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My crazy ancient wishes

Mr Funkypants

Wo Bist Du?
Feb 18, 2004
North-Central Belgium
My wish is to play a commodore 64... I've never seen how crappy the graphics might be, and it has a cool name, and I could know how people felt in the 1980's. I wasn't alive yet then, (I'm 12) so I couldn't really know. Well, bye all.:)
Actually, that would be kinda cool. i wonder, do any of then still exist? Hmmm . . . I suppose they might be collectors items. Ya, just to compare to modern graphics, it would be neat. The "evolution" of computers, from the Commodore to the Labtop, actually, no, to the Handheld Computer. Hehe, silly me, labtops are out of date.

Dang it, I shouldd've have let my Dad get rid of our old 386 . . .
God, I hate it that you kids from the nineties are no longer in elementary school. You all make me feel so old.
Originally posted by Toasty
God, I hate it that you kids from the nineties are no longer in elementary school. You all make me feel so old.

Yes Dad.

[/blatant spam]
You'd probably think that it stunk. At least, one of those gaming sites had several people your age play those old systems and that was the general opinion.

Personally, I'll still take mario on the 8 bit nintendo than most of the PS2/Xbox crap out there.
I actually have a friend who programs the beasts (actually he uses a Commodore 128), but honestly the real fun lies in the Apple II's, Odell Lake, Oregon Trail (that game was so huge it tok two 5 inch floppies to run, you'd have to switch disks at ft. Laramie), Number Munchers, remember the Toggles, those were awesome!
Oregon trail rocks! That was the coolest game. That, and the artillery one. Man, I miss Ultima IV on the //e.

Try going to ebay, you might be able to pick one up there. There's plenty of people around here that could help with the OS on it.
I sold my C64 with all original games and a couple of Tac2's for the equivalent of about 10 dollars in 1995. Worst deal I ever made. :(

I'd so like to play Paperboy, Track&Field, Last Ninja and Rambo again. And who can forget the orgasmic Stroker 64?
Originally posted by Perfection
I actually have a friend who programs the beasts (actually he uses a Commodore 128), but honestly the real fun lies in the Apple II's, Odell Lake, Oregon Trail (that game was so huge it tok two 5 inch floppies to run, you'd have to switch disks at ft. Laramie), Number Munchers, remember the Toggles, those were awesome!

I have Oregon trial for my old Mac. (more advanced, no need to switch disks)
I used to play that. We used to have an amstrad, with the proper floppy disks, about 10 inches across, and we had a boxing game nno graphics, so you had to type the moves you did in! It gave you affedback "You punch him" "You headbutt, referee warns you". If you set up a match between two computer playes, it is over within a few seconds. :lol: :lol:
I think I actually still have one in my attic. I really should dig it up one of these days.
oregon trail was awesome. i dont know if anyone else played them, but there were a few other games i played a lot (though they were a little newer than OT): Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego and Master of Mischief. for the old nes (which i still have) i love gunsmoke and the ninja turtles arcade game, both of which i still play from time to time
Just wondering if anyone had the Michael Jackson video game. It was colled "Moonwalker" and there was his music in the background. You could do all of this acrobatic stuff. I never got past the first level.
Originally posted by General Porkins
oregon trail was awesome. i dont know if anyone else played them, but there were a few other games i played a lot (though they were a little newer than OT): Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego and Master of Mischief. for the old nes (which i still have) i love gunsmoke and the ninja turtles arcade game, both of which i still play from time to time

Ah, Carmen Sandiego. And Oregon Trail. Those were the games that got me glued to the monitor for hours. Shooting those deer in Oregon Trail 2 is still fun. :D
Sometimes what the early machines lacked in speed, capacity and graphics sophistication is made up for in ingenuity. What about the text games? I had endless hours of challenging fun with the "Zork" series and (before it was banned by copyright) "A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy".
There was a Hitchhiker text game? That's awesome.

On Topic, I still like old games (Ocarina of Time, Mario, Donkey Kong), but good games are still beign made.
I played Odell Down Under & Oregon Trail. But my favorite was Yukon Ho or Yukon Trail, don't remember - this was back in the day when computer games actually had substance ;) On a PC, though - I've never used a floppy disk in my life except for installing old apps.
Anyone ever played James Pond?
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