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My Immortal 1

Thanks! Ye, warmonger in me wants to go for Domination/Conquest. Or I'll die trying. :lol: With all the Hindu cities I'll switch to it when GAge starts - I'll rather micro war then spread another religion.

I have 4 universities, one is 10T away and Machu Picchu will get sixth and then Oxford in capitol - that should be more then enough to stay ahead of everyone.
I have 4 universities, one is 10T away and Machu Picchu will get sixth and then Oxford in capitol - that should be more then enough to stay ahead of everyone.

Well, I guess if you already have four...but no sneaking in Temples, Monasteries, Markets or other non-Cuirassier builds into any production queues, ok?
Wow, unexpected. Me like! :blush:
I'll try to refrain from unnecessary builds and go all-in on units. Will continue soon. :)
1300 AD

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I scouted WK and decided to start the war asap. Queued some L-bows in old HC's cities so I can whip them next turn and send chariots & Cho-ko-nu's on front line. Traded Edu for Banking with Lizzy and told her to research Const. Got another GEng and decided to hurry Versailles in Tianjin and send other one in Cuzco to hurry West Point soon. Switched research to Econ, still few turns binary. In 1020AD got Versailles, sold PPress to WK (he had 2T to go) for 110 gold, DoW'd him and came next to Seoul.
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He attack my stack weakening his defense in his capitol, but he weakened my stack as well - so I spent 1T bombarding and healing while 2. GEng hurried WPoint in Cuzco (720 out of 800 hammers needed). In 1140AD finished Taj, started GAge, captured Seoul (loosing treb & cat) and he capitulated. Traded him Guilds for Compass, he can continue researching SMethod. With the gold I got from capitulation I upgraded 3 chariots to cuirs. Converted to Hindu, I'll wait for Econ to switch civics. And yes of course, I'm still building temples & forges & c'houses and last 3 missionaries.
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Traded Edu for Optics with WK and gifted him Seoul back. In 1160AD got GMerchant from Econ - he'll wait ~6T for next GP. Switched to Rep, FMarket & Theo. Lost my marble city to Lizzy's culture (didn't know that's even possible from vassal) and started moving my stack toward SB after they healed. Traded DRight, Philo & Banking for Astro with WK while researching RParts. From here onward I kept research at 50%.
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In 1200AD SB capped Ragnar, I DoW'd him, split my stack in 2 equal parts and turn later captured 2 of his cities, loosing 2 trebs & cat. In 1220AD got another GEng! They'll wait till last turn of GAge to prolong it, in case I change my mind.
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In 1230AD WK finished SMethod (traded him RParts & Nat) and Lizzy finished Const (traded her GPowder, Lib & MT). Told her to research Democracy and had to gift Chem to WK so he can research Steam Power. Turn later SB came with his stack on the open and I smashed it with such a joy! Researching Rifling.
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Lizzy tried yet again for diplo win, but now I have vast majority of votes and I'll abstain forever. In 1270AD captured 3. SB's city while researching Biology. I just can't stop teching! I upgraded ~ 15 units to cavs and went for his capitol. Captured it in 1290AD. He has 3GG's settled there, so that finally takes away his 4-promo units - now I don't need trebs anymore, cavs should be enough to get him faster. Too bad all that didn't happened few turns earlier; he'd cap by now if he didn't cap Ragnar. If I listened to advice and went all in on units...now I sent WK to attack city S-SE of SB's capitol and Lizzy SW. I'll go NW-N, toward Ragnar. Got 2. GMedic, that'll speed up things.
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Now I do build units (cavs and some trebs to upgrade'em when I get Steel) and will continue with only units (Theology) and I think I'll switch to Vassalage and Police State as well - after Biology I'll just get Physics & Communism, vassals will get some more (Steel & ALine). Maybe RR, just so workers will have something to do. Will see how long will the game last after that. Yep, looks like this one is in the bag.
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  • My Immortal 1 - Dubioza AD-1300.CivBeyondSwordSave
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And yes of course, I'm still building temples & forges & c'houses and last 3 missionaries.


No seriously, looks like a very good job. This thread is great not only because you seem to be good at this game but also because you give a lot of information on what you did to get into a winning position, especially trades.

You got a great techrate by 1300AD already (and some of the AIs are amazingly backwards), but one word of advice if trying these things on Deity: stacks get a lot bigger and more advanced there, so you'll have to sacrifice some of your techrate to get more units out quickly via whips - having a non-capital city of size 20 when going for Domination is just wrong. Of course, Deity AIs also tech faster, so it's a fine line to walk - get out enough units to win the current war while maintaining enough of a techrate to get to the next military techs for future wars (though often a Bureaucracy capital on its own coupled with conquest gold is enough to get you there).
Yes I've seen quite a few Deity games and I've said that I don't think that's the style I'd enjoy; boxed in way too early, 4-6 cities cuirs brake-out, non-stop whipping to size 4-6 everything except capitol...dunno maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'll change my mind. For now I still think like that and that I'd even rather play K-mod or something on Immortal than Deity. Once Immortal becomes (too) easy. There's a long way to that though...

1450 AD

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Started with some whips to speed things up because war weariness started to go up and I'll have to raise culture slider soon. In 1310AD captured Mound City and killed Ragnar's mini-stack out on the open and redirected WK & Lizzy to go for Ragnar's closest city while I sent some cavs toward SB's SE city and 1-move units to get SW city - it'd be faster if I get them so I don't have to worry about south. Research: Biology - Physics.
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In 1330 I got another GEng! I don't have any crucial wonders to hurry so he'll wait for that or for 2 more GP to get another GAge. Traded for Steam Power with WK and told him to research Steel. Now this is the Levee I like to get - one of 3 I built, only ones that can be finished in under 5T and get 15+ hammers (#3).
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In 1340 captured Snaketown, 1350 Mesa Verde and Arhaica. He's down to 4 cities and Ragnar is bigger than him, but still no brake-off or capitulation. I got a bit careless and loose a few cavs (some to RNG, they were all >80%), but I wanted to finish this way quickly - culture slider was @20% and rising. In 1360 captured Moundville but failed @ Nanih Waiya.
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Captured it next turn when Lizzy tried 5th or 6th time for diplo win. Captured Bantu as well adn left him with 1 city. He's still stubborn, I guess I'll have to kill him completely then. Which I did in 1380AD and on that turn Ragnar capitulated.
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Gifted Nanih Waiya and Goth to Lizzy and traded for Democracy with her. She'll research Corp next. Gifted Snaketown to Ragnar and Anhaica & Chaco Canyon to WK. In 1400 got GS from Physics and started on Communism. Queued some Airships instantly. In 1410 got yet another GEng (19%)! Turn later traded for Corp.
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In 1430AD sold Lib to Ramesses and DoW'd him. On 1st turn of war captured one, on 2nd another city and he capitulated. Gifted everything I could to everyone and partially bulbed techs I could with 2GEng & GS. And I was just about to get GSpy from Communism for another GAge and would have GEng for 1 more wonder. And was just about to get another GP another turn later. Ohh well...
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1450 AD Conquest Victory!
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And cities that made this possible:
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Bureau Capitol wouldn't be nearly as good nor developed as fast without helper cities:
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They are not always possible (neither is Bureau Capitol) but when they are, just make sure they have enough food for themselves after they give shared tiles back to capitol. Only negative aspect is that this requires a lot of micro. But it's worth it! Those cities were building units, whipping them when they grew to 8-12 (when growth to another size would take too long; 6-10T, but it depends) and they even created first few GP. I'm not saying my way is perfect, but it's good enough and timing of swapping towns back was pretty good - when I had enough happy cap in capitol to swap them back. When they were towns or very close to towns. There, that should get you started with accepting overlap - and this, Bureau Capitol is only one reason why overlap is good!
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Congrats on your win!

If you want to keep playing Immortal, you could always do what shakabrade did a couple of years back and start a series with frustrating Immortal maps - those with little opportunities for commerce, aggressive neighbours, boxed-in positions etc.
Thanks! :)

Yep, that looks fun! Time will tell...

Thanks for all the feedback, info & tips! Sorry if I failed any, will try to think harder in the future. :)

I had great time doing this, hope we all learned something!
True, I see that! It's hard not to build some late infra though. :mischief:
Could've stop teching after Rifling too, to have more than enough gold to upgrade to Cavs & Rifles. And should've abandon waiting for Trebs after Cavs (only few times, luckily). With all that I could've attack SB before he capped Ragnar. Yep, 20T for sure! Otoh I'm just happy I won! ;)
Just plain Cuirassiers would be enough on Immortal (and some random games on Deity when the AI purposely decides to neglect military techs). Turn off the slider and start whipping :whipped:
Very nice game :goodjob: And with some margin too :)
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