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More Modern and Future Era Content.


Feb 24, 2013
The future era has all of three and a half technologies and one unit besides ship parts, that unit is the GDR, it is basically just super-cavalry that requires 2 Uranium instead of a horse. Not that interesting.

This is an idea for a mod / update / expansion / Civ VI feature that contains ultra-modern units and beyond, as well as a few overlooked modern units.

Modern Era:

New unit: Anti-ballistic missile
Land unit, has a 50% chance to kill incoming nuclear missiles in a radius of 2 tiles IF it is set to armed. self-destructs upon doing so. (go in order)
Visual range: 2
Costs: 800 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Advanced ballistics.
Type and stats: Counts as a civilian unit, can stack like normal missiles, land unit.
Moves: 3
Notes: not surefire at all. Highly expensive to stop nukes with.

New unit: Spy plane
Long range air unit, cannot bomb cities or units or destroy other aircraft, but can perform spy missions, keeping the area visible for the remainder of your turn and allowing you to investigate details of cities there (stats, what is being built, where citizens are, etc).

By default, it has a 100% chance of remaining invisible, however: each citizen in a city that can see it and each unit that can see it multiply this value by 0.98. Mobile SAMs can hit it, but jet fighters and AA-guns cannot. Mobile SAMs also count as 4 units in terms of seeing it, where as AA-guns count as 2 (they are looking up into the sky.)
Visual range: 4
Costs: 1125 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Computers.
Type and stats: Aircraft, invisible(Spy plane).
Range: 20
Notes: Good for recon over a city, then bombing it or choosing how to strike, also serves as a sort of nuke-alarm.

New unit: Stealth Spy plane
A spyplane on steroids

By default, it has a 100% chance of remaining invisible, however: each citizen in a city that can see it and each unit that can see it multiply this value by 0.99. Mobile SAMs can hit it, but jet fighters and AA-guns cannot. Mobile SAMs also count as 4 units in terms of seeing it, where as AA-guns count as 2 (they are looking up into the sky.)
Visual range: 6
Costs: 1275 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Computers AND radar.
Type and stats: Aircraft, invisible(Spy plane).
Range: 20
Notes: Good for recon over a city, then bombing it or choosing how to strike, also serves as a sort of nuke-alarm.

New unit: Stealth Spy plane
A spy plane on steroids, very hard to see, even harder to hit, and with an easily intercontinental range and giant visual radius.

All city's populations are treated as 1 in terms of visibility.

Mobile SAMs cannot hit it.

Costs: 1275 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Computers AND Stealth.
Type and stats: Aircraft, invisible(Spy plane).
Range: 30
Notes: Good for recon over a city, then bombing it or choosing how to strike, also serves as a sort of nuke-alarm.

New unit: Drone
As a spy plane, but all unit and civilian counts are tripled. Can be shot down normally.
Also has the ability to attack units, but not cities, however, it can attack and damage units in cities and pillage improvements by attacking them.
Costs: 800 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Robotics AND Rocketry AND Stealth.
Type and stats: Aircraft, invisible(Spy plane). 60 ranged strength (remember that it only attacks units), 0 evasion unless it remains invisible.
Range: 10
Notes: Very Multi-purpose and cheap, can spy, bomb, sight, harass...

New unit: ICBM
As a normal nuclear missile, but absurdly far-reaching.
Costs: 3000 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Visual range: 2
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Computers AND Satellites AND Advanced Ballistics.
Type and stats: Missile
Range: 30
Notes: basically a Long-ranged nuclear missile.

New unit: Anti-missile aircraft
A gigantic fighter-like aircraft, has a 50% chance to kill incoming nuclear missiles in a radius of 3 tiles IF it is set to intercept. very portable and cheap to operate.
Visual range: 3
Costs: 1275 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Lasers AND Computers.
Type and stats: Aircraft, not cleared by fighters.
Range: 20
Notes: basically a 747 with a laser mounted on it.

New national wonder: Nuclear-defense Satellites
A project which provides a global 80% kill rate on all nuclear missiles launched against you. However, each successive nuclear missile in a single turn decreases this by a factor of 0.8.
Required Tech: Lasers AND Satellites AND Robotics.
Costs: 6000 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern

New Building:Uranium refinery
Makes nuclear weapons built in the city much cheaper, also doubles one of your mined Uranium.
Reduces cost of atomic bomb built in the city by 60%, reduces cost of all other nukes by 80%. (yes, 600 on marathon, I know, this wouldn't be that bad for balance, especially with the myriad of ways to stop nukes.)
Maintenance: 3
Requires a factory
Costs: 4000 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Modern
Required Tech: Atomic Theory.
Notes: Build in interior cities to start the nuclear arms race... or build in your one-city capital and threaten doom upon your neighbors! Essentially makes nukes plausible as a weapon of mass destruction. (what country would be afraid of one nuke in Civ? but 5 nukes? that is scary.)

Future Era:

New Technology: Artificial intelligence
Required Tech: Robotics.
Costs: 10000 Science on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future

New unit: Drone Fighter
Highly agile drone, holds its own against fighters, bombers, drones and other units.
As a normal drone, but invisibility penalty is gone. and can fight air units effectively. Also detects invisible (Spy plane) units as if it were 20 units
Visual range: 5
Costs: 1275 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Artificial Intelligence AND Rocketry AND Stealth
Type and stats: Aircraft, invisible(Spy plane). 90 ranged strength (remember that it only attacks units), interception is the same as a jet fighter, evasion is 50.
Range: 15
Notes: Quite possibly the most versatile unit in the game.

New unit: Hypersonic spy plane
As the High-altitude spy-plane, but better, cannot be detected except by each other set to scan and some future-era units.
Automatically detects all aircraft in its flight path.
Visual range: 8
Costs: 1500 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Artificial Intelligence AND Advanced Ballistics AND Stealth
Type and stats: Aircraft, invisible(Spy plane).
Range: Infinity
Notes: Extremely long-ranged.

New Building:Directed Energy Turret
A large stationary weapon, can attack or intercept anything within visual range, also counts as 50 units for spy plane-detection and can detect all aircraft. It can defend 4 times per turn, and automatically intercepts with a strength of 150, most-likely destroying them in one shot.
Visual range: 4
Costs: 1500 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Artificial Intelligence AND Nuclear Fusion (must have a Fusion Plant).
Notes: Tesla Death Ray!

New Building:Fusion Plant
Much like the nuclear plant. But better and without the uranium cost.
Requires a factory
Costs: 2000 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Nuclear Fusion.
Notes: Totally clean independent high-energy sustainable power!

New Unit: Automaton
Extremely quick to build infantry designed to swarm other units and small cities. They also have a lower
Visual range: 2
Costs: 750 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Artificial Intelligence AND Lasers AND Nanotechnology
Type and stats: Infantry, 50 Strength, multiple can be stacked in cities but only 1 can defend at once. Non-defending Automatons stack with air units and cost no unit maintenance. An active Automaton can be set to do this.
Moves: 3
Notes: Essentially a cheap Mechanized infantry that can stack in cities and go dormant.

New Unit: Hunter
Highly lethal and universal robotic special infantry unit. Can attack and kill air units in the same manner as a jet fighter, but can move on the ground with intercept on. Can also go target units inside cities, tearing through city defenses and if it survives, attacking whatever is inside. Finally, it receives a bonus when on attack against a unit that is unguarded.
Visual range: 4
Costs: 2000 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Artificial Intelligence AND Fusion AND Nanotechnology
Type and stats: Infantry, 75 Strength, may rebase to any open tile. Does not cost maintenance when stored but does not contribute to city defense, +100% bonus on attacking a unit without that unit having an allied military unit in an adjacent tile or being in a city. Can enter mountains and embarks with defense. Invisible in forests, jungles, cities (even posts false defense value to enemies), when embarked (submarine), and in mountains. Can detect invisible units within 2 tiles. +100% vs. armor. Visible for one turn after attacking.
Moves: 4
Range: 8
Notes: A team of highly intelligent and calculating robotic soldiers, built for stealth and lethal surprise attacks. Designed to go behind enemy lines and sabotage enemy armor and strategy.

New Unit: Nuclear automaton
Robot with a suitcase nuke built into its frame. Cost is affected by Uranium Refinery 80% rule. Appears to be a worker (which become robotic after getting AI) to all opponents. can be set to build things, but will never make progress.
Visual range: 2
Costs: 1275 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Artificial Intelligence AND Lasers AND Nanotechnology AND Fission, Also requires a Uranium.
Type and stats: Civilian unit, May be set to explode on death or explode normally, causing a nuclear explosion and automatically killing melee attackers outright. costs one uranium.
Moves: 2
Notes: A nuclear suicide-bomb robot.


New Unit: Gundam
Additional Japanese unique unit replacing the Giant Death robot.
Visual range: 3
Costs: 1275 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Fusion
Type and stats: Infantry, No penalty vs. cities or on defense, 125 Strength. Ignores terrain penalties. +25% defending against air units.
Moves: 3
Notes: A large vehicle inspired by the versatility of the human body, only the Japanese may build it. Because of its thinner frame, it is slightly more fragile than the Giant Death Robot which it replaces. But is much more balanced and agile, giving it an advantage vs. cities and on defense, especially against air units. Finally, it ignores terrain penalties giving it an advantage in rough terrain.

New Unit: Interplanetary cannon
Has a 25% chance to kill spaceships launched by other countries, stopping their science victory. This WILL have diplomatic repercussions. Player is given an alert that another player is launching, and can decide to attack it or not. If an Interplanetary cannon has just been fired, there is a 10-turn cool-down before it can be fired again.
Visual range: 3
Costs: 3000 production on marathon, an appropriately lower amount otherwise.
Era: Future
Required Tech: Fusion AND Nanotechnology
Type and stats: Civilian Unit, must be in a city to fire. CAN be captured as itself.
Moves: 4
Notes: Massive weapons platform designed to destroy spaceships from the ground. Orbital complexities and time taken for the beam to hit make this a somewhat difficult task.
All pointless considering by the time you hit the Information era, a science victory is about to occur. Anyone doing science always bulb rushes or finishes all the techs in just a few turns, then builds the part and the games over.
Ok, what about just playing with Science Victory turned off? I do that a lot anyway.
Could work with the Civ 2 Space victory which included the time for the trip to Alpha Centauri and the possibility to launch early with fewer boosters, or later with more to overtake during the trip.
Cool Ideas. Just a few to many planes. :)
I think drones do need to be put in place, and ICBMS...the others I could personally do without. But I agree the eras are lacking some units. I also personally think the science victory needs a little tweaking...perhaps waiting the time to fly there and do some "reconnaissance" or something. I'm not too sure. But I believe it is a bit "too easy" once you are this far in the game to just do a science victory.
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