More city options on capture!


SDK Lover
Nov 30, 2005
Glorious state of Denmark
I read in some thread, that people would like new options when a city is captured. I dont think anyone has yet tried this, but here is a pic.

I think the picture explains it self. Any questions, ideas or just random babble?:)


Attached new image when a city tries to flip.


  • newcityoptions.JPG
    156.7 KB · Views: 536
  • untitled.JPG
    125.2 KB · Views: 363
very nice.

perhaps one more button is needed. A "sell back to the enemy" button where you can demand money from them to get teh city back (the amount you can demand lowers depending on buildings, sizes, etc.)
Thanks, will add that... Hmm just a side note when in war, it will be a little odd to get an option to buy back a city, it should be a diplomacy thing...

Also when a city what to flip! No more random flipping. I am thinking to implement a full scale popup option what you want to do. Maybe something like this:

- Grant permission to leave empire
- Grant Self-Goverment
- Grant limited autonomy
- Deny request

so based on factors, you could quell an uprisning by givning the city self-goverment (of course with some penalties, like not getting any income from it or whatever).

It certainly did not like the "random" flipping. I mean in real life this as not happen EVER, not without war, or some diplomatic action or something.

Note: The AI will be fully aware of all this, and use it to its advantage..
With the new ideas you have with the no random culture flipping...
Can you build on it and have a city refuse to your demands and become Barbarian? They cannot go to another civ, they would go Barbarian and units would spawn to show resistance troops or revolutionary troops. That way, you and opposing civs would have the ability to take the city over. That seems to be how it would/has happened in real life.

Going one step further...If you do get something along those lines working, how about making cities with more unhappy faces than happy faces with the possibility of revolting (turning barbarian) after a certain number of turns?
pap1723 said:
With the new ideas you have with the no random culture flipping...
Can you build on it and have a city refuse to your demands and become Barbarian? They cannot go to another civ, they would go Barbarian and units would spawn to show resistance troops or revolutionary troops. That way, you and opposing civs would have the ability to take the city over. That seems to be how it would/has happened in real life.

Going one step further...If you do get something along those lines working, how about making cities with more unhappy faces than happy faces with the possibility of revolting (turning barbarian) after a certain number of turns?

Indeed to all this nice ideas (although I have had them my self). Everything is possible. However I was thinking in the lines of diplomatic action instead. If you refuse, the the city's majority's civilization would become more angry with you or something, maybe even start a war over it, if the air isnt to warm.´
See that is how real wars started. Instead of "YOU SHOULD CHANGE TO CIVIC #%=#DEGPÆJ, OR I WILL KILL YOU". Of course this happens in real life, but it sometimes seem silly, becuase there is no real reason why two peacefull civs, although different, should begin to shoot at each other because of this..
I agree. Along similar lines, is it possible for certain Civics to expecially hate other civics, and for certain religions to hate other religions.

Communism Ideas vs Facism Ideas

Jewish vs Arab

Just a couple of examples out of many.
I think more options in conquest and diplomacy when it comes to cities is great but could you explain the middle two options in more detail? (Am I correct in understanding that you implemented this, or did you just photoshoped this to get some ideas flowing?)

So about the options, "keep city but in blood" - does that mean you'll have less population remaining? What are the advantages, do you get more of your culture there?

And for "burn city but leave people" - does that mean that the city is destroyed but there is a bunch of settlers and workers left, what's the point, wouldn't you just capture them right away?
Rabbit, White... hmmm I would be a pretty good photoshop'er if I did... I have implemented it already. It is not that difficult at all, only adding a few things ´here and there.

But but, the pic were intended so people eventually could come with some ideas on it, possible to refine my own, or some entirely new.

My main ideas for these options were:
-- Yes!, install new governor
Like it is now...
-- Yes Keep city, but do it in blood!
Kills off x % of pop, maybe even all but 1 pop. That is how it work in the ancient times on earth.. When I read about history, I am sometimes horrified by all the bloodshed. I mean no problem in slaugter of 1000s of people, just because it were practice (okay not really, but violent history of mankind is) Bonus: You get a city with less enemy culture
Penalty: The former owners civ will hate you more.
-- No! Let the city burn, but leave the people!
Burn city, and make a x (pop) refugees for other civ in nearby cities or add x (pop) to nearby cities (no micromanagement)
Bonus: No enemy city here anymore
Penalty: The civ maybe more angry, but not as much as the above (or the one below) Also nicely used throughout history of mankind...
-- No! Spare no one!
Just as raze functions now!
I really like this idea, and am VERY excited to see what you do with it... This is one of those things where we can do a lot with the game. I especially liked your ideas on city flipping, and can't wait to see it implemented.

***200th POST :) ***
Lord Olleus said:
How about an:
"Enslave the men!" option
Half of city pops die and you get 1 worker for every 2 pop that died.
How about "Enslave the women!" - you get a happiness boost in all your cities but also a health penalty. :D
How about an option "Liberate the city"? If the city formerly belonged i.e. to the Mongols, then it was captured by the French and I am the one to capture the city, it would go to the Mongols again right away, thus increasing my relationship with the Mongols.
Jouda said:
How about an option "Liberate the city"? If the city formerly belonged i.e. to the Mongols, then it was captured by the French and I am the one to capture the city, it would go to the Mongols again right away, thus increasing my relationship with the Mongols.

Hey that's a great idea also. :D

I think it would take a bit more programming though... you'd have to record a city ownership history which could be called each time a city is captured so that it can check whether or not it is eligible to be given back. ;)
Agent 009 said:
I think it would take a bit more programming though... you'd have to record a city ownership history which could be called each time a city is captured so that it can check whether or not it is eligible to be given back. ;)
There is already an array storing what civs have owned a city. The problem is deciding which civ(s) you can liberate it to. Wouldn't make much sense to give back a city which has been owned by someone else for 3000 years, nor giving it to a civ which doesn't have any territory nearby anymore.
True Snarko, but to have the idea would be nice. There have been and there still are many territories that cause conflicts between countries as to which country it belongs to. This could also be nice as an option that would help in the 20th century. Example, US liberates Kuwait City and wants to give it back to the Kuwatis.
pap1723 said:
True Snarko, but to have the idea would be nice. There have been and there still are many territories that cause conflicts between countries as to which country it belongs to. This could also be nice as an option that would help in the 20th century. Example, US liberates Kuwait City and wants to give it back to the Kuwatis.

Techincally US and Kuwait were allied in the first Gulf War, and to my knowlegde it is already possible to give a city back to an allied (or have I missed something, at least the code is already in the vanilla SDK)

Thanks for the ideas, I will work a little on them and see how they will turn into something. I will comment a little later, right now I need some food!!! :cool:
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