It was a very hot day. I sat Happily admiring how my used 3.2 pentium 4 enjoyed such fast turn times on massive maps Civ3. Storm clouds had gathered while I sat comfy counting seperate stacks of doom consisting over 100+ units each and all based a continent away. At least 3 my offshores spys had spotted, all from differant nations! It was one mighty alliance with one goal: to elimate my biggest threat. The current points leader would soon be no more...What a great battle to catch on film!!
The tempature in the room was stifiling hot. On top, my computer was running like crazy gearin for massive conflict. Its fan blew hot air for the ceiling fan to circulate.
I was lookin forward to cool rain promised by the dark clouds above and sheer carnage with AI casualtys in record number following the huge battle brewing below. Suddenly Im jolted by a bright flash! then ficker, followed by a tremendous .. BOOMMM!!!! My computer had instantly been fried. Some strange odour I can only discribe as 'power scented' lingered in the air far longer then I could bare. It was my computers last breath...
So Ya, has this happened to anyone?
At the time the fan was workin really hard. The rig was upgraded around it you see. Its the oldest part
When I took Civ3 past a few hundred turns on these sized maps It sounded like its ready to take off. The speed at which turns flew by astounded me, I even wrote here about it. So I just put on earphones and made due with the noise. It would never go on when I was on the net (btw Im on my crap 2/0 dell right now)
All the stuff hooked up to the same power bar works perfectly. SO IM askin DID CIv3 help to kill my computer? Cuz I was playin massive huge maps and making its usual growl when lighting hit but I had never played this huge when it was this hot out. Mybe it was just to much at one time ?
Another Q: How much does it cost to replace starter? is it like car where I have to order from manufacture or can any store be of service?
Thanks for any help or same story. I can't be first to lose a computer this way? Feel lil good talkin bout it. It was very tramatic expierence so if noone can help at least I got some relief sharing my ordeal with others
The tempature in the room was stifiling hot. On top, my computer was running like crazy gearin for massive conflict. Its fan blew hot air for the ceiling fan to circulate.

I was lookin forward to cool rain promised by the dark clouds above and sheer carnage with AI casualtys in record number following the huge battle brewing below. Suddenly Im jolted by a bright flash! then ficker, followed by a tremendous .. BOOMMM!!!! My computer had instantly been fried. Some strange odour I can only discribe as 'power scented' lingered in the air far longer then I could bare. It was my computers last breath...

So Ya, has this happened to anyone?

When I took Civ3 past a few hundred turns on these sized maps It sounded like its ready to take off. The speed at which turns flew by astounded me, I even wrote here about it. So I just put on earphones and made due with the noise. It would never go on when I was on the net (btw Im on my crap 2/0 dell right now)
All the stuff hooked up to the same power bar works perfectly. SO IM askin DID CIv3 help to kill my computer? Cuz I was playin massive huge maps and making its usual growl when lighting hit but I had never played this huge when it was this hot out. Mybe it was just to much at one time ?
Another Q: How much does it cost to replace starter? is it like car where I have to order from manufacture or can any store be of service?
Thanks for any help or same story. I can't be first to lose a computer this way? Feel lil good talkin bout it. It was very tramatic expierence so if noone can help at least I got some relief sharing my ordeal with others