• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

CivBattleRoyale Season 4 (CBR X4)


CFC Mod Archivist & Social Media Helper
Sep 24, 2016
Hey guys, I recently stumbled across the Civ 5 Battle Royale (CBR) discord and after speaking to some of the guys there and some of our staff here I figured why not cover their stuff in a thread here as they do some pretty darn cool stuff. They have a pretty big following and anything that keeps the flame of Civ5 alive and strong as newer Civ games come out is always a good thing! Each of their seasons lasts quite a long time so it's rather fortuitous timing that I bumped into them right before the new season 4 kicks off. :)

Screenshot from last season CBRX3


Their operation is huge but the concept of the show is pretty simple! On a massive world map, 61 AI Civilizations got at it to see which one can be the last one standing. All Civilizations are chosen by the audience of the civbattleroyale reddit group and part of the fun is helping narrate the story collectively along with original content and putting your support behind one of the competitors. No human intervention in the show as a several months long game is recorded and then curated into episodes across the action. Episodes are narrated by members of their 10k+ sized community cheering on the AIs on their unpredictable route to victory.

Their subreddit sidebar has most of the key information people need to have access to, but below are several good places to start and participate with the show.
Main CBR Reddit group: https://www.reddit.com/r/civbattleroyale/
CSS enabled CBR Subreddit: https://old.reddit.com/r/civbattleroyale/
Discord group: https://discord.gg/hWxJAXEmyT
More info about the CBR: https://civbattleroyale.tv/archive/what-is-the-civ-battle-royale/
Main website and episode blog: https://civbattleroyale.tv/

Each episode in a season is also covered in video too. Their new season 4 has just kicked off here:

Their previous recently finished season 3 series playlist can be found here:

And their earlier seasons 2 and 1 playlists can be found here:

Season 4 Updates:

05/11/2023 - CBR X4 Voting Regions Map & List:

10/11/2023 - CBR X4 Voting Registration Thread:

25/11/2023 - CBR X4 Voting Period:

09/01/2024 - CBRX S4 Voting Results Completed:

08/03/2024 - CBR X4 Begins Soon!:

21/03/2024 - CBR X4 Episode 1:

27/04/2024 - New CBR X4 Episodes 2-6:
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05/11/2023 - CBR X4 Voting Regions Map & List:


"Link to the sheet with a list of all available civs as well as their designs: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1VdYQmF7Y3KHxqWCtFIujTN06PndUdUUxs_ceAFwLNGQ/edit?usp=sharing
Note that some starting locations are up for adjustment depending on which other civs get picked as long as its somewhat ambiguous and/or there are other choices. For example, if Gujarat got picked, Pakistan would be moved to Islamabad and Pratihara to Kannauj."

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10/11/2023 - CBR X4 Voting Registration Thread:


"Just as with the previous season, there is a voting registration required for the voting of the roster for Season 4.
All you have to do is very simple:

  1. You need to have a Reddit account. If you are unable to register a Reddit account, let us know through Discord to be able to work with you to make sure you are included.
  2. Leave a response in the [Reddit Post comments area] with the text Registered.
  3. When you vote in the external site, you will need to type in your Reddit username as it appears exactly for your ballot to be accepted.
Voting registration will be open from [10th November 2023] until the third week of voting. Keep checking up on the subreddit for updates to know when the registration period is closed."
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25/11/2023 - CBRX S4 Voting Beings:

"Season 4 Voting for the candidates in Europe will be open from now until Monday 4am EST (10am UTC / GMT).
Voting Link
Reminder that you must register in the Voting Registration Thread for your ballot to be included.
Results will be posted before the start of the next round of voting."

Each region voting is in weekly segments:
Week 1 - Europe: Regions 1-10
Week 2 - Africa: Regions 15-22
Week 3 - West Asia: Regions 11-14; 23-26
Week 4 - East Asia: Regions 27; 31-35
Week 5 - South Asia/Pacific: Regions 28-30; 36-42
Week 6 - North America: Regions 43-48
Week 7 - Latin America: Regions 49-54

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08/03/2024 - CBR X4 Begins Soon!:

"CBRX Returns Wednesday the 20th

Hello ladies and lads, after much testing and pulling of hair out with mysterious bugs, recording for Season 4 has begun
Because in two weeks of recording half the game is covered, we are now going to prepare for the release of episodes starting March 20th
Last season was the best yet, despite several bugs and annoyances propping up to slow us down. This time around we did a deep dive to all our code and addressed just about everything that can possibly be addressed
The result is a game that runs even better than what we were already capable of achieving last year, and we hope we can once again deliver a show that defies expectation
Join us in two weeks for the start of a new season of Civilization Battle Royale!"
27/04/2024 - New CBR X4 Episodes 2-6:

The guys have been busy and we've got 5 more episodes from their action packed season 4!

Episode 2 Lady Dracula:

Episode 3 Wheel of Fortune:

Episode 4 Of bloody wars, exalted souls, and prospering cities:

Episode 5 Turning Tides:

Episode 6 Shifting Sands:
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