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More Civlizations = epic game!


Aug 23, 2012
Virginia U.S.A

I have been playing Civilization since civ 1 I have played every version of the game including the SNES version. sooooo, why am I wasting your time? Well as a history buff (I think we all are to enjoy this type of game) I want to play on the largest most acurate map of the world possible and be able to try and turn the tide of history in any way I see fit.

I have been lucky enough to find a remarkable huge earth map in "Play the world Extended" It is by far the best most accurate map I have come across since TSL map pack in classic civ 5. The author did such a good job on this map I would have been willing to buy it as DLC! and I don't do that often!

What my long winded ass needs help with is I cannot figure out a way to change the maximum amount of playable civilizations on a map at one time in the Civ 5 mod builder and would like the help of any one who knows how. This map is sooo huge it could easily acoomidate all the "Official" civilizations as well as DLC civ's and maby some custom ones with room to spare! And that is counting the city states! (most of them)

I want to add more civilizations to my game so if you know how please email me or respond.

It is my understanding that the computer's work out is comming from animating the graphics of the size of the map and not from the number of civ's or at least not to the same extent. I have already played a scenario from start to finnish on this map and I think I will be able to handle it. I want to add a ton more civ's because the map is so huge that empires can easily be 10-20 citys big with massive armies to defend them and that is without invading any opposing civ's! (unless you are in europe. Its kinda crowded ) Even France and germany who often get bottled in have room for 3-4 cities and rome has room for 3 or 4 on the map!

Monsters like Russia, China Mongolia are just dominating though so I want to add the extra civs in to fill more space (in there true locations of coarse) and hopefully reduce the size of monster civ's like russia or china or atleast give them some compitition in the early game to make it easy for small nations like England Italy and other european countries to compete militarily and technologicaly

so you know my reasoning. I want more civ's on the map at one time I don't care how many I want them all!

the Civ slut
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