My most desired mod for Civ VI


Oct 31, 2005
Longview, Texas
I have to say the game is shaping up to be amazing!

With all the changes to the game and a better 'emphasis' terrain I am hoping we get a mod that does what 'In game editor' did.

I loved giving myself an initial 'grand' start on terrain.

Now, I will always play the first games mod free to get a feel of how hard the game is and how it was designed to play. I am good with that.

However my preferred play style is huge maps with many civs but some terrain editing on my end.

What mods are you looking forward to seeing again in Civ VI?

Happy Civing!
None really. I usually start looking for them when I've played several hundred hours and am looking for something new.
I would be interested in modding of victory conditions and score values of things^^
also terrain generation features

There's one guy, not sure who, who modded in a Religious and Economic victory for CiV. I wonder if he'll try and do something similar for VI.
I have an idea for a mod that is partly based on the (excellent) game Invisible Inc. Specifically, the way the "Incognita" computer program works in that game. No idea if I'll have time to make it or if it will be practical once we see how spying works. But the basic idea is that you would have a number of "casting points" available per turn to try to burst through "firewalls" on cities to break through their security, using a variety of "programs." The actual terms used would support a general sense of espionage as opposed to specifically computer programs.
(From Civ6 - General Discussions > Civ - Ideas & Suggestions > Score and the Score Victory, post #10)

I appreciate that I am in a small minority here, but ...

I want virtually ALL games to be WIN by SCORE on the LAST turn (i.e., 500 @ civ5/standard speed). Give bonus points, either flat or proportional to standard score, for obtaining domination/culture/science/diplo victory conditions. Others might achieve a VC before you, but you might achieve multiple VCs.
It's suppose to be the 'TEST of TIME', bleep it!

I suppose if you do a conquest victory, the game may end early. ;)

I sincerely believe this should be an optional victory condition. I wouldn't want to impose this on others. :) :)
Well, I plan to play vanilla for a while until I figure out how much I enjoy it. If I like it well enough unmodded, I assume I'll play it that way for quite a while.

But, well, if the mood strikes... I have a great idea for a mod to suit my own personal tastes. I'd call it "The Stack of Doom" ;)
Does this thread belong in another sub-forum?

The first thing I can think of is I'd like a mode where you can view the world completely in "map mode" where everything is covered in that nice looking fog of war.

And in addition, I'd like for empire and continent names to be spelled out on that map, along with empire and continent borders in that sepia color. To really make an antique map of your civ world. I think people would love to take screenshots of their world maps.
Moderator Action: Moved to Creation & Customization
You'll find more discussion about desired Civ6 mods in this thread.
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