My Current Game


Duke of Morpork
Mar 23, 2001
My current game is like this:
5 Civilizations
Warlord (I've only played for two months)
Roving Bands
Don't Restart Eliminated Players.

I'm playing the Russians and are going for "Conquer the World" (first time). I've conquered the Egyptians and the Germans and are on my way trying to eliminate the Americans. They have a Democracy, so I can't incite revolts, but I suppose they'll change government soon (they have to, don't they? At least I had). I'm playing Fundamentalism. The last civ in my game is the Babylonians, but they are quite small and the Americans are the only ones posing a real threat to me. The year is AD 1822.
Any comments?

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Only comment: Play on at least King level. I know, I know, you've only been playing for two months. But you CAN survive at King, and you just need to get your feet wet. I know, I played at Prince for maybe a year before I tried King. And I was amazed at how simple it was to discard my lousy tactics from the lower levels. Now I always win at King level, and I do reasonably well at the higher levels. Try it and see, you won't be disappointed.

It takes a big man to cry, but it takes a bigger man to laugh at THAT man.
I'll give it a try. I promise.

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My update on this game, as a newspaper...

The Russian Daily
18th January 1893

Our great leader, Patriarch Lenin, said in a radio speech today that a victory in America was very close. We have already conquered the city of Boston, an important strategical city. This city may produce soldiers for our campaign to conquer the Americans' capital, Washington, and Philadelphia. We also control the cities of New Orleans, Cincinnati, Denver, San Fransisco and Baltimore.
An excerpt from Lenin's speech: "Those bloody Democratic Americans are going to be wiped out from the surface of the Earth! I do not want any Democracies in the world! Although our warmachine experiences a bit of trouble, we're going to conquer Washington in 1910."

The population in the Holy Russian Empire is at the moment 43,010,000. If we manage to conquer Washington and Philadelphia soon, estimates show that the population will grow to the amazing number of 45 million in 1890!

RSB (Russian Statistics Bureau) has announced that the pollution in the Holy Russian Empire has increased to 180 tons, thus making this a major problem in our Empire. Leader of REO (Russian Engineer Organization) says that they can't clear up the world pollution before next year. If pollution problems aren't solved will this, according to Odessian researcher Alexandr Zarovnyi, lead to a global warming in about 1920.

In the last year, the Holy Russian Empires GNP was as high as 85 billion rubles, or 1485 million in the accursed currency of the Americans.

Life expectancy in the Holy Russian Empire is at the moment 78 years! Lenin has announced that this will increase to 80 years before 1890.

After building its fifth Wonder of the World, Moscow is the best city in the world, even with a population of a mere 910,000. In second place comes Novgorod, with two Wonders and a population of 2,530,000.

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Thank you, gar13
Moscow is so small because it's in the middle of a forest and I haven't irrigated it yet (I usually forget to build Engineers). It did grow quite a lot when I irrigated all around it.
BTW, finished in 1945. Conquered America in 1936 after quite a hard struggle. I hate playing against Democracies! How on earth do the AI manage to play with them...
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And may this man <IMG SRC="" border=0> recover!

[This message has been edited by Håkon (edited April 04, 2001).]

[This message has been edited by Håkon (edited April 17, 2001).]
I just finished a game on Prince level (yes, yes, Flatlander, I know, but last time I tried on King I was ravaged) with only nine cities (I wanted to irrigate the land and then suddenly I didn't found any cities). Finished by sending a spaceship to Alpha Centauri in 1932, six years ahead of the Babylonians (I think). I could have managed much more, but I traded Space Flight for Labor Union. Bang. Trouble. Anyway, I managed to buy me some Structurals and even though those Babylonians sent their SS in '23, and I in '26 I won.

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I can't even get past Cheiftain!!! I always conquer early so I always win. I can survive on anything before deity, but since I ALWAYS use the sane strategy, I can't win on anything past Chieftain!!!! Any suggestions for a new strategy I might use?

BTW, am i in the wrong thread?
My army carries spades, that is to say it is an army of settlers and engineers.

Build guarding unit
Build Settler, Build Settler, Build Settler... etc.
Use these to build roads out to your next city sites so expansion is easier.
When you meat an enemy Civ build around them and placate them.
When you cover most of your continent, build up your forces in your outskirt cities, and improve you inner cities with your leftover settlers.

NB: allways have a core to your civ, where you can upgrade your cities from the start and build all the wonders.

Now is your army big enough? yes... build more, and factories to produce them faster. Oh dear running out of time, build that ship send it off and try to conqure the world (apart from one city) in 11.6 years :).

I useually get bored of this plan around 200AD and go off on a crusade (A wonderfully placed unit also ;)), but that plan has seen me thorugh all difficulty levels to King.
The other evening I was bored and had a couple of hours to kill so I decided to mess about with Civ 2. I played as the Romans, on a small map and chieftain level, in an attempt to conquer the world as quickly as possible. I wandered round and got a NON horseman and a NON chariot and the other civs just never had a chance after that. It was all a case of how long it would take me to find them. I destroyed Washington in 3450BC and Tenochtitlan in about 3150BC and then moved on, looking for Memphis and Persepolis. Eventually I succeeded in wiping out the Chinese and then the Spanish in 1820BC, which was a little disappointing but the only reason I didn't finish earlier was because I went the wrong way searching for these reborn civs. I did have 10 cities when I finished, and all the ancient wonders! :lol:
I'd be interested to hear how anyone else has done with these conditions (there is no option to cancel restarts on the PS). I'm sure I could do it quicker if I wasn't bothered about building the wonders and if there hadn't been a big lake right in the middle of the map. But it kept me amused for all of an hour or so. :)
I recently played a game on Deity. Early on, the Barbs captured 2 of my cities, but I took them back around 600 AD. Then, I sailed to another continent (My starting continent having already been fully populized). There, I met the aggressive mongols, Who, by 1200, had wiped my therr cities off thier continent. I gon SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO fed up that I forever discontinued that game.
heheh I finally ventured out from Chieftain this past weekend, I got like 160% from conquering the world in Warlord, in Prince I landed a space ship around 1712 and got 50 something%, on my King 2nd try I landed a space ship (winning the space race by about 2 years) at 1908 and got 43%, then I tried Emperor, I was doing alright.. most advanced, had like Democracy at 1 AD was really expanding fast.. then some aggressive civ came to my island with horsemen and legions. I had 2 musketeers in all my cities and they were all veterans, but every time they attacked they won, i don't get it

i gave up after they got two cities

aim me at notkmad
or MSN me at

and I'll play you some games and teach you how I play, it's not the best but it's an improvement most likely

do it before the 3rd because i'm leaving for a week
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