[MULTI] [AAR] Paranoid New World


Apr 2, 2014

Game Setup and Idea

Hello everyone!

Idea of the thread is to write AAR-stories of multiplayer game, from the point of view of each civilization. AAR:s consist of a more or less fictional part, describing things that happened during the game session for a particular player and civilization, and another spoiler-tagged part, that considers the players view of other civilizations and their players. Therefore, readers of the thread can have a complete picture of things that players are planning to do and what they think about other players, while players try to avoid going totally paranoid about each others intentions.

Game time is on Tuesday, but it may change if needed.

Feel free to ask questions, give tips or just comment about something you find interesting, fun or annoying. I'll update this first post after the game starts, including the game settings etc.

Game settings
Version: BNW, the latest one
Map Type: Continents
Map Size: Small
Speed: Standard
Difficulty: Emperor
Victory conditions: All
Civilizations: 4 Players Random, 16 City States

Spoiler House Rules :
1. War

War starts from a declaration of war in chat-box. Declarations will be given at the end of a turn prior first game turn of war.

All warfare will be done in turn based format, including moving, upgrading, fortifying of all player units. The player declaring the war gets the first turn. During this first players turn, the second player is not allowed to move, upgrade or any other way use units.

The turn is changes to second player after first player is ready. This information is given on chat-box. The following game turns will be played in this format, until the war ends.

2. Diplomacy during a war

Players do not give away their cities to a third party during a war or right after a declaration of peace.

Previous games

Something bugs in Spain Completed!
Sacrifice for Gods Sacrificed for bugs
Something Bugs In Spain was an amazing read. Looking forward to this one!
Turns 1-160

Part 1, The Beginning

The Benelovent Leader of Siam. Is that painting ready yet? No? Damn, it is really hot and humid here! I'm this close to almost losing my nice smile.

"People of Siam! My name is Ramkhama.. Ramcha.. Ra.. oh for.. you shall know me as Rammy! And there! There is the land, where we shall build our home! No, not on that spot, you fool! For those are flood plains and there we shall grow our flood. I mean food! Instead, we shall live on those hills just next to us, for the hills are always easier to defend!"

And so, even when people had no idea who were they suppose to defend themselves, the Empire of Siam was born, led by the most benevolent of the stuttering leaders, Ramkhamhaeng. Histories of the Empire tell us that at first there were some problems with barbarians who were many and had only destruction their heart. They were defeated. As Siamese scouts traveled across the land they soon learned that the world is an island. A small continent where only Siamese Empire grows in its solitude with small city states of Singapore in south, and Lhasa and Vilnius in north.

Barbarians proved to be nuisance, but quite short lived on

However Rammy was not pleased of this. No, he knew there must be more in the world and so, after exploring all of the corners of Siamese Empire, scouts were send over the narrow sea West from the Empire, and it was there where Siamese found the Ottomans. Other scouts were send to the east and there was where the Greeks lived.

Ottomans were found just across the narrow sea. Not so far, not so far at all..

To represent this new understanding of the world, the capital Sukhotai was renamed Jokhotai, or as it was explained to the people, 'Either.. Or'. Siamese explorers made still many quests to find the worlds most remote corners and during those quests. They found the civilizations of Inkas and Greece and many new city states among those greater empires and eventually they even proved the world to be round, thus proving the ottoman belief of kebab shaped world false.

Do you visit the cloud district often? Oh what I am saying. Of course not. It is somewhere there, anyway..

Why are my cities named like this? Is someone making fun of my speaking challenges? Oh, right. They can't understand a word about what I'm saying.

In home, more cities were found. Si Satchanalai and later Muang Saluang were found just in the center of Empire and even later a new city of Sukhotai to northernmost reach of the home island. Those will be of course, renamed in the following years but for now Rammy has no idea what those names should be. The great wonders of Great Lighthouse and Collossus were build to show the benevolence of Siamese.

And people were pondering about the spiritual things also. There was a need to explain things. Great things, like "Why does the sun shine on day, but not in night?" and little things like "Why water is so wet?" Indeed, people had really too much time in their hands, so Rammy had to found a organized religion. So the religion of 'Wats Learning' was found to be spread among those ignorant souls, whom live in all and every corner of the world. Other civilizations had their religions too, however infidel they were. Even so, Siamese made many diplomatic agreenments with those people, most notably with Inkas and Greece.

Eventually, in the year 1000 AD, Rammy decided to rest for a while. A lot was done, but yet more was to be done. Lets do that next time.

Spoiler Siamese View of the World, not for other players to see :
The Siamese Empire

The Siamese Empire. Cities are growing nicely, but I do not like the lack of production at the moment. Can't beat the Ottomans by throwing rice at them.

Siam had a decent start. While there was not too much space for cities (Siam only has 4) there was good enough spots to build 4 cities with a lot of space around them. I placed all of my cities on coast. While this has its downside, by being damn dangerous, it also helps to build a large navy that I will need to win the game, or even to survive with both Ottomans and Greece on the map.

Siam is not my favorite civilization because it requires heavy use of City States to get everything out of its special ability. Generally I like more civilizations that have either special abilities that enhance their own cities, or trade or use of resources. However, I managed to get nice gold production on going, so this should make it possible to fully utilize this ability.

I ran out of places to build cities quite fast and Ottomans were too fast to block me from founding cities on their continent. The solution for this is quite straight forward, but Siam probably needs to act in next 100 turns, or otherwise it might prove quite hard to make war against civilization with double number of cities.

Other Civilizations

Ottomans - The main threat

At this point it seems that ottomans are the main threat. They have plenty of space to build cities (basically more than double of that of Siam) and their neighbor the Inkas had a bad starting place right next to them, across a small inland sea and were blocked from the eastern part of their continent by Ottomans.

Ottomans are leading the tech race at the moment, but they may have problems with happiness. Their special ability makes them even more dangerous, so I probably need to start a preemptive war against them.

Inkas - The most likely ally

Inkas had clearly worst starting place in the game. The area where they could build was roughly a half of those of the Ottomans and mostly hills and plains. It remains to be seen if player can adapt to this start, but it might be possible to get Inkas on war with Ottomans at the same time, or some time after the I have started the war.

There is however many city states around Inkas, so they might just try to grab some of those (I even encouraged her to do this, so there would be stronger ally against Ottomans) and ally the rest.

Greece - Playing its own game

Greece is on its own island, east from Siam and west from Inkan/Ottoman continent. There is a lot of smaller islands as well. As a starting place it was a little bit smaller, but maybe a little bit better also. Greece already has the largest population in the game and I know by experience that the player of Greece can really build a tall Empire.

While Greece is not immediate threat, it is threat on long term. If the player wants to, he has a good change on just sitting there and building up his Empire. Greece is also, of course probably the largest threat on Siams city state allies, since it can use its special ability to crab those allies. However, Athens seems to be on coast..

Demographics and Victory points

Greek population is significantly larger than Siams. Production is OK, but I'd like to get more especially on my second and third city. GNP is nice and that is how it should stay, to keep and get more city state allies and friends.

Land, well Ottomans are in clear lead. Soldiers, well I though I was in lead couple of turns before the end, but so it seems that Ottomans have gone past. I know they also have at least as good technology as Siam, so this could become interesting.

Victory Points
675 - Striker - Ottomans
566 - Forodus - Greece
566 - Tzaari - Siam
495 - pj - Inkas

Striker has a lead in Victory points, with most cities and also most wonders build in game so far. After that it is quite close between Greece, Siam and Inkas. Inkas have only three cities though, so that partly explains the cap in points.
Turns 160-222

Part 2, War and Such Maneuvers

No, this not going to happen

After consideration, Rammy decided to not attack Ottomans for there were other things to do. Mainly building Wonders of world in Siam. Many such wonders were build, among of those the Notre Dame and Angor Wat. Also as planned, cities of Muang Saluang and Si Satchanalai were renamed as cities of Happy Ending and Noodels.. because the Muang Saluang was near the Western End of Siamese continent and Noodels, well there was noodles made in the city but Rammy misspelled the name. At the same time Wats Learning spread across the Siamese Empire and its City State allies and many ignorants were converted. However, not many Wats were build when Siam researched the technology of universities, because Ottomans declared a war.

It was the forces of Kabul whom strike the first strike

Ottoman Siamese War

Ottomans had started to build up their army early on and now they were ready to start the war. No reason was given, but from Siamese point of view Ottomans just wanted Happy Ending. Initial Ottoman Attack was only partly successful. Siamese triremes were too fast for Ottoman counterparts. Thus, Siam divided its navy after the first assault and ottomans tried to follow the divided units. Little did they know; Fleet of brand new Siamese galleas were already on the way to .

Failed Ottoman Attack leaves ottoman fleet damaged

Ottoman fleet destroyed, Siamese retreat to safe distance

Siamese Counter Attack was successful and ottoman navy was devastated after the first engagements. Only one Siamese triremee was lost to Ottoman boarding party. It was soon enough destroyed by Siamese ships. After the battle for on high seas ended, the war was shifted to skirmishes between Ottoman land forces and Siamese navy and land units. Rammy was not pleased however, so a plan was made to take Ottoman cities. Few Siamese land units were send to skirmish against ottoman land forces East from Bursa, while the navy attacked Kebab Hisari. By claiming the city of Bursa for price of peace, Ottomans were deluded to send their units to defend the city. The main assault was however planned to Kebab Hisari, that was taken by Siamese navy successfully.

Manouvers to take Kebab Hisari.. wait, 'maneuvers'

Men with sticks with explosions and bullets are better than men with only sticks, however long those might be

War had been going on for a while now. While entertaining, Rammy did not want to keep on conquering Ottoman lands because of happiness issues. So when first Siamese musketmen were presented in the front lines, making it obvious that Siam now had superior technology as well as superior numbers against ottomans, a peace offer was made for ottomans who agreed and Bursa was given to Siam.

Siam managed fairly well after the war. Since there was only 4 cities in the Empire before war and only 6 after the war, happiness stayed positive. Siam had build musketmen during the war, therefore researching the technology to build them early on, but this was not without consequences. Many of the technologies that were ignored during the war had to be researched now.

It was however clear that peace between Siam and Ottomans could not last forever. Ottoman army was placed near the cities of Kebab Hisari and Bursa and clearly they were preparing for continuation of hostilities. But this time Siam was faster. A new war was declared on turn 222.

Spoiler Siamese View of the World (not for other players to see) :

Second war begins

Siamese Empire

After the war with Ottomans there was slight issues with happiness but these are now overcome. Siam does not lead in technology, but this is not so much an issue when having the key technologies of warfare the moment: Musketmen, Cannons and Navigation. Production is good, food prod can be good but Siam cant really use it at the moment.

In Social Policies, after completing the tradition I went to Patronage for soul reason to keep the Greece out of my continents City States.

Plan for the war with ottomans is following: Take Konya by ships and then divide Ottoman cities on land and then take Istanbul. If ottomans try to attack Kebab Hisari, that's only good thing, for it keeps his forces away from north coast and I can still defend the city with forces around it at the moment. Key point after taking Konya is to prevent Ottomans building up new units and moving them around.

Other Civilizations


Ottomans are on the weak side now. They have the smallest population, while still having 5 cities. This makes a bad science development also. While ottomans have lots of land units left (they also have Landsknecht and since I don't think ottomans have city state ally, they are bought with commerce) I don't think they have enough production power to keep the army supplied.

Ottomans made friendship agreement with Greece not long ago. While Greece did scout my naval units north from the ottoman coast, I don't think there is much more than a plan for research pact going on.


Inkas have now 4 cities. I don't think they will interfere the Siamese war with Ottomans on either side, although I do hope they would come to aid Siam, while hoping they don't support ottomans. I expect her to go for peaceful victory option by trying for Science Victory, but failing in this, since Inkas should (in my opinion) take couple of cities from ottomans for just to be more secured militarily.


Greece is still minding his own business, but I would not be too surprised if Greece gears up for war to help Ottomans. Siamese west coast is defended well enough at the moment. I have however been scouting his trade routes with city states to possibly blunder them if the war starts to cripple his economy.

Keeping the war between Siam and Ottomans going would surely be a good thing for Greece, because it can buy time for Greece it needs to develop.

Demographics and Victory points

Sorry, totally forgot to take screenshot from demographics. I recall Siam being either second or first in everything, expect population and food, where Greece is still leading. Research might have been only third, but still only 2-3% worse than leader.

Victory Points
901 - Tzaari - Siam
833 - Forodus - Greece
795 - Striker - Ottomans
768 - pj - Inkas

Couple of new wonders and conquest of Bursa and Kebab Hisari put Siam in lead. Greece is developing in steady pace, while Ottomans went down. Inkas also constructed some wonders and fourth city and I expect them to bypass Ottomans soon enough.
Nice job repulsing the Ottomans. :goodjob:
Nice job repulsing the Ottomans. :goodjob:

Thanks! Although I have to admit, Siam was probably more ready for that war than ottomans tought, since ahem, being ready for that war. :D

Spoiler Not for other players :
Also Great Lighthouse is really Great. Ottomans did follow one of my trireme with two of his almost half of their continent, just to understand that I have been playing with him..
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