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MP Game - RewriteHistory - 18civ EARTH map historical start position


Erm persia is no more. My intention like India was merely to prevent immortals from destroying my civ and not to conqour but since persia has left his capital undefended and india is poised ready to take it I have no choice but to change my plans. I offer my regrets to the deposed persian king.

If you had only built a warrior before you built a worker, then not only would you be able to build immortals in complete security but you would also still be ruling you kingdom.
everyone rush teh arabian aggressorz while their valiant clubman armies are deployed elsewhere!
Well it is a wargame after all. It would be pretty boring if the game went full term without a war ;) I've been at war since turn one and can understand why. Purely a tactical decision from what I've seen .... with the enemy fortified on my Iron resource ;)

As for the civ stats reverting to the original ..... now that explains why I've not been receiving new turn reports as I unregsitered from that game lol
This is a pre-emptive defensive action aimed solely at preventing or at least delaying persia from developing immortals. This is not conquest.

Zen, that was just wrong to publicly state your actions and then go against that due to convenience. I hope you are ready to work alone as no one can trust you now.
if I understand the situation correctly, had elkad done the sane thing - defend the city instead of the worker, he wouldn't be dead
if his worker is defended, then zen and adrian can't really delay him from immortals, can they? - and that was the goal...
I wonder how many nations will make it to the modern age... I'm guessing 9 or so.
I do have quite a big handicap actually, I start on the rather dry deserty arabian pennisula, expansion west is blocked by egypt, expansion east by persia, north by ottomans, and south (east coast of africa) by water and the zulu. I will very likely be boxed in quite early. Also the one special resource I have in abundance (oil) is not available until very late in the game. In my situation knowledge of the map won't help me because the big advantage of knowing the map is knowing where the settlable islands are but my location is too far from any of them to help me. Also there are no goodie huts. Another thing it is a big map so after some time of playing I will have probably have forgotten where all the unrevealed resources are.

If you think that is not sufficient a handicap then how about I be the only civ that can't declare war for the first 40 turns (but anyone can declare war on me)?

QFT, 40 turns indeed, it became 25 turns :)
Understandably this dramatic turn of events has resulted in a storm of comment.

@ Bamf. Honestly I really didn't intend to conqour but when my warrior entered his territory his capital was undefended and on the turn that India was able to take his capital so was I. So if I didn't take his capital India would. We are allies but I would rather be the one to capture the worker parked there. Sorry if that seems dishonest to you. But I don't think ANY other player including elkad would have done any different in my shoes.

@ Provo. The no war for arabia for 40 turns was offered as a handicap but since no one seemed in favour and some said it was too big a handicap I didn't 'activate' it.

BTW - In a MP game once I was eliminated in turn 6!! :eek: Probably the fastest elimination ever.
if I understand the situation correctly, had elkad done the sane thing - defend the city instead of the worker, he wouldn't be dead
if his worker is defended, then zen and adrian can't really delay him from immortals, can they? - and that was the goal...

Go after the warrior and the worker. Goal accomplished.
In a game where there are no rules against very early waring this should be expected by everyone and as such planned for...
Understandably this dramatic turn of events has resulted in a storm of comment.

@ Bamf. Honestly I really didn't intend to conqour but when my warrior entered his territory his capital was undefended and on the turn that India was able to take his capital so was I. So if I didn't take his capital India would. We are allies but I would rather be the one to capture the worker parked there. Sorry if that seems dishonest to you. But I don't think ANY other player including elkad would have done any different in my shoes.

I don't fault you for taking it. I do fault you for making a grandiose post to EVERYONE claiming the intentions of you and India (or whoever it was). War is a part of the game as is conquest. But, to publicly state one thing and on the very next turn (or so it seemed) completely disregard such statements seems wrong to me. If anything needed to be said, I think it should have been done after the fact and not before.
Nope i am just chatting away... I am interested in how pitboss games in general work out though..
Not only did he break his word, he double-moved me to do it.

Had I gotten to make my move, my warrior would have made it back to my capital.

So the rest of you. Your game host double-moves in time of war.
Purely a tactical decision from what I've seen .... with the enemy fortified on my Iron resource ;)

Minor correction, my friend, your resource is marble. ;) :D
I wasn't witnessing this dramatic early clash of three nations, but I consider double-moving against opponent during wartime - whether intentional or not - rather unsportsmanlike. :nono:
How is it a double move? I thought a double move was when you wait until last thing to play your turn and then on the new turn move immediately. On the turn I took your captial I moved at a later time than on the last turn.

So how is that a double move?

And I never gave my word that I was not going to take an undefended capital. And it is dishonest of you to imply that I did. I only stated my intention was to delay immortals and that did not intend conquest. But an undefended capital is quite another thing.
New turn
I move
You move (and declare war)
New turn
You move again (less than 2 hours after the new turn started), without giving me an opportunity to move.

You moved twice without giving me a chance to move inbetween, thus its a double-move.
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