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MP Game - RewriteHistory - 18civ EARTH map historical start position

My ISP is spotty today....hopefully they get their act together soon.
Rebooted entire network....I think we are good to go!
I'll fill in.

Try to give me a civ that hasn't been noobed up too badly. :crazyeye:

PM me the info.
I can't actually make any changes to civstats, I don't have Admin priviledges, and can't figure out how to get them.
ok. I'm using my old persia login to get turn flip emails. A bit annoying, but it works.
It's back up.....

@ bamf226.....that is NOT the correct IP....it starts with 5.157.xxx.xxx
Not sure what to do. R1EarthGame is full and BTS-History isn't linked to the game. ANy suggestions? Ronnie, this illustrates why I didn't want to use Hamachi. Jump through hoops to hit a brick wall.
Ronnie. The Hamachi network is full. People can't join Hamachi, and thus can't play their turns. You need to kick some of the eliminated players out of it to make room. blww is one, not sure who else. (hoplo? STORE2?)

Also, please have the server join the Hamachi network BTS-history (same pass as game). This will provide a backup network in case we get full again.
ISP problem....should be up now.

I added the other network....but I don't think it matters.

I needed to reload farther back because the timer was almost out....Levgree needs to replay. Sorry
Sorry Herc...didn't notice that you were in when I reloaded....Elkad was right, ...either way, you would have had to replay, as it was the only way to get enough time on the clock for everyone.
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