Rabbit, White... hmmm I would be a pretty good photoshop'er if I did... I have implemented it already. It is not that difficult at all, only adding a few things ´here and there.
But but, the pic were intended so people eventually could come with some ideas on it, possible to refine my own, or some entirely new.
My main ideas for these options were:
-- Yes!, install new governor
Like it is now...
-- Yes Keep city, but do it in blood!
Kills off x % of pop, maybe even all but 1 pop. That is how it work in the ancient times on earth.. When I read about history, I am sometimes horrified by all the bloodshed. I mean no problem in slaugter of 1000s of people, just because it were practice (okay not really, but violent history of mankind is) Bonus: You get a city with less enemy culture
Penalty: The former owners civ will hate you more.
-- No! Let the city burn, but leave the people!
Burn city, and make a x (pop) refugees for other civ in nearby cities or add x (pop) to nearby cities (no micromanagement)
Bonus: No enemy city here anymore
Penalty: The civ maybe more angry, but not as much as the above (or the one below) Also nicely used throughout history of mankind...
-- No! Spare no one!
Just as raze functions now!