content to order his crew to begin with preparation for planetfall.
With much celebration and according to the ancient feudal ceremonies "Menz rest" is founded, a colony which resembles the values of the eternally knowledge seeking Psilon and is a beacon of hope to regain the former glory of the great houses again.
As the well orchestrated politics within the Psilon nation weave the happenings within the city and its domain but there's an unseen and scaly guiding hand reaching out from the shadows to make sure matters are being taking care of the right way, Morfane's way! (city receives 5% bonus to its trade due to agents that are stirring trade into it in order to get a cover for their missions, 1% from the city total trade is going to the Darlok capital; your own cities does not get any bonus from having a spy in them, you can spy on other Darlok civs)

Morfane - a Darlok emperor
Menz Agitat - a Psilon emperor

thats how I think we might apply the use of spies in a manner that would change the game style if you play the Darlok.

Just thought of it, Bulrathy can make money the same way with allied empires by deploying Bulrathy merceneries in their cities (let's say it gives a city +35% defence)

I have a vague clue about how to script all this stuff and I could make them shiny buttons too^^

u wanz zum?
Well, welcome tuxu!:)

That's quite a story. I must confess I'm not that familiar with MOO3 (I was more of an MOO-MOO2 addict)... might I suggest to turn your idea into a scenario? (To test how it works in-game. If it's cool, it can be added to the mod as is. I must say I find your ideas intrigueing, but I've no idea how it'll play out in an actual game.)

I'm asking this for two reasons: I want to include a MOO scenario anyway (adding the Orion Guardian and the Antarans) and it seems to me your idea requires a general Spy unit (which I also want to include, as Espionage was a vital part of MOO-MOO2; that the Darloks should be able to make better use of them strikes me as a great idea).

Furthermore I'd like to say I always can use help; for instance, I have no experience with making buttons. (Another idea is that I'd like to add a MOO start screen.)
Cool ^^.
lets take it step by step.
1. I can help you with the starting screen.
2. I think I have a clue about how to make buttons since it appearers that I'm spending more time reading and editing the script files then playing, I'll try it the second I get a chance.
If I'll get stuck, I'll pm Kael from FFH2, who is my guru - rel8ing civ modding. Kudos for Kael.

BTW, I tried to get moo mod to work after reading the instructions but couldn't make it :(
I have CIV4:BTS, could you elaborate a bit plz? I want to be able to test the scripts I'm writing for the mod...
A copy-paste from Filefront: "Your download has failed. There were no available download servers.
Click here to try your download again. Click here to try your download again."
Tried to play a bit with my security settings but no good came out of it. :\

I also tried to DL it from file front but their specific links doesn't work for me, might I be so bold to ask you to upload the mod into a rapid-share direct link?


You should play MOO3, it's a bit of a rough start but its sure pays off. one of the most amazing games I have ever played and still play.
I love MOO2, but MOO3 is much more ruthless, dark and vast; one of the few games that actually makes you feel that you ARE running a star empire!
...You should play MOO3, it's a bit of a rough start but its sure pays off. one of the most amazing games I have ever played and still play.
I love MOO2, but MOO3 is much more ruthless, dark and vast; one of the few games that actually makes you feel that you ARE running a star empire!

I've heard it plays OK once you use Bhuric's unofficial patch, (He does that a lot.) but I never went back, not wanting to change my mods all over again to put back in non functional things that now function.
Cool ^^.
lets take it step by step.
1. I can help you with the starting screen.
2. I think I have a clue about how to make buttons since it appearers that I'm spending more time reading and editing the script files then playing, I'll try it the second I get a chance.
If I'll get stuck, I'll pm Kael from FFH2, who is my guru - rel8ing civ modding. Kudos for Kael.

BTW, I tried to get moo mod to work after reading the instructions but couldn't make it :(
I have CIV4:BTS, could you elaborate a bit plz? I want to be able to test the scripts I'm writing for the mod...
A copy-paste from Filefront: "Your download has failed. There were no available download servers.
Click here to try your download again. Click here to try your download again."
Tried to play a bit with my security settings but no good came out of it. :\

I also tried to DL it from file front but their specific links doesn't work for me, might I be so bold to ask you to upload the mod into a rapid-share direct link?


You should play MOO3, it's a bit of a rough start but its sure pays off. one of the most amazing games I have ever played and still play.
I love MOO2, but MOO3 is much more ruthless, dark and vast; one of the few games that actually makes you feel that you ARE running a star empire!

Cool on the start screen (don't know the first thing about adding screens myself). And BTW Kael rocks!

As to Rapidshare: since an alternative location has been asked before, I'm uploading MOO2Civ (Patch4c)FULL INSTALL there now. This includes NCCSavages 3.17 fix pre-installed. I'll add the link to the DL Page.

I have MOO3, but found the interface not as userfriendly as with MOO2. (Sorry.) Which ofcourse doesn't mean stuff from MOO3 can't be used.;)

EDIT: Patch4c uploaded to rapidshare; updated Post #1.
:dunno: It's not that I don't want to, but I don't want to commit myself to too many things at once, so I'm not sure... what does it entail?:confused:

Well, after getting sidetracked for a while here's, as promised, the

Status Report

Patch5 will (hopefully) include:

- custom Fighters/Scouts (as many as I can include)
- Spies!
- immobile PDFs
- a MOO scenario (if all goes well, including Antarans and Orion)
- anything else that comes in in time for this planned patch.

I still haven't any ETA for Patch5, as I'm busy creating and updating several BtS scenarios. If it takes too long (say, longer than a month from now) any of the above may be released as patches 4d-g.

More news later.:assimilate:
Cool on the start screen (don't know the first thing about adding screens myself).

OK, I've made the main menu start screen and I'm currently busting my head trying to figure out the nif file which shows it...:dunno:
If anyone seasoned with nifskope or the gamebryo plug-in for blender knows how to add textures to the nif feel free to PM me and thx a head.
Strange on civfanatic download page it says the file is just over 100mb but the file I download from rapidshare is only 35mb, am I downloading the right things? Do I have to download the old moo2civ version?
OK, I've made the main menu start screen and I'm currently busting my head trying to figure out the nif file which shows it...:dunno:
If anyone seasoned with nifskope or the gamebryo plug-in for blender knows how to add textures to the nif feel free to PM me and thx a head.

Did you check the Tutorials section? I think I saw a How to add screens thread.

@Kroyon: Are you talking file size zipped or unzipped? (Because unzipped it amounts to 113 MB, zipped size is about 33.6 MB.)
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