Most loved / most hated

I think the AI´s unique personalties and agendas is a nice thing but could they not let those things kick in a bit later in the game. Every one here seems to love France, well, I have been denounced by her because I did not know enough about what was going on around me since I had yet to build a spy, not scout, SPY. This was on turn 10 in the ancient era btw.
I have had Rome as my neighbour who on turn 5 complains that I have yet to settle the land around me. I mean, come on, give it some time broh...

And Egypt who with her 2 warriors and 2 slingers denounce me because I have one warrior and one slinger and that makes my army so much weaker then hers. Again, early in the ancient era.

But if I encounter Rome, France and Egypt mid game, if we perhaps started on different continents, well then they might like me from the get go.

Arabia some how usually like me and we become friends and allies, or he run over me with his Mamlucks. Same with Rome. If we make contact once my core empire is settled we can become friends there and then.

Tomyris is usually very friendly as well, her and Gilgamesh can be both a blessing or curse to start next to. They are loyal but got the early advantage to take you out if they want to.

Really dislike Kongo and Spain. They always forward settle me and complains about everything.
I too echo the hatred of Kongo, one of the few competent and threatening AI (unless you kill him). He can get huge science and culture and build huge cities relatively early on.

Love? Only Gilgamesh so far, the ONE AI who is ok with making alliances relatively early. Everyone else just hates on me for declaring war on a city-state in the classical age (which I didn't even take). :rolleyes:
So far I think I only got on with was Trajan, although I don't try too hard. I can see getting on with some others though I don't ever think that will include Monty or Qin. Oh and Teddy is useless so I kill him quickly.

Most annoying thing is that you appear to pick up warmongering penalties if you don't agree peace with an aggressor the moment he proposes it (i.e. when works out he's losing).
I think the AI´s unique personalties and agendas is a nice thing but could they not let those things kick in a bit later in the game. Every one here seems to love France, well, I have been denounced by her because I did not know enough about what was going on around me since I had yet to build a spy, not scout, SPY. This was on turn 10 in the ancient era btw.

Do you send trade delegations or no? In my experiences, France wants you to be playing the espionage and diplomacy games ASAP. For ancient to medieval eras, that means sending delegations (and maybe even trade routes) to start gaining diplomatic access to people. I've actually had her praise me as a strong opponent before I ever unlocked spies.

I do agree that most agendas overall need more time to set in, however. It's pretty silly when Trajan gets made in the first 10 turns or so.
Love :

Cleopatra - First AI I was able to be friendly with. Below Emperor its easy enough to get a strong military going, though she does seem a little schizo about it at times.

Pedro - Finally made friends with the guy after he DOW'd me (space was tight so I had to settle in his direction) and I settled for peace early. Just for that he makes the love list.

Theodore - Guys not bad actually. Initially hated him but that was pre-patch and I was a pretty horrible neighbor, forward settling on him. As long as I give him space, he's an easy enough guy to please.

Trajan - More than 4 cities seems to please him, and thats something I'm doing with regularity. Haven't been friends with him yet, but he doesn't instantly hate me like others on the list.

Hate :

Mvemba - I can't seem to please the guy, mostly because I'll start off with good intentions and have strong faith generation, only to ignore it and never bother spreading. We may start off on the right foot but it inevitably goes down hill.

Qin Shi Huang - We just can't be friends. Even on Emperor when I have few wonder chances he hates me. Play below emperor and I'll be spamming wonders. We're destined to hate each other it seems. Love his UI and UU though. Makes for a tough nut to crack if I don't go early or late.

Arabia - He seems to dislike me whether I ignore religion or not. Plus, he always shows up when there is a great Petra city to be had. And desert folklore.

Overall I'm finally starting to focus on Diplomacy after the patch and its paying off. Every game I can find at least one ally and in my last one I was able to get two allies with two others full smiley faces. Still can't get anyone to agree to a research agreement though.
Do you send trade delegations or no? In my experiences, France wants you to be playing the espionage and diplomacy games ASAP. For ancient to medieval eras, that means sending delegations (and maybe even trade routes) to start gaining diplomatic access to people. I've actually had her praise me as a strong opponent before I ever unlocked spies.

I do agree that most agendas overall need more time to set in, however. It's pretty silly when Trajan gets made in the first 10 turns or so.

I am still experimenting with trade delegations, both sending them and receiving them. I dont remember who it was but I denied their trade delegation 3 times and they where still neutral towards me. 4th time I accepted their trade delegation and the next turn they denounced me since they found out something about me with that delegation that they did not like. So some AI´s you want to keep some diplomatic distance to until you established a stronger empire.

I do notice that when I play a culturally strong Civ and get my culture rolling early I am greeted with warmer feelings for the most time. Earned respect ;)

But I will send France a trade delegation ASAP next game I meet her in and see what happens.
Weelllll.... before I got the religious borders mod, Gandhi was public enemy # 1. Now that I use the mod, little guy ain't so bad.

The 2 civs I guess I don't trust the most - which is to say, I trust them the least - are France and Rome. Rome will DoW about 100% of the time soon after a DoF. And France just likes to DoW out of the blue. Trajan is so obvious about it, its pathetic.

"Say, how about we declare our friendship?" as he has a dozen musketmen and some bombards on my border.
"Uhm, no thanks Trajan."
"Fine, fine. How about an Open Borders agreement then?"

But in a crazy world where everyone just seems to DoW for the hell of it, its hard to pick a civ to like or dislike. Every leader seems insane to some degree. I do like Philip's Fonzi smile though. Gilgamesh can make a loyal friend, but he's just such a putz.
I hate

Gandhi (throws shade when I build a warrior, likes to pounce in Ancient Era, religious spam fiend, and those Varu are cockroaches).

Roosevelt can DIAF, if only because his theme music makes me want to murder puppies

Gorgo because if she either happily devours all the city-states OR wardecs me and WILL NEVER SEEK PEACE even after I've butchered everything she has on the field. So her wars either bury me in warmonger issues or war weariness.

Pedro and Congo, because I hate digging them out of the jungle.

Good guys: Trajan, Gilgamesh, Pericles

Comedy players:

France (WHAT?!?! No trade delegation in 5 turns of meeting her? Tres imbecile!)

Cleopatra is entirely insane

Saladin/Phillip - both gripe about infidels/heresy EVEN IF THEY HAVE NO RELIGION YET
Despite the fact we always end up with some short wars, Philip is just too funny to watch.

Traian too is one of my favourite. Love the speech (maybe because i'm italian).

Gorgo and i can't get along. Never. Period.

Teddy is my favourite war target. I always bully him with diplomacy if war is not a viable option.
I think the AI´s unique personalties and agendas is a nice thing but could they not let those things kick in a bit later in the game. Every one here seems to love France, well, I have been denounced by her because I did not know enough about what was going on around me since I had yet to build a spy, not scout, SPY. This was on turn 10 in the ancient era btw.

Early game espionage revolves around sending delegations, as long as you pony up the cash (35g) when you meet a Civ, Catherine will be a good girl. Agree totally that Agenda's need a bit more nuance and timing though.... Looking at you Mvemba and Trajan :shifty:...

Love- Not entirely sure, all of 'em have been bad little children at one time or another. Gorgo is alright. She early decced me, i kicked her Ass than accepted her Peace treaty when offered, We became good friends. Peter is alright too

Hate Mvemba, Trajan, Pedro for their constant whining...Teddy because he is such a hyprocrite, always starting wars on his own continent. Catherine because she is a backstabbing snake. Pericles because he acts so high and mighty but always decc's me for the common good or some rubbish. Monty for being Monty...all Bark, no Bite.
Hate: Teddy. As soon as he says "Bully for you!" I just want to murder him.

Love: Cleopatra, because I am a manly man.
Rome, America, Sumeria.
England, Spain, Japan, Kongo, Scythia, Germany.
Aztecs, France, China.

I haven't actually had a completed game with India in in yet - I abandoned a couple due to really horsehockey start positions. I've missed a couple of civs from the list above, they'd be neutral (e.g. Egypt).
France just pisses me off because if you're in her bad books she sabotages the crap out of you, and Espionage is (I feel) massively overpowered.
A lot of the civs have annoying traits, that's all. Like Germany giving me crap for using an Envoy on a City State. I think I like America the best though, his "big, peaceful continent" philosophy fits in well with mine. Unless he's in the way then look out.
Like them all game wise as they add flavour.
Not that happy about the comic representations

cleo is insane but but in a 13 year old girl type of way.
Even ghandi is not let off
and vikkie .. well its an American game so nuff said,

They were funny at first but its like hearing the same joke a thousand times.
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