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My top 5 favourite obscure terms in CivFanatics that would confuzzle a novice...

Crdnl Richelieu

Sep 21, 2005
1. Tech whore
2. Economic Victory
3. REX
4. "I used a GA to get a GA"

And my favourite...

5. Deep Bulb
A good list!

I remember stumbling into CivFanatics forums last summer when I had bought Civ IV complete and I was totally confused by lines such as:

"Hatty DoWd Izzy and whipped several WCs against Nappy's HAs and cats." :confused:
I'd go more for 'rasist', 'downtown' and 'Poland is in northern Africa', but hey, your list will do. :goodjob:
A good list!

I remember stumbling into CivFanatics forums last summer when I had bought Civ IV complete and I was totally confused by lines such as:

"Hatty DoWd Izzy and whipped several WCs against Nappy's HAs and cats." :confused:
:lol: That's a good one. It is true that to decipher some of the abbreviations require frequent visits to list of common acronyms before you'll learn the ropes, while later on one doesn't even realize that he speaks in gibberish :D
I never understood what DoW meant.

Is it declaration of war?
I never understood what DoW meant.

Is it declaration of war?

It is, and can be used as either a noun or a verb.
I still dont know what bulby is ive played civ for three years to now let me make one. I lv tp civ i beeline ah for vps then whip up a wotw with my ge then i make a uu with my ub to pwn ai. Tranclation: i love to play civ i skip technoligies to get animal husbandry for victory points, then i rush a wonder of the world with my great engineer then i make a special unit with my special build to diss the artificial inteligiance.

approx: 57 letters abreiviated

approx: 172 normal
OK, it's not an abbreviation... However I remember a brilliant Civ 3 SG story several years ago on Diety, where a runaway AI recently built the UN in his capital. They played as peaceloving Gandhi and sent a caravan of cute looking War Elephants through "enemy" territory, directly to their capital. Then they RoP-raped the AI, sent a nuke to his capital, conquered the city with their elephants and won the game by diplomacy...!

This was legendary :king:
WHEOOHRN had me stumped for quite a while.

'I'd refused Nappy's demands for my phants, so it was no suprise to see him go into WHEOOHRN'.
WHEOOHRN had me stumped for quite a while.

Me too.

It drives me nuts when people write CiV, cIV, CIV etc. with the version being referred to depending on how it's been capitalised. Surely it takes less effort to hit the right number for the game than to work out which letters to capitalise? :crazyeye:

4. "I used a GA to get a GA"

Yeah, that and references to "a GP" (in Civ 4) which could mean either a great prophet or a generic great person...
similar problem in Civ 3: GL = Great Lighthouse, Great Library or Great Leader

I think most used GLH for the Lighthouse to avoid that problem. Of course, you can say you used a GL to rush the GL (although you'd probably use it for the FP).
When I was new I was confused by OP meaning "original poster" and "over powered."

Also, I still can't see SoD without thinking Stormtroopers of Death. Nor do I want to.
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